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Abraham's Achievements

  1. You must provide an English translation
  2. The Chamber of Secrets : This is the place where the names that are found will be put, with the people who find them. Shadow = Osuki (Axoa) : found by Kamimiii Mysterious One = Goldblazed : found by Leviticus Salty Knight = XPLOZ : found by Leviticus Drunk = lilyek : found by 001 Wooden Staff = Zehkar : found by xSparkie Danton = Guerinf : found by Leviticus Gardener = Schuchty : found by Kaynine
  3. Night was falling on PokeMMO, when a mysterious Prophet, animated by an overflowing inspiration, decided to tell the community the ins and outs of the French Civil Wars. For some reason, this coward Prophet decided to stop the story. That being said, the Word must be poured out, this is why I created a new thread. Grab' some other popcorns, it's far from over. Here is the beginning of the story, written by the coward Prophet : (this is a fiction based on true facts) The 1st French Civil War : The 2nd French Civil War : The 3rd French Civil War (1st part) : All the characters and factions got falsified names. You can try to find them on this thread. I will edit it each time that a name was found.
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