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Catching Roaming Legendaries - Info + Strategies Guide

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[Not completely updated, mostly relevant info but little about the birds]


The legendary beast trio in PokeMMO can each be caught throughout a rotational cycle in the order of Suicune → Raikou → Entei. This means you are able to encounter and catch one beast per month with unique stats. This cycle rotates every (real) month, opposed to a 'seasonal' rotation. Although the season does change every first day of the month, the beasts are not season-dependent. You are able to encounter the beasts after completing the Ho-Oh fight in Johto, although completing the E4 is recommended for easier catching. Each beast can be found through non-sweet-scent encountersa in grass patches in any outside location in Johto (excluding the Safari Zone), with Suicune being the only beast that can be found in both grass and water. 


The best way to encounter one is to first find an encounter spot that you like. Then, you'll want to decide which out-of-battle ability you prefer to lead your partyᵇ. One way is to use a synchronize Pokémon to get a (flat) 20% chance to get a desired nature on your Pokémon. This can be helpful to save money on nature herbs, which can change the nature of every beast. The most common lead is using an Arena Trap / Illuminate / No Guard / Swarm Pokémon to increase encounter rate by 10%. Using lures are also helpful in increasing your encounter rate by an additional 10%, however this is a slight increase in encounters. While ideal, lures can be costly after thousands of encounters. Both lures and encounter-increasing leads will only increase your ability to get into an encounter, but won't increase the rate to which a beast spawns. Repel tricking does not work for the beasts. Intimidate / Keen Eye, both out-of-battle abilities which repel lower enemies, do not give increased rates. 


The encounter rate has most likely been adjusted through the initial release of Suicune, and may still be subject to change for balancing reasons. As of now, the precise encounter rate (which is consistent through all the three beasts) has not been revealed. However, it was revealed to be in the range of 1/1/001 - 1/7,999. It has also been revealed to be not as low as 1/1,000 encounters, but also not as steep as the shiny rate of 1/30,000. The encounter rate is most likely 2,000-4,000.


Catching each beast is relatively easy, but takes the right team preparation in order to swiftly catch. Keep in mind that they cannot flee. But if you encounter one and do not successfully catch it, (by killing it, losing, running) the rate of finding the same beast again will increase 'significantly'. However, you will not re-roll any stats such as IVs, nature, and shiny status because these are rolled upon first encounter. You do not need to have an arena trap Pokémon in order to trap it, and you do not need to master ball. The best strategy is having a level 100 Breloom with Poison Heal holding a toxic orb with a substitute set. Turn one, you'll switch to your Breloom, then spore, substitute, false swipe. If it wakes up, repeat the process by sporing until you get it at the lowest HP possible. After it has been at least 11 turns, it has been spored, and it is at its lowest possible HP, using timer balls until it's successfully caught is the best strategy to catching. Dream balls are also a viable option. The last concern is PP usage, which may be reduced by your team because of its Pressure ability (which each beast will have) and you want to make sure to catch it quick enough to not drain all of its PP, so it doesn't struggle to death. 


Each beast is guaranteed to have at least 3x31 IVs. Each beast has the ability Pressure, which 'raises the foe's PP usage'. They can be kept permanently and be traded and sold. After you have successfully caught one beast for that month, you won't be able to catch it again until another rotation. You can use an alternative character (even if it shares with your main) or accounts to hunt for them again after beating Ho-Oh. 


After successfully capturing your monthly beast, you will get 20 Rainbow Quills. Similar to how Gracideas work, one Quill increases any selected IV stat of any beast by one and are consumed upon use. You unlock the ability to get Rainbow Quills from [anywhere?] in the wild, exclusively in Johto after capturing the beast for that month. For every start of the month, you will be unable to obtain rainbow quills until you catch the beast for that month. Rainbow Quills can be infinitely farmed by using pickup, but can also be found randomly in the wild by defeating hordes or Pokémon. However, they are very rare and may not be worth using item charms for, as it is unknown how charms affect quill rates. 


You can modify the nature of any beast (and Shaymin, Unown) by using nature herbs. Nature herbs are consumed upon use and are found by planting Gracideas. The nature herb yield is theorized to be around 5%, and you can get a range between 1-3 nature herbs from a lucky harvest. 


a - This means you'll have to do single encounters. While lures increase encounter rates, a double, triple, or 5x horde encounter (which wasn't enabled by sweet scent), counts as one beast encounter. This is because the beast encounter replaces that double/triple/5x horde so that it's a single encounter. 

b - Keep in mind, you cannot lead with a fainted Pokémon with an out-of-battle ability.




