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TEAM THEPIA [THPA] We are a competitive team! Leader: [spoiler]ChampionEdward[/spoiler] Officers: [spoiler]None[/spoiler] Members: [spoiler]None[/spoiler] APPLICATION FORM: [spoiler] Age: IGN: Do you have good competitive pokemon (must be level 50 or higher)?: How long have you been playing PokeMMO?: [/spoiler]
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Welcome to Badass Metapod [BAMP] GIT HYPE FOR THIS GODLY MOFO We strive to be a friendly fun, active guild (something creative and honorable goes here) Council: HOIMACHINGA(aka Bane, me) Hanarak Officers: DrMidnight TrymTrim YUMETARO jellydonut Members: magnaraiz ImAndyPop CandyKittenz PandaXpres Some Team Pictures [spoiler] [/spoiler]
Welcome to the Arcanum Brotherhood Recruitment has started Name: Arcanum Tag: [Arcm] Description: Arcanum is a mystery sect of philosophers, priests, diviners and mystics. Members of the organization have dedicated their lives to acquiring knowledge about the whole PokeMMO world - thus broading their wisdom and power. They're jealously guarding secret knowledge in hidden, underground libraries. Members of the sect are often pacifist which are not using pokemons to combat. They're guided by the neutrality and peace - the rules do not allow them to participate in conflicts, but they're ordered to be mediators, referees, even judges. Finally - Arcanum adepts are divided in four factions - the Spoons (fanatics of psychic pokemons), Wings (dragon), Shades (dark) and Claws (ghost). Conditions: The candidate must be focused on the dragon, psychic, dark or ghost pokemon's type. At least one dominating Pokemon in his party should be representative of one of this types, but it's better to have more, because the position in society depends on the Arcanum Tournament which is combat of this types. Level of advancement is not important. Knowledge is important. 5 reasons why you should join Arcanum: 1. The main goal of Arcanum is to accumulate informations about the PokeMMO world - pokemos, trainer, teams, items and other stuff. This knowledge will be available only for the members, by special www with data-base of forum. The knowledge about PokeMMO is the key to be best trainer. There's easy to reach 100 lvl party, but it's hard to know everything about every pokemon, trainer and tactic. 2. There's a lot of fantastic ideas: Arcanum as a team has his own assets composite by the items donated by the members. This items (eg items to be held by pokemons) could be used by any Arcanum member. The trustee of the property is Arcanum's master (see below: "The hierarchy") - team's treasurer. Arcanum wants to create not only his own library, but also newspaper (newsletter). Arcanum has a project to create by complex, organizated breeding an upper pokemons in psychic, ghost, dark and dragon species. There's also a concept of creating a firt, public (to my knowledge) Arcanum Bank. Soon, in the cooperation with other team (eg Team Rocket?) we will start first PokeMMO lottery. 3. The Arcanum use to be high RPG guild. The players from Arcm shouldn't use in game words like "lol" or "wtf", but they should be a guardian of a climate and poke-atmosphere. We're all here to feel like a real pokemon trainers, that's why this game was developed, and I'm really disapointed when someone's breaking that by asking me eg for a level of my pokemon. 4. If the Arcanum will develop even as the gift shop in PokeMMO, the founder of Arcanum (lawyer in RL) is plaining to registrate legal association in one of Europeans countries to create legal personality and achieve possibility to collect money for the purposes of Arcanum. If, for example, PokeMMO administrators will release some strong psychic pokemon by large amount of dollars, the members of Arcanum will be first to achieve him, because they will be dispore their own assets in real world. 5. It's the only team directly focused on 4 types of pokemons: ghost, dark, psychic and dragons. Since that, Arcanum is just original choice. An application: If the candidate meets the requirements, he's sending a notification with 2 informations: In Game Name and Faction which he wants to join (Psychic/Ghost/Dark/Dragon). Application could be published on the forum or sent in a pm or e-mailed to: [email protected]. After some time the candidate will receive an invitation to Arcanum Tournament, which will decide on his position in the association (hierarchy: see below). Arcanum's Desiderata - 5 rules of any Arcanum's member: 1. Wisdom - "Knowledge speaks but wisdom listiens." - the main goal of member is not combat but achieving knowledge about PokeMMO world. 2. Trust - "An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind." - Arcanum members are supporting each other. Especially, they're guarding secret knowledge of their Brotherhood. 3. Neutrality - "From the moment this war began, there was, for this state, only one policy possible, neutrality." - members of Arcanum aren't engaging in large conflicts as a party - always as a mediator, arbitors and judges (eg referees in tournaments). 4. Pacisifm - "Peace is its own reward" - Arcanum's members usually don't use pokemons in battle, but they've respect for them and treat them as guides to wisdom. 5. Self-improvement - "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think." - although the use of Pokemon to fight is officially banned, a dispensation is granted, if the fight is motivated by self-improvement of the mind - in tournaments and duels. Members of Arcanum should be the one of the strongest psychic-ghost-dark-dragon trainers in PokeMMO. Hierarchy: Your position in the hierarchy in Arcanum depends on your results in the Arcanum Tournaments, which are frequently organized in every month. The rules are simple. There are 3 cycles of initiation: 1st cycle - Arcanum Peons (members) 2nd cycle - Four Arcanum Scholars (officers in team and leaders of four factions) and former, pensioned Scholars (officers in team) 3rd cycle - Arcanum Master (leader in team and treasurer) and former, pensioned Masters (leaders in team) The Scholars' references are provided by Arcanum Master. Each scholar is able to type a few Arcanum's peons to help him in his task, thus this create kind of the "department" structure inside the association. But what is most important - each scholar is a leader of one of the four factions in Arcanum - Spoons, Claws, Wings and Shades. One of the four Scholars are of course also Arcanum Master during at least one month cadency, to the next Arcanum Tournament. Master is a treasurer is responsible for the assets of the organization - lucky eggs, common, best pokemons used in the external tournaments, Shinies and other stuff. Master is always also Scholar (semi-finalist in Tournament - see below) so he's also a leader of one of factions. To reach 2nd cycle you must beat in Arcanum Tournament every opponents from your faction (eg if you're a Peon with psychic pokemons you have to beat all psychic pokemon trainers in Arcanum Tournament). Applies a system cup so if you do this, you'll enter semi-final and by this moment became Arcanum Scholar. When you once do that, you can't be degraded to peon in the next tournaments - the title is life. Current scholars are active persons on the post, when former scholars don't have any responsibilities other than single peon. To reach 3rd cycle you must beat in semi-final and final of Arcanum Tournament every opponents - is a cup system so there's 2 combats to win. As in the case of Scholars the title of Master is life, current scholar is active person on the post when the formers are enjoying peace and quiet. Of course, every former Scholar could return to the active function by the Tournament, and the same applies to the Master. The First Arcanum Tournament will be announced soon, after the recruitment. Sch. 1. An example of the hierarchy of the eight members The organizational colors: purple, gold, dark blue. The organizational signs: pointy hats and hoods. Sch. 2. An official suit (on the left) and combat suit (on the right). ... Arcanum don't ask. Arcanum listiens.
