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Everything posted by Raederz

  1. added names for paid ticket (all names are ign copy/pasted from mailbox)
  2. PIKACHU SHINY LOTTERY ________________ 17th Raederz Shiny Lottery - 100 Tickets - 70k$ per ticket ________________ Mâle Pikachu - Staff Member Beaminator will pick the winner when all tickets sold - "Random numbers" will be ignored. - Buy tickets here, so people can see wich tickets are already reserved. - Only paid tickets are reserved. Pay mailing the money to "Raederz" ingame. (Do not fail on the name.) - The time I recieve the mail prevales on the time you posted here, in case of 2 players on the same ticket. - Tickets : GL
  3. Ye, as long as u can find shiny ditto for a bit more than 10m, it sounds like a good estimation of the gap between female and male price but is 250 the female or male price
  4. Willing to sell em. As u can find in my shop, I valued them like : 16m poli 8m wobb 7.5 pika 8m sableye Havent go many offers, maybe it's just cuz the game's dead, maybe not, feel free to discuss it, but don't give troll values or staff won't be nice to u
  5. I dont specifically need it to be rare species, not even the current cave species, just more variety. Many species are not that valuable, but cool to hunt for a shiny hunter, see, I never sell any of the shinies I hunt. Some exemples of non-expensive cool (may be subjective lol) shinies that have no hordes : Nidorans Weedle Caterpie Abra Krabby Ledyba Sunkern Wooper Swinub Phanpy Wurmple Makhuita Baltoy Spinda ... Btw, I'm not againt valuable mons here, but that's definitely not my main motivation Also, ofc you can call it a niche, but, still, this is a lot of people that are getting locked on the same "hunting pool" from long. I don't know much about game development but, it doesnt looks like something too time consuming to set up regarding that the mechanic already exist, it's all about editing encounter pool right ? Maybe I'm not in the best position to affirm that but, imo, it's little effort to make many very-active players happy. (Btw, Unova will bring many new horde spots, but still, I've been thinking about this suggestion from long, more variety is never bad)
  6. Hi. Altering cave have such a cool concept with the cycles. But sadly theres no hordes, making the caves unused. Maybe one pleb go in there sometimes being curious, but that's still sad from a cave with these cool cycles. My point is, adding hordes here would be really cool, having different hordes in the different cycles. I remember some "horde rotation" got suggested in the past, to give shiny hunters more variety/choice, this would be a nice alternative.
  7. Raederz


    In real life, if u try to do all your trades with potatoes, you can still live, but it's harder, cuz they are not many ppl willing to trade things for potatoes. Still, u can trade potatoes, but is potato a currency ? We're mixing currency meanings, making some nonsense in the discussion. We both a telling truth in a certani way so I dont see the point of arguing more. My point is not theoric but how the game is rn, and pokeyen is for me the only currency (in an economic senses, directly related to trades, ofc pokemon may be seen as a currency, but honestly, never seen someone calling "WTS [...] LF 5 pokemons" (assuming a currency is non-differenciable thing, if someone is looking for a specific pokemon, its not a currency anymore).
  8. Raederz


    Man it's just linear conversion Also you cant compare currency from these mobile games, that are definitely not part of any economy with our yens
  9. Raederz


    Nah man, trades like pokemon for pokemon, are always related to the yen value. Also, having more than one currency in a game like pokemmo, would have no impact on anything. Would be just like having km and miles. There's one only way to "convert" it, and you can value what u want in on or another currency, for the same result. Bartering is a thing when u have no choice. Here, trading 2 pokemon that have the same value just means that both traders paid the same, regarding yen value. BP, RP arent meant to be traded, but stuff u get with that can be traded, and for that, we use their yen value. (This is a lot for some off topic, but ye, u pointing something that is definitely not a con on this suggestion)
  10. Raederz


    It's hard to talk about economy in english for me, but here u're totally wrong. Before currency, there was "barter" (from google translate). Makes shit way to value stuff (hard to find something with the exact same value as the stuff u want, to trade it) Currency is an intermediary for trades, making values more precise. This is currency. Currency isnt something u trade or everything would be currency,, words are meant to be used for what they mean. You cant use pokeyen in gift shop, but who cares ? Currency is about trades, not about generating stuff, trade are between players here. BP, RP, and the suggested PokeCoins are meant to generate stuff, not to trade anything.
  11. Raederz


    Currency manage trades. Battle Point is definitely not a currency, and calling pokemon and item a currencies is weird af, and the suggested "pokecoins" wouldnt be a currency. Just a way to have the choice on your reward. There is no link with currency in that, and many MMO use that, like "[...] tokens" or idk how they call it, to give a choice for different rewards from one only thing.
  12. Just that some shiny prices are gonna drop af
  13. added sableye / lp update
  14. Raederz


    I agree that this MMO need more "side goals", out of shiny hunting, storyline, and competitive events
  15. Took me 320 max repels (and many hours) tho.
  16. Yo, is repel trick still possible to find legendaries ? I'm looking for Rayquaza and already wasted 300 max repel (makes 75.000 steps, pretty huge ?). Need a confirm.
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