#245 Suicune SUICUNE


Unlike the other two beasts, Suicune can be found in all outside water spots in Johto.


Dex#: 245

Ability: Pressure - Doubles the foe's PP usage when they target it.

Weight: 187.0 kg / 412.3 lbs

Desired Natures: Bold (73.81%), Timid (18.35%), alternatively Calm (3.42%), Modest (3.30%) as of January 2024

Tier: Over Used as of January 2024


Base Stats

HP 100
Attack 75
Defense 115
Sp. Attack 90
Sp. Defense 115
Speed 85
Total 580



Default Moveset

Brine Water 65 100 10/10
Icy Wind Ice 55 95 15/15
Snarl Dark 55 95 15/15
Calm Mind Psychic - 100 20/20



Suicune's Movepool

START Sheer Cold Ice 1 5 30
START Gust Flying 40 35 100
START Water Gun Water 40 25 100
START Bite Dark 60 25 100
START BubbleBeam Water 65 20 100
START ExtremeSpeed Normal 80 5 100
START Leer Normal - 30 100
START Mist Ice - 30 100
START Rain Dance Water - 5 100
Lv. 6 Water Pulse Water 60 20 100
Lv. 8 BubbleBeam Water 65 20 100
Lv. 60 Mirror Coat Psychic 1 20 100
Lv. 22 Gust Flying 40 35 100
Lv. 11 Water Gun Water 40 25 100
Lv. 12 Bite Dark 60 25 100
Lv. 29 Aurora Beam Ice 65 20 100
Lv. 30 Ice Fang Ice 65 15 95
Lv. 42 Crunch Dark 80 15 100
Lv. 48 Extrasensory Psychic 80 20 100
Lv. 54 Surf Water 90 15 100
Lv. 78 Blizzard Ice 110 5 70
Lv. 72 Hydro Pump Water 110 5 80
Lv. 18 Calm Mind Psychic - 20 100
Lv. 36 Mist Ice - 30 100
Lv. 66 Rain Dance Water - 5 100
Lv. 24 Roar Normal - 20 100
Lv. 36 Tailwind Flying - 15 100
TM Frustration Normal 1 20 100
TM Natural Gift Normal 1 15 100
TM Return Normal 1 20 100
TM Mud-Slap Ground 20 10 100
TM Whirlpool Water 35 15 85
TM Rock Smash Fighting 40 15 100
TM Water Gun Water 40 25 100
TM Weather Ball Normal 50 10 100
TM Icy Wind Ice 55 15 95
TM Snarl Dark 55 15 95
TM Avalanche Ice 60 10 100
TM Bulldoze Ground 60 20 100
TM Hidden Power Normal 60 15 100
TM Round Normal 60 15 100
TM Swift Normal 60 20 100
TM Water Pulse Water 60 20 100
TM Brine Water 65 10 100
TM BubbleBeam Water 65 20 100
TM Ice Fang Ice 65 15 95
TM Facade Normal 70 20 100
TM Headbutt Normal 70 15 100
TM Secret Power Normal 70 20 100
TM Air Slash Flying 75 15 95
TM Crunch Dark 80 15 100
TM Dig Ground 80 10 100
TM Iron Head Steel 80 15 100
TM Scald Water 80 15 100
TM Shadow Ball Ghost 80 15 100
TM Body Slam Normal 85 15 100
TM Ice Beam Ice 90 10 100
TM Iron Tail Steel 100 15 75
TM Blizzard Ice 110 5 70
TM Hydro Pump Water 110 5 80
TM Double-Edge Normal 120 15 100
TM Giga Impact Normal 150 5 90
TM Hyper Beam Normal 150 5 90
TM Agility Psychic - 30 100
TM Calm Mind Psychic - 20 100
TM Curse Ghost - 10 100
TM Detect Fighting - 5 100
TM Double Team Normal - 15 100
TM Endure Normal - 10 100
TM Helping Hand Normal - 20 100
TM Mimic Normal - 10 100
TM Protect Normal - 10 100
TM Psych Up Normal - 10 100
TM Quash Dark - 15 100
TM Rain Dance Water - 5 100
TM Reflect Psychic - 20 100
TM Rest Psychic - 5 100
TM Roar Normal - 20 100
TM Sandstorm Rock - 10 100
TM Sleep Talk Normal - 10 100
TM Snowscape Ice - 10 100
TM Substitute Normal - 10 100
TM Sunny Day Fire - 5 100
TM Swagger Normal - 15 90
TM Tailwind Flying - 15 100
TM Toxic Poison - 10 90
HM Whirlpool Water 35 15 85
HM Rock Smash Fighting 40 15 100
HM Cut Normal 50 30 95
HM Dive Water 80 10 100
HM Waterfall Water 80 15 100
HM Rock Climb Normal 90 20 85
HM Surf Water 90 15 100
TUTOR Snore Normal 50 15 100
TUTOR Omninous Wind Ghost 60 5 100
TUTOR Signal Beam Bug 75 15 100
SPECIAL Aqua Ring Water - 20 100



#243 Raikou RAIKOU


Found in all Johto's grass outdoors through non-sweet scent enabled encounters.