THIS TOPIC IS BEING COMPLETELY REMADE!!!!!! Old members, inbox me if you want to stay New members who want to join, sit back and wait for the reboot Do you want to become a part of the hottest Team to hit PokeMMO? Want to be apart of exclusive group-wide events such as tournaments and games? Looking for something a little more friendly competitive? Want to give back to the community of PokeMMO for a great game? THEN TEAM ALPHA IS RIGHT UP YOUR ALLEY ONLY 20 TOTAL SPOTS If you would like to be a part of Team ALPHA, message me and I'll set you up A great group only for bossy-like Pokemanz, like Charizard, Nidoking...I guess you can say a Lapras if you have rims on it (JK) An official website where you can pal around, chat, and even make requests for certain Pokemon! Exclusive group for only 20 people counting myself! This makes for an interesting ranking system and even able to make banned members public enemies! Fun! Fun! Sense of community- pal out with your nerdy Pokemon friends, both here and in-game, because real bosses give back to the community LOL Coming Soon: A sexy signature for your posts around the PokeMMO forum that reflects you and your involvement in Team ALPHA! Coming Soon: Group headquarters! Battle with the group in our little hideout, when they add the feature! Coming Soon: Voice chat, more than likely, just depends on a few factors, like how many people would be on it and what not. Still, it might be here so get your mics! Must be (or plan to be) VERY active, both forum, our website and game There is no reason for you to even ask to join ALPHA, if you know your never going to be on. ALPHA is a small guild, so we need members to be as active as humanly possible, or else we risk being swallowed up by much larger guilds. Must be able to check the guild website at least once every two days If you can't check the website we put so much effort into at least once every two days, you don't need to be in this guild. This rule goes hand in hand with the "Must be Active" rule. We don't want or need members who are never on, since we have enough of those, who are about to go head to head with the ban hammer. Must have a Profile Picture and at least 15 active posts Again, ALPHA is being planned on being a very social guild. We need the best of the best, being a small guild. So you can no longer have just one forum post and barely even set up your profile, you cannot get in just based on wanting to get in, you have to now show you can hold the title ALPHA. In short, you must be an established member of the forum. Sorry newbies. Must have a party filled with bossy PKMN I'm not going to personally hand check all your Poke'mon and deny you entrance because you have a damn weak Poke'mon. Really, there is a reason underlying with this rule, and that is that you must at least plan on trying your hand at competitive battling. We could care less who's in your party. Must love to have fun just hangin' out Being in a SOCIAL guild means you have to play your part in contributing to a little light conversation. It's okay to be a loner, but it's not okay to take room in this guild that I can easily give to a new member who would be social as hell. Forum Name (Game Name) - Rank 1) blakFYR (Jhak) - Leader 2) PacMan (PacMan) - Admin 3) 0wenee (0wenee) - Trial Admin 4) SoraXKnight (SoraXKnight) - Member 5) steff1991 (Schreiner) - Member 6) Darbloblob (Darbloblob, Darblobditto) - Member 7) Xavier (Xavier, Xaviur) - Member Hell, every other Team has em... δ Team Delta Status: Ally The Kanto Angels aka Kantouguu Status: Enemies...for some odd reason Team ALPHA may be for the elite battlers, but we also have a sincere love for the community. As a part of ALPHA, you will also uphold to these responsibilities Basic Forum Community - Be active in the forum! Some of our members (such as me) are very active in the General Discussion, Suggestions, and Support forums, you can be too. Gozo's Pokemon Giveaway - We want to help newer members as much as possible. So when we saw Gozo's generous act, we knew we had to help in any way we can. Catch rare pokemon to help Gozo help other members!
Attention Magma Members! I will be hosting a Team Magma tourney consisting of 2 branches. The beginner branch will have a lvl 30 cap with the following prizes: 3rd-Machoke, 2nd-Dratini, 1st-Dragonair. The expert branch will have a lvl 60 cap with the following prizes: 3rd-Cloyster, 2nd-Kabutops, 1st-Shiny Machoke. All pokemons are allowed. This tourney will be hosted on Sunday between 2 PM EST and 4 PM EST. We will meet at Viridian City. This tournament will be available to all members. GO TEAM MAGMA!! Come join the largest team in Pokemmo! Our goal is to have a member in every clan, every operation, every region in the Pokemon world. With the rate at which we are expanding, we will prevail! All land belongs to Team Magma! Join Team Magma by posting your IGN (in game name) in this thread. What is Team Magma about? We're about helping trainers achieve more. We're about hosting exciting events to add more to the PokeMMO experience. Above all, we're about DOMINATING EVERY LANDMASS IN POKEMMO! Rules are that only red, black, and yellows can be regular members. Blues, greens, and cyans can join and become spies and agents. However, they may not be able to participate in some Magma events, but they will have their own specialized missions. Other then that, all are free to join and all pokemanns are allowed. We host tournaments, giveaways, parades, invasions, and other events frequently, and they will all be posted here. Check this thread often in order to be part of Magma events. Our meeting place will be Cerulean Cape near Bill's house. Note: There will be new statuses given out to Magma members on September 16. Grunt statuses will be given to members who participate in 3 or more Magma events. Admin statuses will be given to Magma members who either defeat me or help me with events frequently. There will be many Magma events that will only be available to Grunts and above. Just because you are a member does not mean you can participate in every Magma event. Allies: League of Extraordinary Magikarps (LEM) Leader: Darwin Executives: Frederick Kryptod Brittlebone Members: Darwin Tyakki Enevis Talfrede Leonwoody Damascus Skwig Tarim Voyman Whiteandhigh dahlon Marqui Obane Veral Deshionie shadowkid xXFrostXx Lanshaaus Wiffles Dgtal PioZon Anonilous CatNip Pikafan Verixous Thule Rickro Pokelord Xena Shing epaRSly Frederick Xego Cloudfenrir Ozaga GraySlayerAFK Ellemanater Komuzaki Pokeent Wobabafett MFMatix kiwichii Nsain uguu Hotair Kryptod DHGPsychostick revolg Viezigheid Subane Brittlebone starwarscreature AussiePika Prodigist CobaltBlue Vascopt DunkingApe Shadowkelp Firespeaker Darven Shawky BradytheAwesome Scareragnorak Jaeyun Jroman umbreonlover Dranar Mukarael Tetsuya DarknezZMonster Gerfarfl IMsoxy Caracalla SlightlySlizzed Kokio Dilbonk InsomniaDealer Agents: ColonelXanders (Agent Leader) Krookodile Corgan Bigfoot Klyftpotatis
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- team magama
