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The Great PokeMMO Treasure Hunt(December 6)

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We have a winner. Congratulations to xGilanx for solving all of the puzzles to open the treasure chest. Upon entering the final password the chest opened to reveal a Shiny Donphan.


Thank you to everyone who took part.


For those who are curious, the clues were as follows:


  • A place of horrors yet unseen. Speak of the ancestor and the path shall be seen." -> Cinnabar Mansion  Password: Mew
  • You can find it somewhere in the sea. Resting in the middle is where it'll be. Speak of ice and the path will be nice. --> Seafoam Islands Password: Articuno
  • Filled with plants and lush trees, walking through this is not a cup of tea. Go to the place that's a shade of green, speak of the sword and the path shall be seen. --> Viridian Forest Password: Swords Dance
  • Arriving on a ship from space. Speak of the dance and the path will leave a trace." --> Mt. Moon Password: Clefairy Dance
  • Although this place is steep, the object found inside is not cheap. Go to where the burning one sleeps, speak of fire and you will get what you desire. --> Mt. Ember Password: Flamethrower
  • Teetering on the edge of catastrophe. Go to the place of the missing one, speak of grass and the path will become one. --> Cape Brink Password: Frenzy Plant
  • Dig down deep in the sand in the place where pirates land. Speak of night and the treasure will be in your sight. Treasure Beach Password: Umbreon
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