Dex#: 243

Ability: Pressure - Doubles the foe's PP usage when they target it.

Weight: 178.0 kg / 392.4 lbs

Desired Natures: Timid (91.74%), alternatively Modest (6.77%)

Tier: Under Used as of January 2024


Base Stats

HP 90
Attack 85
Defense 75
Sp. Attack 115
Sp. Defense 100
Speed 115
Total 580



Default Moveset

Thunderbolt Electric 90 100 15/15
Aurora Sphere Fighting 80 - 20/20
Reflect Psychic - - 20/20
Light Screen Psychic - - 30/30


Raikou's Movepool

START Bite Dark 60 25 100
START Charge Electric - 20 100
START Discharge Electric 80 15 100
START Extrasensory Psychic 80 20 100
START ExtremeSpeed Normal 80 5 100
START Leer Normal - 30 100
START Quick Attack Normal 40 30 100
START ThunderShock Electric 40 30 100
Lv. 6 Spark Electric 65 20 100
Lv. 8 ThunderShock Electric 40 30 100
Lv. 12 Bite Dark 60 25 100
Lv. 18 Calm Mind Psychic - 20 100
Lv. 22 Quick Attack Normal 40 30 100
Lv. 24 Roar Normal - 20 100
Lv. 30 Thunder Fang Electric 65 15 95
Lv. 36 Howl Normal - 40 100
Lv. 42 Crunch Dark 80 15 100
Lv. 48 Extrasensory Psychic 80 20 100
Lv. 54 Discharge Electric 80 15 100
Lv. 60 Reflect Psychic - 20 100
Lv. 66 Rain Dance Water - 5 100
Lv. 72 Thunder Normal 110 10 70
Lv. 78 Zap Cannon Electric 120 5 50
TM Agility Psychic - 30 100
TM Aura Sphere Fighting 80 20 100
TM Body Slam Normal 85 15 100
TM Bulldoze Ground 60 20 100
TM Calm Mind Psychic - 20 100
TM Charge Beam Electric 50 10 90
TM Crunch Dark 80 15 100
TM Curse Ghost - 10 100
TM Detect Fighting - 5 100
TM Dig Ground 80 10 100
TM Double Team Normal - 15 100
TM Double-Edge Normal 120 15 100
TM Endure Normal - 10 100
TM Facade Normal 70 20 100
TM Flash Normal - 20 100
TM Frustration Normal 1 20 100
TM Giga Impact Normal 150 5 90
TM Headbutt Normal 70 15 100
TM Helping Hand Normal - 20 100
TM Hidden Power Normal 60 15 100
TM Hyper Beam Normal 150 5 90
TM Iron Head Steel 80 15 100
TM Iron Tail Steel 100 15 75
TM Light Screen Psychic - 30 100
TM Mimic Normal - 10 100
TM Mud-Slap Ground 20 10 100
TM Natural Gift Normal 1 15 100
TM Protect Normal - 10 100
TM Psych Up Normal - 10 100
TM Quash Dark - 15 100
TM Rain Dance Water - 5 100
TM Reflect Psychic - 20 100
TM Rest Psychic - 5 100
TM Return Normal 1 20 100
TM Roar Normal - 20 100
TM Rock Smash Fighting 40 15 100
TM Round Normal 60 15 100
TM Sandstorm Rock - 10 100
TM Scald Water 80 15 100
TM Secret Power Normal 70 20 100
TM Shadow Ball Ghost 80 15 100
TM Shock Wave Electric 60 20 100
TM Sleep Talk Normal - 10 100
TM Snarl Dark 55 15 95
TM Substitute Normal - 10 100
TM Sunny Day Fire - 5 100
TM Swagger Normal - 15 90
TM Swift Normal 60 20 100
TM Thunder Electric 110 10 70
TM Thunder Fang Electric 65 15 95
TM Thunder Wave Electric - 20 90
TM Thunderbolt Electric 90 15 100
TM Toxic Poison - 10 90
TM Volt Switch Electric 70 20 100
TM Weather Ball Normal 50 10 100
TM Wild Charge Electric 90 15 100
TM Zap Cannon Electric 120 5 50
HM Cut Normal 50 30 95
HM Flash Normal - 20 100
HM Rock Climb Normal 90 20 85
HM Rock Smash Fighting 40 15 100
HM Strength Normal 80 15 100
TUTOR Magnet Rise Electric - 10 100
TUTOR Signal Beam Bug 75 15 100
TUTOR Snore Normal 50 15 100


#244 Entei ENTEI


Found in all Johto's grass outdoors through non-sweet scent enabled encounters.