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I am creating the new upcoming group the electric porysoldiers. we are a group of trainers who battle party and trade. we accept all Pokemon but recommend that u bring steel electric and normal types. our symbol is porygon the first completely synthetic Pokemon. my screen name is flarespark on pokemmo and if you see a person named cipherblue that's my casual account but there i will not accept invites. till we meet again see ya later space cowboys -FlareSpark
- porygon pokemon
- pokemon
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[center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=6]We are Put Up Orre Shut Up, a brand new [i]competitive [/i]Pokemmo Guild![/size][/b][/center] [center][size=5]([url=""][/url])[/size][/center] [u][size=5][b]Requirements[/b][/size][/u] [size=4]Be active on the game and have a knowledge about Pokemon, or a desire to learn more about Pokemon. We will most likely be focused on the level 50 bracket.[/size] [size=5][b][u]Rules[/u][/b][/size] -Respect your guild mates. -Be active in game and Teamspeak. -Pretty much just play the game, have fun, and don't be a dick. [b][u][size=5]Events[/size][/u][/b] [size=4]-In team tournaments[/size] -The Orre Gimmick League (Coming soon) -The Orre Pre Gym League (Coming soon) [size=4][b][u]Our Team[/u][/b][/size] [b][u][size=4]Leaders (Take control of Administrative decisions)[/size][/u][/b] -PrycetheIce -IceMyr -Wolfarren [u][b]Officers (Step in when leaders are not present)[/b][/u] -Kearsten -Kamical -Wundaman (Steve) [u][b]Battle Ready Members[/b][/u] -CWMooseruler -Arid -MadWaffle [u][b]Members (People who are not qualified for our Battle Ready Membership due to lack of guild tag)[/b][/u] -NightWingx -Colonel Xanders -Lucas -StriderXD (TJ) [u][b]Honorary Members (Associated with us but not in the guild formally)[/b][/u] -xrosetea -Darkshade -Jennderbender [size=5][u][b]About Our Staff[/b][/u][/size] [size=5][size=4][b]Pryce: [/b]Co-Founder and Former Co-Leader of Fuck Yeah Seaking (FYS). Former Council Member of League of Extraordinary Magikarp (LEM).[/size][/size] [b]IceMyr[/b]: One of the original 8 of LEM and Former Council Member of League of Extraordinary Magikarp. [b]Wolfarren: [/b]Guild Cynic. [b]Kami:[/b] Former GM on World Of Warcraft. [b]Kearsten:[/b] Former GM on Ragnarok Online. [b]Wundaman (Steven): : [/b]Leadership roles on various teams from various games. (Ie: Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Runescape, etc) [u][size=5][b]How To Join[/b][/size][/u] [size=4][b]Copy and Paste this form:[/b][/size] [b]IGN:[/b] [b]Reason for Joining:[/b] [url=""][size=5][b][u]FORUMS[/u][/b][/size][/url] [b][u]Projects[/u][/b] [b]-Movesets for Morons: [/b]A comprehensive database of viable movesets for Pokemmo.
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- Guild
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This is a Team centered around the power of Ghost,Poison and Dark type Pokemon. We currently have HQ. in Lavender Town channel 2. Our home channel is channel 2. We now have a teamspeak channel members allowed The pokemmo server is Name: Password :pokemmo We are recruiting and are open to new members, if you want in find the leader on pokemmo or reply to this post. Goal: Our goal is to be the strongest team out there by wining the tournaments and recruiting members. We also strive to have fun with other members of our guild and play together. Benefits: You may have 1 ghost or poison Pokemon upon entry (must return Pokemon if you leave) The friendship the members of the guild will show you. Requirements: Must have a good team of Pokemon centered upon ghost and poison Pokemon Must be able to reach lavender town Must have fun with it :D Rivals: 2S4U (2 spooky for you) Current members: Leaders Boontini, BadgShroom Sleid Tah Imortality ScarsofFaith FunkyMeow Evesa (apprentice Guild Leader) YoNoma Taeivas Tanegasheema Serke MythicKnight ZincDeZinc Shunx
We are [sALT] Strategic Alliance of League Trainers We strive to add flavor to the PokeMMO community We are built on the four cornerstones of Support, Activeness, Leadership and Trust Greetings, everyone. I'm Finnbro and I am the leader of [sALT]. In the past, [sALT] was led by Lumbago, but due to his personal responsibilities he had to hand the torch of leadership off to me. As such, this is our rebirth of sorts on the PokeMMO forums in order to get ourselves back into the public eye. So, what exactly is Guild Salt? We are a community of trainers who are constantly improving ourselves and each other in the process of becoming stronger. We are a hivemind of competitive knowledge and a strong, tightly-knit group of battlers. We are also here to have fun and enjoy ourselves while playing the wonderful game of Pokemon together. We are currently undergoing some growing pains shifting into new management, but we are on the rise and will continue to be until we achieve our goals. If our mindset appeals to you and you would be interested in joining, please visit our website located above, post on this topic, or find me ingame (Finnbro is my IGN). We are currently a non-selective Guild, but as we grow, there may be some overhaul to the rules that were put in place when Lumbago was the leader. Current Roster: Leader: Finnbro Officers: CatPhD, Hotpot, RizTheWiz Active Members: PitchSilver, CryptCave, Grinth, DUALSHIELD, ParalyzeAttack, Peoplefish, ThePedarSag, Copperbot, xZephyrx, MakinAFI, MicrosoftSam, xXYungAceXx, Xanos, fizzylicker, Artemiseta, LukeAurio Inactives/Affiliates: Lumbago, Ouhai, TomBrady, schreiberman, Zombear, PiriPiri, WingShadowBolt, Sketchist, RaichuFTW, KantoKeeperRed, Northrn Allies: Team Cyan Team Bushido Team Sanctuary - [bKNY]
Hi ladies and gentlemen (and others). This is a post to introduce a “new” guild. The Hell Legion. Anyway, the team is not new, it has a month of existence. But I had not dared to do a post because of fear of what others will think. Just kidding. The Hell Legion is a mixed group of competitive players and beginners. We like to talk about the situation of the stock market, global inflation and melons. We want to be an antagonist team. But in a good way. We are a team that will welcome you with infernalhugs and the most epic word ever said before: Hi. We do not tolerate: racism xenophobia Sexual harassment and insults. Prolonged inactivity without a reason. Scamming or training frauds. Justin Bieber songs, joke, but seriously .... If you want to go to hell just fill the following form: In Game Name: Your first name or your nick: Where do you live:(This is for tournaments organization logistic) Occupations: (Also for Logistic) *Optional. Favorite pokemons: Favorite sin: (This is for upcoming features) But, Why anyone have to join to a guild? To answer this question i will quote an Administrator of PokeMMO (Squirtle): "In most MMORPGs, guilds are implemented as a way of bringing a small group of people closer together." You can also participate in internal tournaments, make friends, receive help and gain knowledge about training and other issues. Thats all for now. Thanks for your attention even if you only read 10% of the post. English is not my natal language. Sorry for the possible mistakes. And no, i'm not satanist.
