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Why do IV items (power items) sell for 11k on GTL when they are 10k from NPC

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So i was looking for ways to make money breeding, which is actually impossible without grinding for 31 pokes myself, but while I was factoring in the cost of the power items (the items used to transfer IVs) it found that every single one on the GTL was selling for 11k, but the NPC sells them for 10k. Do they actually sell for 11k on the GTL? Like do people not know about the NPC. Was there some kind of change made to the game that made it possible to sell for more than the NPC or are they just trying to scam noobs who some how made it to the breeder, knows what the power items do, but did not know the NPC sells them for cheaper?


I thought it might be just that the only ones that stay on the GTL were the overpriced ones but many of them were recently added at that price. Its been a while since ive played this game so i may have missed something. If so i would love to know what it is


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Just people trying to profit on these , since if you sell to the NPC back it will only give you 25% back , and the listing fee for the item is 1k , so 11k is basically a full refund for them lol

I recommend just not buying these items from there , since they are basically just scams , since you only use these items while breeding , which the npc that sell these are right next to you  , so yeah , don't buy them

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It's because the tax of the item is usually 1k, people usually sell it because they accidentally buy a bracelet they don't use, and sometimes people buy that bracelet because they are too lazy to walk to the npc and they are near the pc, they also usually buy them by mistake or simply because they have a lot of money and don't mind paying 1k more.

Edited by BrandonBraune
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