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Everything posted by AzizFTW

  1. AzizFTW

    Favorite Animes

    Anime is for weebs. Why would you watch it lel
  2. AzizFTW

    Laidback Zone

    You gotta be prepared, brah, didn't take my hat off even through the summer #dedication #commitment #santahat
  3. My bad. I stopped playing after breeding, so yeah lol
  4. I don't get it. Breeding a 'mon after the 30th of October, would still have your OT, right? How would you differentiate between the ones that are breeded and the ones are caught in the wild? Nevertheless, amazing prize and great event. +1 rachelucario
  5. Never mind. I did get it. Signing up now.
  6. AzizFTW

    Laidback Zone

    walking dead season 5 ep 3 cliff hanger had me like [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzishIREebw[/media]
  7. What I'd say is urh, open recruiting and first ten people who do what you need to do is signed. Just making sure, but I signed up to ESPN, PM'd you my email, but I didn't make a team simply because I don't know how to. So, am I signed up?
  8. I can't get my head around the site, it's all foreign to me, so do I have to make a team before joining a league? If so, I can't find where I make a team... Fantasy Football on BarclaysFPL is way easier lel
  9. AzizFTW

    Mega my mon! (Game)

    Farfectched Item: Farfetched-ite Ability: Super Luck 52/65/55/58/62/60 -> 52/113/40/25/60/162 SPEEDY PHYS TANK YES
  10. AzizFTW

    The Walking Dead

    Yeah, pretty much. A season finale build up to the Terminus and everyone in Terminus is dead within half an hour... Liked the episode. Carol's osum and that's that. Don't really see anything else it could lead to other than the hunt for another sanctuary
  11. AzizFTW

    Words Per Minute

    Your speed was: 760wpm. Congratulations! You made no mistakes, practice does make perfect. What does one send to the Lighthouse indeed! At any other time Lily could have suggested reasonably tea, tobacco, newspapers. But this morning everything seemed so extraordinarily uguu that a question like Nancy's "What does one send to the Lighthouse?" opened doors in one's mind that went banging and swinging to and fro and made one keep asking, in a stupefied gape, What does one send? What does one do? Why is one sitting here, after all? Get on my level, you weebs. [spoiler] Believe it or not, I cheated [/spoiler]
  12. I couldn't care less. Tea is tea and it is perfect. #PGTIPSREPRESENT
  13. Tea all day every day. Pure perfection in a cup
  14. Stay on topic, this is a serious matter. I need help mayn
  15. I lost the love of my life in a dark world
  16. AzizFTW

    Laidback Zone

    If you even understood how much I want that, jesus... Battlefront 1 & 2 represent! Amazing games had way too much fun. Bespin on BF1 was the best. I'm not even kidding brah Hopefully, DICE does it right this time 'round... ALSO IN ON PAGE 500
  17. in dont know a single thing but i'll manage
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