Looking to start a new guild; "Empire." Pretty much anybody can join. Principles of the Guild: We're a guild, not an army. We stand to complete our journey with others and help out those in need along the way. Policies on other Guilds: All rivalries are friendly. We don't play to argue, or ruin friendships. We grow as a guild, making alliances and new friends. Membership privelages: Guild box - where any Pokemon (as long as the owner doesn't mind) is allowed to be borrowed. Any member can put any Pokemon that they allow to be All withdrawals and/or deposits will go through me or other high-ranking officers (pending). "Starting Pokemon" - Any player that receives membership into the guild may receive a free Pokemon of your choosing (within reason) Entry Form: Forum name: In-game name: Time Zone: Reason(s) why you want to join: Example Application: Forum name: Flamekunai In-game name: Flamekunai Time Zone: Eastern Reason(s) why you want to join: I'm the leader lol. Current Members: Leader: Flamekunai Co-Leader: JamesAnime FlyingRaisins Burningblizzard rjinx MinerGP (Awaiting Confirmation) AssassinRikaru (Awaiting Confirmation) Feral Absol (Awaiting Confirmation) Syde (Awaiting Confirmation) Tournament Policies If there are to be guild tournaments, then the guild leader(s) have a right to choose the participants. *Requirements*: Must have beaten Brock Must have cleared Mt. Moon A signature with the guild name is not required. The guild members don't need to have the same signature either. A group banner is pending.
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[center] [img][/img][/center] [center][color=#a52a2a][size=6][b]WELCOME TO THE WARRIORS GUILD[/b][/size][/color][/center] [center][color=#a52a2a][size=6][b]Tag [Dojo][/b][/size][/color][/center] [center][size=4]If your looking for just another social club, your in the wrong thread. This is a team that is focused on the art of battling. Its members take their joy... their pride in the crushing defeat of their opponents. They will measure their success by the tournament trophies they bring back to the guild.[/size][/center] [center][size=4]The Warriors Guild shall become known as the Fiercest fighting team in all of PokeMMO. When you enter tournaments bearing the tag DOJO, you will instill fear into the hearts of your opponents when they recognize that they are about to face members of the Warriors Guild.[/size][/center] [center][size=4]Our entire culture is designed to make us better battlers. The team is organized into 5 categories.[/size][/center] [center][size=4]Any limit I put on the amount of members per position is subject to change according to the size of the Warriors Guild.[/size][/center] [center][u][b][color=#a52a2a][size=6]Leader:[/size][/color][/b][/u][/center] [center][size=4]The leader will make sure that the team runs smoothly. He will provide a flow of competition based events as well as some events to build community spirit. He will be a guiding force to ensure the team maintains a culture of pvp excellence. He will actively be on the forums to ensure his team has the best chance at being involved in as many tournaments as possible.[/size][/center] [center] [size=4][img][/img][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]SickleSmooth [/b](IGN & Forum Name)[/size][/center] [center][color=#a52a2a][u][b][size=6]PVP CHAMPION:[/size][/b][/u][/color][/center] [center]This pvp Champion is recognized as the strongest pvp battler in the Guild. He is respected above all reproach. This is someone you aspire to learn from because they have mastered the art of battle. Only one can lay claim to the title of PvP Champion. The Champion will lead the guild into countless tournaments expecting nothing less than victory. However, the Champion cannot rest on his laurels because he can be challenged to a best 2 out of 3 battle for his position just like the officers can. All the guidelines for the Officer challenges apply here (you can see them in the officer section). Except for this: Only officers can challenge the PvP Champion for their position. Guild Members must first attain the rank of Officer before they can aspire to be the PvP Champion.[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5]1.______________[/size][/center] [center][color=#a52a2a][size=6][b][u]Officers:[/u][/b][/size][/color][/center] [center][size=4]This is a battling team, not a sentimental one... Its officers will be the guild's strongest members, not its most liked or those who get in good with the leader. Officers will also manage and execute team events. They will be the Warriors Guild's loudest voice in tournaments we enter and when the Warriors guild enters team tournaments with limited spaces, the officers have first rights to those spots. To make sure that the Warriors Guild's Officers are always its strongest members, a system has been put in place that allows members to challenge any officer to a best 2 out of 3 battle to take their position. Details below.[/size][/center] [center] [size=4][img][/img][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]1. AnalAnnihilator[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]2.[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]3.[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]4.[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]5.[/b][/size][/center] [center] [size=4][size=5]Officer Challenge Guidelines[/size][/size][/center] [center][size=4][spoiler]Team member can challenge Officers to a best 2 out of 3 battle for the position of officer. 1. The team member must have been a member of The Warriors Guild for at least a week 2. The battle will have a lvl cap of 50 unless something else is agreed upon by BOTH parties. 3. The officer can choose whether he wants to battle 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, or 6v6 4. A officer must accept any challenge by a team member no matter what the officer is doing unless it is a tournament, however an officer can only be challenged by a particular member up to once per day. 5. Also, a office only has to accept up to 5 challenges per day. For example, if one member challenges the officer on a day for the first time he must accept. If that same member challenges again that same day the officer does not have to accept. However, if a different member challenges that same day the officer must accept. But the officer must accept only up to 5 guild member challenges per day. 6. Another member of the team must be present to make the series official. 7. Both the officer and the challenger are not allowed to substitute pokemon between battles. 8. Standard clauses apply to all battles: Sleep, Evasion, OHKO, Pristine, Species, Bag item, and broken move clauses are all in affect.[/size][/center] [center]9. All Officers who lose must wait 4 days before attempting to challenge an Officer.[/spoiler][/center] [center][color=#a52a2a][size=6][b][u]Battle Advisers:[/u][/b][/size][/color][/center] [center][size=4]Battle Advisers can be any member of the team. They are Members who have been specifically recognized as having a vast amount of battle knowledge and experience and have shown the desire to help out their fellow Warriors Guild members with their teams and questions. Now, of course, all members of the Warriors Guild should have a willing attitude of helping its member progress. However, if you are looking for some help with your team, find a Battle Adviser should be your first choice for help.