Dex#: 244

Ability: Pressure - Doubles the foe's PP usage when they target it.

Weight: 198.0 kg / 436.5 lbs

Desired Natures: Adamant (72.92%), alternatively Jolly (13.72%)

Tier: Under Used as of January 2024


Base Stats

HP 115
Attack 115
Defense 85
Sp. Attack 90
Sp. Defense 75
Speed 100
Total 580


Default Moveset

Sacred Fire Fire 100 95% 5
Bulldoze Ground 60 100% 20
ExtremeSpeed Normal 80 100% 5
Crunch Dark 80 100% 15


Entei's Movepool

START Bite Dark 60 25 100%
Lv. 12 Bite Dark 60 25 100%
Lv. 42 Crunch Dark 80 15 100%
TM Quash Dark 15 100%
TM Snarl Dark 55 15 95%
TM Crunch Dark 80 15 100%
TM Zap Cannon Electric 120 5 50%
TM Reversal Fighting ? 15 100%
TM Rock Smash Fighting 40 15 100%
TM Detect Fighting 5
START Sacred Fire Fire 100 5 95%
START Lava Plume Fire 80 15 100%
START Eruption Fire 150 5 100%
START Ember Fire 40 25 100%
START Flame Wheel Fire 60 25 100%
Lv. 6 Flame Wheel Fire 60 25 100%
Lv. 8 Ember Fire 40 25 100%
Lv. 22 Fire Spin Fire 35 15 85%
Lv. 30 Fire Fang Fire 65 15 95%
Lv. 36 Flamethrower Fire 90 15 100%
Lv. 54 Lava Plume Fire 80 15 100%
Lv. 66 Sunny Day Fire 5
Lv. 72 Fire Blast Fire 110 5 85%
Lv. 78 Eruption Fire 150 5 100%
TM Flame Charge Fire 50 20 100%
TM Flare Blitz Fire 120 15 100%
TM Heat Wave Fire 95 10 90%
TM Incinerate Fire 60 15 100%
TM Overheat Fire 130 5 90%
TM Will-O-Wisp Fire 15 85%
TM Fire Spin Fire 35 15 85%
TM Fire Fang Fire 65 15 95%
TM Flamethrower Fire 90 15 100%
TM Sunny Day Fire 5
TM Fire Blast Fire 110 5 85%
TM Shadow Ball Ghost 80 15 100%
TM Curse Ghost 10
TM SolarBeam Grass 120 10 100%
TM Mud-Slap Ground 20 10 100%
TM Bulldoze Ground 60 20 100%
TM Dig Ground 80 10 100%
START ExtremeSpeed Normal 80 5 100%
START Leer Normal 30 100%
START SmokeScreen Normal 20 100%
START Stomp Normal 65 20 100%
Lv. 24 Roar Normal 20
Lv. 29 Stomp Normal 65 20 100%
Lv. 36 Scary Face Normal 10 100%
Lv. 60 Swagger Normal 15 90%
TM Facade Normal 70 20 100%
TM Flash Normal 20 100%
TM Frustration Normal ? 20 100%
TM Giga Impact Normal 150 5 90%
TM Headbutt Normal 70 15 100%
TM Helping Hand Normal 20
TM Hidden Power Normal 60 15 100%
TM Hyper Beam Normal 150 5 90%
TM Mimic Normal 10
TM Natural Gift Normal ? 15 100%
TM Protect Normal 10
TM Psych Up Normal 10
TM Return Normal ? 20 100%
TM Rock Climb Normal 90 20 85%
TM Round Normal 60 15 100%
TM Secret Power Normal 70 20 100%
TM Sleep Talk Normal 10
TM Substitute Normal 10
TM Swift Normal 60 20
TM Weather Ball Normal 50 10 100%
TM Roar Normal 20
TM Scary Face Normal 10 100%
TM Swagger Normal 15 90%
TM Strength Normal 80 15 100%
TM Body Slam Normal 85 15 100%
TM Cut Normal 50 30 95%
TM Double Team Normal 15
TM Double-Edge Normal 120 15 100%
TM Endure Normal 10
TUTOR Snore Normal 50 15 100%
SPECIAL Crush Claw Normal 75 10 95%
SPECIAL Howl Normal 40
TM Toxic Poison 10 90%
START Extrasensory Psychic 80 20 100%
Lv. 18 Calm Mind Psychic 20
Lv. 48 Extrasensory Psychic 80 20 100%
TM Reflect Psychic 20
TM Rest Psychic 5
TM Calm Mind Psychic 20
TM Agility Psychic 30
TM Sandstorm Rock 10
TM Stone Edge Rock 100 5 80%
TM Iron Head Steel 80 15 100%
TM Iron Tail Steel 100 15 75%
TM Rain Dance Water 5



