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Everything posted by oNYKOo

  1. I do not need an event .. I need a very good update " google translate power "
  2. champion of little cup oficial haahhaha. :P
  3. muchachos las escuelas enseñan ingles desde 1° de primaria.
  4. I speak Spanish, but I prefer English one of the languages in which you can communicate with anyone from another country.
  5. Seria bueno ONU Tener buscador del "grupo huevo" en la caja de los pokemon. es muy tedioso Tener que andar buscando en las cajas por pokemon pokemon ademas creo Que ESTO ayudaría un Ordenar Las cosas y poder ENCONTRAR Mas Rapido los raza para Realizar la crianza. Google translator: Google translator: It would be nice to have a search engine "egg groups" in the box pokemon (Box PC). It is very tedious to have to look at the pictures pokemon pokemon I also believe that this would help sort things out and be able to find the fastest race for breeding. SMART :
  6. seria bueno que agregaran al lado del nombre del player : la posición que tengan en ranking para reconocer su esfuerzo , no se si es mucho trabajo realizar esa tarea pero es solo una sugerencia . GRACIAS POR ESTE JUEGO POKEMMO google translate : It would be nice to add next to the name of the player: the position they have in ranking to recognize their effort, I do not know if it is a lot of work to do that task but it is just a suggestion. TY YOU FOR THIS GAME POKEMMO
  7. porfavor resetear el pvp ranking 1 vez por mes seria mas competitivo (=_= ") google translate Please reset pvp ranking 1 time per month would be more competitive (= _ = ")
  8. me gustaria un item o npc para cambiar el nombre , tag de nuestrs guild google translate: I would like an item or npc to change the name, tag of our guilds
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