[/size][/center] [center] [size=4][img][/img][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]1. SickleSmooth[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]2.[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]3.[/b][/size][/center] [center][color=#a52a2a][size=6][b][u]Guild Members:[/u][/b][/size][/color][/center] [center][size=4]There will be more guild members than any other category. As such they will be the main force behind the Warriors Guild. It is important that all guild members have a passion for battle and enter tournaments baring their tag proudly. Members should be striving to make themselves stronger battlers on a consistent basis. Trying to demote an officer and become one yourself is extremely encouraged. Competition is how we make ourselves, as a whole, stronger.[/size][/center] [center] [size=4][img][/img][/size][/center] [center][size=5]Rammasuar[/size][/center] [center][size=5]XxCharizardxX [/size][/center] [center] [size=5]GaryfvckingOak[/size][/center] [center] [size=5]Adamfikr[/size][/center] [center] [size=5]Badboots[/size][/center] [center] [size=5]TrippH[/size] [size=5] [/size][/center] [center][size=4]Remember, Yes, this is a pvp focused team and we will be battling each other. But this is a community, too. We only fight each other to make ourselves stronger. Save the trash talk for members of other teams, not amongst ourselves.You must have thick skin to be in this team. Know matter how good you are there is always someone better. When you lose, and you will lose sometimes, you should not get unduly upset, No, you should use it as motivation to become stronger. You should talk with your teammate and discuss the reason you lost, and how you can strengthen your team.[/size][/center] [center][size=4]This principle is especially true for Officers who may lose their position. Use it as fuel to your fire, you can always challenge whoever defeated you for you spot back another time.[/size][/center] [center][b][color=#a52a2a][u][size=6]PvP Library: The Help Center[/size][/u][/color][/b][/center] [center]If your going to be successful in player versus player competitive battling there are a few things you must know about and use. Before you even get into strategies and what pokemon to use you must know about natures & iv's & evs. I cannot stress enough that you will HAVE NO CHANCE in battles if you do not learn about and use these factors to your advantage. Fear not, though, for they are not difficult concepts to grasp and here I have provided you some help to get you started. Here are some links that give a basic understanding of the concepts you will need (Natures/IVs/EVs).[/center] [center][b][color=#a52a2a]NATURES:[/color][/b][/center] [center][spoiler][/center] Every pokemon has one of 25 natures when you catch it that you can see from its summary screen. This link gives a brief discussion and a list of the possible natures. [size=4][url=""][color=#0000CD][/color][/url][/size] So when catching a pokemon for pvp you want to find a pokemon with a nature that raises an important stat and lowers a stat that is not important to your pokemon. For example, adamant nature would be good for Machamp because it raises attack and lowers special attack which Machamp does not need. Or, for example, a timid nature would be good for starmie because it raises speed (starmie is used as a sweeper and needs to be as fast as possible) and lowers attack, which starmie does not need. You need to use the right natures to your advantage. [/spoiler] [center][color=#a52a2a][b]IV's:[/b][/color][/center] [center][spoiler][/center] [center]IV's or "individual values" are numbers pre-assigned to each one of a pokemon's stats that determine how high (or low) those stats will be. IV's are like the genes in animals that determine height and weight. Pokemon have an IV value in every stat (hp, attack, defense, special attack, special defence, and speed) that is set when you catch a pokemon and cannot be changed. IV values range from 0-31. A pokemon with 31 IV's in a stat means that stat will grow as high as it possibly can while a pokemon with 0 IV's means it will be as low as it possibly can.[/center] [center]In competitive battling you want your pokemon's most important stats to have 30-31 IV's. For example, Machamp's two most important stats are probably attack and defense. So ideally you would want 31 or 30 IV's in attack and defense. However you still want good IV's in the other stats as well. An IV value is usually not considered decent until it gets into the 20's.[/center] [center]Remember, you cannot do anything to influence or change the IV's your pokemon gets, all you can do is check its IV's to see if they are good or not. It may be troublesome to find a pokemon with good natures AND IV's but it is necessary. Also, IV's are like the pretty girl's underskirt. They are not openly shown from a pokemon's summary sheet, they are hidden in the games mechanics. So the only way to see a pokemon's IVs are to use a online IV calculator. I have provided one in the link below, just input the pokemon, its stats, nature, and any evs it may have and the calculator will give you its possible range of IV's for each stat. The higher the pokemon level the more accurate it will be.[/center] [center][url=""][color=#0000ff][/color][/url][/center] [center][/spoiler][/center] [center][color=#a52a2a][b]EV's:[/b][/color][/center] [center][spoiler][/center] [center]EV's stand for effort values. Every time you catch a pokemon it starts out with 0 effort values. Like IV's each Stat (attk, def, spd, etc) can have its own different amount of EV's. The more EV's your pokemons stats have the higher it will be. However, unlike IVs, what EV's your pokemon has is completely dependent on you. Every pokemon you battle in the wild or against npc trainers gives your pokemon evs in one stat.[/center] [center]The pokemon you battle is what determines what Stat you get EV's for. Whatever the pokemon's highest stat is that you are battling is what stat your pokemon will get EV's for. Also, you get one ev in a stat for an unevolved pokemon and 2 for a second stage evolved pokemon and 3 for a third stage evolved pokemon.[/center] [center]For example, a machop's highest stat is attack so if your pokemon battled it in the wild it would get 1 EV for its attack stat. If it battled a machoke it would get 2 EVs in the attack stat. If it battled a pidgeotto it would get 2 EV's in the speed stat. Every 4 EV's your pokemon gets in a stat adds another point to your pokemon's actual stat number when it levels up.[/center] [center]The max EVs you can get in any one particular stat is 255 (or in pokemmo 252) but the most EVs you can get total (all stats combined) is 510. This means you can max out two stats. You can get 252 EVs in two stats and 6 in another. This is almost always your best option, to max out two stats rather than spread out your EVs all over the place.[/center] [center]So if you want to max out the speed stat, for example, then you would find an area where pokemon that give speed EVs appear most of the time and battle them over and over and over again. For example, at the beginning of the game at route one only pidgey and rattata appear. Both those pokemon give 1 speed EV so if one wanted to get 252 speed EV then one could go there and battle those pokes until they get 252 EVs.