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Everything posted by Sparky

  1. interesting. so its after every battle, not after so many steps?
  2. will you be accepting duel requests from fans, and what level range?
  3. l agree. Could someone explain pickup to me though? I sortof know how it works, but I have never experienced its effects.
  4. dang... thats pretty cool looking. Kinda wish i could have it in game :D
  5. I like this. I myself have never experienced the boon of pickup before, and this looks like it would make it worth it to have a couple different pickup pokes at varying levels, just to vary what items you could get based on what you needed. I support.
  6. I agree that it would be a nice change, but I doubt they would tweak the map 'just because of convenience', they would be more likely to change it if it was like 50% of the map was flawed, though, I guarantee ya.
  7. Raichu + Umbreon, or Umbreon + Raichu, whichever looks better ;)
  8. You guys still recruiting? Currently looking for a team that is active in PokeMMO, and I haven't found one yet.
  9. Can't wait to have our first offical team meeting :) EDIT: Dropping out due to team inactivity
  10. Sparky


    looking for ya ingame, at the meeting place, waiting for you guys to add me in :D
  11. I am on right now, waiting for you. I can stay on till around 5-6 PM EST, at most
  12. I look forward to helping the guild and contributing however I can. I was thinking we could meet on the top floor of celadon department store, channel 5, since A: celadon store sells hyper beam, and B: hyper beam has 5 PP
  13. Oh wow... I like this,I like this a LOT! IGN: RaichuFTW How will i contribute: I am a all electric type user for one, so i can be a 'gym leader'. I also love breeding to death, so whichever helps the team Proof: You can Pass IVS or natures to baby pokes with the right items, like everstones and power items, and gym leaders ALWAYS have their 'mascot' poke. for me, its RAICHU! EDIT: Oops, missed details, fixed
  14. This... this is awesome. If only more people could see that point.
  15. Sparky


    thanks. I lost though :(
  16. Sparky


    Wish me luck! competing in the pikacup today, hoping to win that shiny pikachu. I will edit this to say how I did. EDIT: Lost :(
  17. Sparky


    just curious, but what is ONE feature you guys are looking forward to MOST? Mine is breeding, kinda obvious.
  18. *looks at picture *wants to shoot crystals for crits *wants to collect crystals for money it so reminds me of a borderlands 2 crystalic or however you spell that xD
  19. Sparky


    lol at picture. anyways, once breeding is added, is there any specific way you guys want me to do it, or how do you want me to handle it?
  20. Sparky


    Indeed. The spectating will make it easier to run tourneys as well :D
  21. that looks creepy lol, they could have used that as raichu's spooky shiny xD
  22. true, but I've seen people do crazy stuff, so It might be do-able.
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