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Everything posted by ThePrettyPetard

  1. just bumping this up a little since it got down the list fairly quickly and the lack of people commenting never got it up
  2. lol okay now i can see why staff told you to stop global isn't a good idea for that type of event hasthey would have to come to the same channel has you to be a part of it wich isn't something everyone want to do. so just use gloabal to advertise your event a few time insted then only use ch chat
  3. well at least if you kept sending message in ch chat no one but those also outside of channel saw them
  4. let me guess that room is outside of all channel like the e4 and battle frontier/tents? ... at least i am glad to see your troll side didn't completly died by becoming staff.
  5. not trying to be mean but it would be nice to have a reason sometime even if it's just "for leagal reason"or somethin else like "it would take to much time to code" cuz a plain denial could have a cuz fuck you added that it would feel the same. (gotta love the many interpretation someone can make from writen stuff)
  6. I didn't quote that rule has he/she/it never implied that he/she/it was spaming the same message over and over. I consider that sending different message has a clue every 2 minute is something that is a bit of a strentch to call spamming. but I could get your point has he/she/it is theorically spamming a message with the same goal. just one last thing for the road. remember that if regular player should be muted for spaming chat with hints for hide and seek, staff should also get their hide and seek event raided has they are doing the same thing.
  7. yeah sadly a few staff memeber just want to see us suffer and don't have fun and we can't do anything becaus of this "1. Rules related to "Chat" and communication with other users i. You will follow the instructions of PokeMMO's Staff while using PokeMMO's Services." they can basically be tyrant by making up rules for whatever bullshit reason they want to come back to the topic just saying if you do other thing than hide and seek make sure to plan all the rule before since there is nearly allways someone that will find a loophole if you left room for it. but it's allways fun to see someone do a random hide and seek tho loved those moment where i just logged in and someone was in the chat saying whoever finds me get 100k. those event are small enough that you can actually feel like you have a good chance to win something unlike in the official one that are crowded.
  8. seems like you got the record for the fastest ban from pokemmo. i got 3 word for you: I am impressed
  9. seems like you should get a real pokemon 101 lesson. that way you wouldn't have that much issue. squirtle should probably get nerfed it's to OP everyone use them all the time
  10. my guess would be that they cry becaus there is near no info at all about most of the mechanic in the game and that with the lvl cap they are much more usefull. not everyone like to be forced to ask for help to pass a game and having to read a wiki to play a game isn't much fun. we basically need more information for those newbie *cough* *cough*
  11. just saying it's usually pretty safe to trade with a rado/regular you asked in channel chat. in over 1 year that i have been playing this game i never heard of anyone being scammed by people of the channel chat becaus all of the people there are usually aware about the scaming rule.
  12. seems like something that should be in the support request section but i have a somewhat close bug when i logg in outside of unova. usually the game half crash and i need to logg out and logg in again to fix it.
  13. so why can you make good looking pink for the cat headphone but not for the base color?
  14. is it possible to have a redo on the classic stuff for better pink? the base one is pretty ugly we need more pink like the one on the cat headphone.
  15. your idea doesn't sound really fair honestly npc should be able to switch pokemon has well when they beat one of yours so that way they can fuck you over just has hard. don't you think it's better that way?
  16. there was never a need for any of this though it's just a fancy idea from the devs
  17. just saying the AI is supposed to act like a comp player would and try to predict your next move so you could have just been extremly unlucky in being predicted every time. i know it might seems a bit of a strench but if people can mannage to get 2 shiny in one day when they have a 1 in 30k chance to find one i don't see why this couldn't happen.
  18. well it could be a nice feature to see the language someone speak by clicking their name but i meant rather on the staff listing on the forum just to be able to spread the information on who speak what language.
  19. You will still be able to make surprising moveset so you don't have the same boring fight
  20. it would be a nice touch for to change this item for the newer player but i think 75% chance would be more appropriate tho becaus 25%~50% has a pretty high risk of faillure unless you meant it would raise the chance of succesfully fleing by 25%~50%. i don't know if it's something that hard to change but it's little thing that can change a good game into a perfect one.
  21. Welp why not try to summon @Kyu to see if this isn't another forgotten thing like the cleased tag quick recap for kyu if he do appear: why was smoke ball turned into a useless object in pokemmo when no one will use it that way and even if it worked like in the handheld there is no real exploit that could be done
  22. Well the syncronize has allready a bigger and better way to be exploited has redspawn said i would like to know how it would help shiny hunting in a way that isn't done allready tho if you could eleborate some more
  23. The gen 4 rom was always optional but having it or not would still let you access those item so the gen 6 rom should be just has optional
  24. the idea is fairly simple get rid of the old text for kids in the trainer school and replace it with actual knowledge about some "advanced stuff" much more usefull for them in the long run 1. have one of the npc talk about the difference between phisical and special attack 2. maybe one for the deffense and special deffense has well 3. one that talk about basic ev training 4. maybe one telling you about the ev reducing berries (could be the same has the last one) 5. why not have one mention about the dex allowing you to see the move a pokemon can learn 6. maybe one that tells you about nature and how to tell if your pokemon is naturally more suited for some build this could potentially also be class from the teacher? yeah i have no clue how many people are in that trainer school or how it exactly work, but i think you get the point allready. this idea also has the bonus to allow older player to tell newbie to get back to school while actually helping them.
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