[/center] [center]Fortunately you can keep track of your pokemons EVs in your pokemon's summary page where it keeps a record of them for you. Also, there are a couple of items you will want to know about for EV training. Use the itemfinder exactly where the 8th gymleader stood to get the Macho brace which doubles the EVs your pokemon gets from battling. So instead of getting 1 attack EV from a machop you will get 2 if your pokemon is holding the Macho brace. Also in the Saffron pokemart you can buy berries that will reduce your pokemons EVs in a particular stat if you accidently fight some pokes that give you EVs you didnt want. Press the H button in game and scroll down to see which berry reduces which EV stat.[/center] [center]Remember though, do not waste your time EVing a pokemon that does not first have the right nature and good IVs. Here's a link that just goes over some of the information I have related to you.[/center] [center][url=""][color=#0000ff][/color][/url][/center] [center][/spoiler][/center] [center]Remember, a Pokemon needs to have a good nature AND IVs AND EVs to be considered competitive. It can be a hassle to find pokemon with the right nature and IV's and to then EV train them. But it is worth it in the end. And I cant stress this enough. YOU CANNOT BE A SUCCESSFUL PVP BATTLER IF YOU DO NOT USE NATURES/IV/EVS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. Hopefully this has helped you to grow as a member of The Warriors Guild. If your not a member of the Warriors Guild, Stop Poaching my helpful information!!!!!! Lol im jk, thanks for visiting the page, think about joining.[/center] [center] [size=4][color=#a52a2a][u][size=6][b]Event Hub:[/b][/size][/u][/color][/size][/center] [center][size=4]Here will be listed any events currently planned for participation by the Warriors Guild.[/size][/center] [center][size=4]They may be Team organized events, official tournaments, tournaments organized by others, etc.[/size][/center] [center]Many tournaments show up in the competitive alley section of the forums that are not team tournaments so i wouldnt put them here but you should keep your eye our for them and when you can sign up for them.[/center] [center] [size=4][u][color=#a52a2a][size=6][b]Code Of Ethics:[/b][/size][/color][/u][/size][/center] [center][size=4](ie. what can get you kicked from team)[/size][/center] [center][size=4][spoiler]1. Breaking any of the General rules of PokeMMO, this ones a given 2. Showing a pattern of disrespect to the team leadership 3. Being inactive for long periods of time. 4. Showing a pattern of not being able to handle losing. 5. Being recognized as a scammer. Yes i know scamming is technically allowed in this game. But it doesn't mean I have to harbor scammers here. 6. Show a pattern of actions that can only be described as detrimental to team spirit and the continued pursuit of battle excellence. [/spoiler][/size][/center] [center][size=4]Post your IGN in forums if you want to become a part of the Fiercest battling Team in all of PokeMMO The only starting requirement to becoming a member is that you have at least have one 3v3 lvl 50 team.[/size][/center] [center][size=4]This proves to me that you at least have the basic amount of dedication to battling that you will need.[/size][/center] [center]I will make exceptions for those without a team yet if they show me they are dedicated to learning and making a team.[/center] [center][size=5]So... I guess the only question left is...[/size][/center] [center][size=5][img][/img][/size][/center]
Fuck uguues. Get money. Hail Satan. The time for the beast to rise out of hell has finally began. Join Team Satan, and be spared from the fiery wrath of Lucifer and his minions. The dark ages are coming, and becoming a follower of Satan is your only salvation. There are no level/completion requirements to enter the clan. Just be awesome, and you're in! What we're about. Everyone in Team Satan get along with each other. There might be a small little burst of rage every now and then, but that's only natural. We all get along, and we joke around CONSTANTLY. We're the most humorous clan around. This clan has been around for a while now, and now that we have a few people, we are going to be gearing up for some fun events like Bike Races, In-Team Tounaments, and other awesome and fun things! Team Satan is everything you could want, but in order for it to be like that, we need YOUR help. Simply joining and being active helps us out tremendously, so consider signing up. Who knows, perhaps it'd be your favorite clan in all of PokeMMO? Or maybe it'd be the most despicable one out there, depends if you're comfortable with that type of people. By the way, you don't actually have to be a satanist to join. ----- If you're interested in joining, post on this thread or PM (or someone on the roster) on PokeMMO. We're looking for laid back, chill people. Don't bring your hate into the chat, unleash it in channel/global. If you are requesting to join on the forums, just give us your IGN, something that you are good with in-game, and maybe your favorite pokemon too! Nothing too crazy! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! OH we also have some cool websites too! Wordpress: Tumblr: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM ROSTER: (IGN's) uguuGroper - Leader Wilza - Co-Leader The Seven Deadly Sins Lust ~ SammieJo Wrath ~ Wilza Pride ~ Cumbustion Greed ~ Akdov Sloth ~ Yetti Gluttony ~ PyroMania Envy ~ LemoNZ The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse Pestilence ~ Motochika War ~ RaichuFTW Famine ~ DurbanCommando Death ~ uguuGroper Our other Members nothinbutvictory Ahoy SlashSketchum DovsAss(alt) Cameroni LeCriminale Yettii(alt) Aanium deadlycatt RandomONEEE Hemontu Kuneho RandPaul Manowarrior iNite MistressHince AlexFlame Dovsuguus aerewarewar MostlyOriginals PunkScrewUp xLuKeYx GigaMancer Denium Sanium Wurdlesisafag BigBlackLady AlexCoyote LinnnyG Dracomastee Team Signature (Not 100% Needed)
This thread has been replaced here. As most of you should know by now, we have an official PokeMMO Teamspeak server at In there, we have to planned to eventually give each guild their own sub-channel, for the use of their members. In preparation for that, I would like each guild to post here* their name, their leader's name, and at least 1 or 2 trusted guild members which would act as second in-command regarding the management of their channel. Leaders and representatives can be chosen anyway you want (democratically or not) as long as the majority of the guild members accept the decision. I would also like the planned guild tag to be included in the post. Please follow this format: Guild Name: Tag: Leader: Representatives: *I would prefer the posts to be made by the said leader of the guild they would be representing. To be granted a specific Guild TeamSpeak channel, you need to have: A Guild topic in the Round Table. At least 3 members registered in the forums (excluding the leader). NOTE: Privilege Keys have a limit of 5 days after the date I make(and send) them. Make sure to use them before the time expires. Also channels will be removed after 5 consecutive days of no one visiting/joining the channel, so make sure to actually use them after you get them.