Found in all of Kanto's exterior locations (water & grass) through non-sweet scent enabled encounters.


Dex#: 144

Ability: Pressure - Doubles the foe's PP usage when they target it.

Weight: 122.1 lbs

Desired Natures: Calm (36.30%), alternatively Timid (28.42%)

Tier: Never Used as of January 2024


Base Stats

HP 95
Attack 85
Defense 100
Sp. Attack 95
Sp. Defense 125
Speed 85
Total 580


Default Moveset

Sacred Fire Fire 100 95% 5
Bulldoze Ground 60 100% 20
ExtremeSpeed Normal 80 100% 5
Crunch Dark 80 100% 15


Articuno's Movepool





Found in all of Kanto's exterior locations (water & grass) through non-sweet scent enabled encounters.


Dex#: 145

Ability: Pressure - Doubles the foe's PP usage when they target it.

Weight: 116.0 lbs

Desired Natures: Timid (52.39%), alternatively Bold (31.58%) and Modest (12.66%)

Tier: Over Used as of January 2024


Base Stats

HP 90
Attack 90
Defense 85
Sp. Attack 125
Sp. Defense 90
Speed 100
Total 580


Default Moveset

Sacred Fire Fire 100 95% 5
Bulldoze Ground 60 100% 20
ExtremeSpeed Normal 80 100% 5
Crunch Dark 80 100% 15


Zapdos's Movepool





Found in all of Kanto's exterior locations (water & grass) through non-sweet scent enabled encounters.


Dex#: 146

Ability: Pressure - Doubles the foe's PP usage when they target it.

Weight: 116.0 lbs

Desired Natures: [?]

Tier: [?]


Base Stats

HP 90
Attack 100
Defense 90
Sp. Attack 125
Sp. Defense 85
Speed 90
Total 580


Default Moveset

Sacred Fire Fire 100 95% 5
Bulldoze Ground 60 100% 20
ExtremeSpeed Normal 80 100% 5
Crunch Dark 80 100% 15


Zapdos's Movepool










Edited by drakesstepson
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22 hours ago, yesimnathan said:

You can catch Suicune in Lake of Rage now. I caught mine there this morning.

thanks for the info! can u send a ss with the lake of rage location?

edit: lake of rage and ruins of alph are confirmed to have suicune in it. 

Edited by drakesstepson
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il serais bien de donner les emplacement ou il a été trouvé j'ai consulté le tutoriel de pokébip et il y a que 2 emplacement sur 5 confirmé 


1) a rosalia tour cendré

2) irisia tout en haut au nord sur le sol en partant du centre pokémon

3) route 42

4) route 14 carmin sur mer? remplacer par route????

5) après avoir battu ondine a carmin remplacer par route ?????

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If you KO suicune does it reappear randomly again, or is it gone forever?


edit: nevermind i cant read apparently.


  • Suicunes encounter rate goes up after you've failed in catching it (whether you ran/lost/killed it), meaning it becomes LESS rare in the wild 
Edited by eYeTrIcK
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I confirm in Ilex forest. I used to roam around the entire region repeating some loops over the intersection of Route 36. I think works same as the original game due Suicune was the first Pokémon that appeared when I stepped that forest (near the south gate).

On 8/21/2023 at 7:57 AM, FXboy10 said:

if i close the game does the encounter rate reset?


Edited by osdavid
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4 hours ago, Juandyx said:

Tengo una duda ahora que salió el suicune shiny, si no me aparece shiny el suicune de mi cuenta, lo puedo matar e intentar buscar nuevamente, hasta que salga shiny nuevamente 

The suicune you get is what you get, you cannot change it unless you grind another account. 

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  • drakesstepson changed the title to Catching The Sacred Beasts Trio - Suicune, Raikou, & Entei - Info + Strategies Guide
  • drakesstepson changed the title to Catching The Sacred Beasts Trio - Suicune, Raikou, & Entei - Info + Strategies Guide

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