Team KawaiiDesu recruits players of all skill levels. We boast friendship and happiness. The team was originally formed for only those that use the moemon patch, cause we feel that the entire world of pokemon should be made more moe. However we've opened to the general public after a few days needed for start-up. PM me ingame for invite or more info. name: Allizyndra Others you can contact for an invite: EddyLOL, OrangeCrush, Casssandra Please reserve your flaming "Moemon is disgusting who wants to make little girls fight to the death" "it's sad people prefer animated girls over real ones" etc comments for another thread. I do not want to see them here. This is a recruitment thread. If you don't like the moemon patch, fine. We don't care wether you approve or not. [color=#00ffff]Apparently there's another team with a similar name so I'll post this edit:[/color] [color=#FF0000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]This team is in NO WAY affiliated with any other teams that have similar names. Obviously I used this name because it was not taken, ingame. And I have yet to get any notice of impersonation before now. [/size][/font][/color][color=#FF0000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]This team was not intended to infringe upon, impersonate, or other[/size][/font][/color][color=#FF0000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]wise be affiliated with these teams [/size][/font][/color][color=#FF0000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]If said team owners wish to discuss this specific issue, feel free to contact me via skype, name brandonx64. That is all.[/size][/font][/color] If you're interested in moemon, here are some screenshots: [img][/img] [img][/img] And here is where you can get the patch. And alternatively, PM Allizyndra in the game and I'll help you out with it. [url=""]https://forums.pokem...dated-graphics/[/url] If you have other questions or concerns, you may post them here. But once again. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE FLAMERS! If you don't like moemon, do not look at this topic. plain and simple. I will remove or edit posts if i have the permissions to do so, containing flaming. (nub to pokemmo forums)
Average Joe's: The Guild For the Average Man tired of those pesky trainers flaunting their elements at you? don't like the rain? too many third degree burns? does grass make you itchy? lightning and thunder startles you? are you afraid of ghosts or the dark? cant stand the cold of the winter? do mind games give you headaches? afraid of flying since 9/11? sticks and STONES breaking your bones? living in California with too many earthquakes? has the Dovahkiin not shown up? food poisoning? bug infestation? not the best at hand to hand combat? were those metal piercings in your genitals a bad idea? THEN COME ON DOWN TO AVERAGE JOE'S GYM! Location: Top of Celadon City Mall Prerequisites: Must use normal Pokemon when performing gang activities (will allow Flying/Normal for transportation purposes) preferred colors: Red and Yellow no other gang affiliations that associate with a specific type (we are normal, they are not) cannot be rich or poor (we are average, they are not) shinies are never allowed. we are average and we are proud! Leader(s): RedfromPallet Members: Merapsco
I'd just like to say, that the range of fonts is amazing. Team Scumbag We're a fun, friendly guild that generally likes playing ze pokemons. You can have any pokemon you want, 1000 Magikarps if your pleased, but to be in our battling team you have to be able to beat the Elite Four with that team. (Please keep this in mind) Ranks! Leader : Trink! 2ic : CoFox Scum : Blazerrule, Vara Bags : Temerarious, Jroman, Guguu, Newbs : HollowKing, Axelbro, Duke Nuggets, Everyone's alts How ranks work: I believe Leader and 2ic are self - explanatory BUT. Scum = Battling peoples Bags = Active people Newbs = Everything else. How to apply! You can either whisper me in game, or fill out this simple application, and I'll get back to you IGN : Nickname (Preferred name) : Gender (Optional) : Are you currently In a team? : Would you like to try out for the Scum rank? : Will you be active? : Will you respect higher ranks? : Do you like Pokemon? : Btw, be nice in the chat, no excess use of profanity, or racist remarks. Also try to keep religious and political chats on the down low Thats all for now! Bye! -Trink
[TEAM KAOS] Leader: TheDragonKnight Vice/Officer: Elsweetie Head of Battling: Samanthurr Other members: Andybobzz Rocketgruntjosh AyyKay thesidex DeepwithinU Newstarz Cynthiera Cheung MktgPorter { Info } If you are in Channel 1 Viridian where most sparring battles take place you may have already met some of our members. (Otherwise our usual channel is 8.) We are slowly making a name for ourselves and would like to continue getting stronger.We have been around since guilds became implemented into the game, although rather than just accept applications we like to filter out to make sure we have a competitive guild for the future. How to apply for tryouts: - Provide IGN - Must have six level 50-55 or six level 100s to participate in tryouts. Depending on teams you will verse either (50-55) Elsweetie or (100's) Samanthurr Battles will be 6 V 6 Tourney rules apply. It does not matter if you lose. To get consideration for the guild you must get 10 points. How to get points: 1 point per correct prediction. 2 points per defeated pokemon. 3 points if defeated wall pokemon. Points will be taken off if rules are broken. We have 5 spots open. Thank you for your consideration. Goodluck.
- 4 replies
- competitive
- kaos
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
The following message is brought to you by Team Aqua admins Kaaru and Treenis. We are sorry to announce that applications are currently closed, they will reopen at a later date. This done to ensure our guild grows at a stable rate, any applications prior to this date will still be considered. Thank you for your interest. ^ Follow our tale of events here .
Hola gente, vengo a reclutar entrenadores fuertes para mi nuevo team "Soul Edge" , para entrar tienen que dar un duelo decente lvl 50-60 ó 90-100, no es necesario ganar. También hay que saber que son los EV, IV y la Naturaleza, o al menos no preguntarlo, somos un Team , no una Enciclopedia. Si tienes interés whispea a: Nassau ( /w Nassau ) or AngelusCyan ( /w AngelusCyan ) Estoy conectado en el momento. Translation: Hello people, I'm here to recruit strong trainers for my new team "Soul Edge", to get in you have to duel in a decent way either at lvl 50-60 or 90-100 , Winning is not necesary, Also you have to know what EV, IV and Natures are, we're a Team but not a Player's Manual. If you have interest whisp Nassau ( /w Nassau ) or AngelusCyan ( /w AngelusCyan ), I'm online at the moment. Note: This is mainly a Spanish Team, if you want to join and you speak english you can, but know that mostly all will be spoken in spanish. Except if we get more English than Spanish members xD (Sorry if I made grammar mistakes, my english is not perfect ) Gracias Por Leer (: Thanks for Reading (:
Rules: 1. your character must wear black 2.
Squad Squirtle Welcome all, to the Squad Squirtle The place were Squirtle and all of it's forms are the main priority! Only those who control the full power of a Squirtle may get into this Squad. There power is phenomenal, and you may have heard that it's better than Chuck Norris, and let me tell you now, that is true. Chuck Norris is puny compared to them, they could crush him in an instant. Rules: #1 No hating on other members of the community #2 No racism #3 No rude language, but it is allowed if it isn't to over the top #4 You must be an active on the Forums and in the game #5 You must own a Squirtle or one of it's forms, or if you do not own one, you still think you should be worthy of a place. #6 Love Squirtle! If you go against any of the rules, your out! How to Apply If you would like to apply for Squad Squirtle, simply post below your IGN and why you think you should be accepted into the Squad (minimum 25 words). Members Squirtle Commander 0wenee Squirtle Sidekick Squirtle Corporal Squirtle Recruit Amphos Australia Member Count - 3 Promotions In the future when Squad Squirtle start to gather more members, I will start have a look at how our members act in-game and on the Forums, if I think they deserve a Promotion, then I shall PM them and test them. I am currently making the "Promotion Test" so that shall be happening in the future. Pokemon Giveaway List (available for people in the Squad and people who aren't) Currently, this list is full of low level (30-10) Pokemon. I am going to be living in the Safari Zone for the next few days, just for you guys! Poliwag Level 17 Brave Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, (blank). Nidoran(m) (I can nickname it for you) Level 22 Timid Horn Attack, Poison Sting, Double Kick, Focus Energy Nidoran(f) (I can nickname it for you) Level 24 Bold Helping Hand, Bite, Poison Sting, Double Kick Doduo (first one) (I can nickname it for you) Level 26 Hasty Rage, Tri Attack, Fury Attack, Pursuit Doduo (second one) (I can nickname it for you) Level 26 Hardy Rage, Tri Attack, Fury Attack, Pursuit Nidorino (I can nickname it for you) Level 31 Naughty Helping Hand, Horn Attack, Poison Sting, Double Kick Venonat (I can nickname it for you) Level 22 Quiet Poison Powder, Confusion, Supersonic, Foresight Exeggcute (I can nickname it for you) Level 23 Hardy Confusion, Leech Seed, Reflect, Hypnosis Squad Signatures (credits to Sozoryoku) Clan History 07/10/2012 - Squad Squirtle begins. 07/10/2012 - Amphos is recruited into Squad Squirtle. 08/10/2012 - Sozoryoku kindly makes some signatures for the Squad. 08/10/2012 - Australia is recruited into Squad Squirtle. 09/10/2012 - Added Pokemon Giveaway List. Thank you for your time, and maybe you could consider Squad Squirtle! :)
The Raging Night ____ Saevam Nox, or just Nox, if you prefer, is a Channel 2 based guild that heavily focuses its Battle Tactics and Strategies on the use of Dark, Ghost and Steel type Pokemon. While members of Nox are asked to be mature, it is recommended to have a good sense of humor as well. Please have at least 4 Gym Badges before applying. If you want to apply, but do not have the required amount of badges, say so, and judging from your application, we may make an exception. We are a very laid back group who only ask these things from you: Rules: 1: Ignorance is not bliss (Or "Google is your Friend") Explanation: Although asking questions is encouraged, questions like, "omg, wuts a jumpeon?" will piss other members and leaders off. Please use Google to look up anything that you feel might have an obvious answer. If Google does not help, you may ask me privately, and if it amuses me enough, I'll answer it. 2:You must be active Explanation: A guild is nothing without active members. I think it's obvious. As long as you are able to log in once a week, your spot in the guild is safe. Things like a death in the family, leaving the country, or other reasons can be excused, as long as you give notice of absence. 3: Abide by all rules given by PokeMMO Staff. Explanation: This is obvious.... Rules are here if you are that ignorant... (See Rule: 1) Member List: Leader: Koyan Sub-Leaders: FearNoEvil and uguu (First 3 to join or Must have contributed to the Guild)Senior Members: Lightx, Anastacia, Pokerwolf, Akunja Members: Naos, Akunja, negarman Application: In-Game Name: Favorite Dark, Ghost or Steel type Pokemon: Age: Reason for Applying: Example: In-Game Name: Koyan Favorite Dark, Ghost or Steel type Pokemon: Gengar Age: 18 Reason for Applying: I'm applying because the Ghost, Dark and Steel types are my favorite types of Pokemon and I want to be in a group that shares similar interests. Signature: TODO LIST: Need Banners/Signatures: Need TeamSpeak Channel: √ SHINIES THAT MUST BE FOUND AND/OR TRADED FOR: (Things we are searching for, for the benefit of guild members) Gastly Vulpix
Hello welcome to the Izzet guild I am the creator of this guild my in game name is SupaSupra and well anyone can join by just posting to the forum but be cool and don't do something I wouldn't