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About This Club

Friendly, fun, family-based team with a focus in PVE
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Congratulations to our winners! In 3rd place Serlocke with 148 points In 2nd place DaSpadee with 155 points In 1st place Xekona with 162 points
  3. A Shedinja catching event, the real randomized iv Date: Sunday July 14th Time: 5pm UTC Location: Route 116, Hoenn Ch 4 Duration: 1 hour for catching and 20 minutes to evolve/submit entries Pokemon accepted: Shedinja Nature Bonus: Adamant +5 Lonely +5 Naughty + 5 RULES/NOTES All Scores are judged by total IV value from highest to lowest. To submit for scoring you must link 2 entries: Your shedinja and the ninjask you evolved to obtain it to compare nature/ivs To win this event, You must have the Shedinja with the Highest ivs. There will be no prize for the lowest ivs All Pokemon must have been caught within the event time. Pokemon must be the player's OT. You must link your entry to a participating staff member via whisper to submit your entry. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined through the earliest catch time. Must be part of the team to participate Make sure when evolving that you have an open slot in your party for Shedinja When evolving nincada to obtain shedinja: Nature will always pass 3 ivs at random from nincada will pass 3 ivs will role at random Best of luck! 1st Prize: 1m 2nd Prize: 500k 3rd Prize 250k Host PinkWings
  4. Congrats to Aeziel for winning his first Metronome! The rng was on his side this month! https://challonge.com/dy0e7htd
  5. going to claim my 2nd riolu.... and lapras...... and yanma.......... and skorupi.................
  6. Safari Week is now over ty all for participating!!! All prizes have been sent out. All Caught Shinies: @UnDeaD @RickMasterZ @Asunabestgirll @SwagMastaSlim @GGenerosity All Flees: @BlackFoxC @UnDeaD @Leftyy @DaSpadee @Jmaayy
  7. Welcome and good luck to everyone participating in Optic's Safari Week! Hosted by @DaSpadee & @Requi Date: June 22nd - June 30th Time: 12am UTC Location: Any Safari Zone Rules: All pokemon must be caught within the event period for submissions to be valid please include ot and caught date Please screenshot the encounter in case the pokemon flees Must be part of the team Optic to participate Pokemon must be the player's OT Prizes: 2m for a caught Safari Shiny 1m for a seen safari shiny that flees +350k for a caught Secret Shiny +100k for a clip of the safari encounter caught or failed Bonus Days: +1m for any shiny seen or caught during these bonus days (all days go by UTC Timezone) Johto Safari - June 23rd Kanto Safari - June 25th Hoenn Safari - June 28th Sinnoh Safari - June 29th Best of luck everyone!!
  8. Date: June 20th Time: 5pm UTC | 1pm EST Location: Anywhere Duration: 1 hour for catching and 10 min to submit entry Pokemon accepted: Any Ghost or Dark Type Pokemon! Species Bonus: +8 +5 Nature Bonus: Brave +3 Relaxed +3 Rules: Top 3 prizes is determined by total ivs + any bonus that applies 4th place prize is given to the lowest iv caught (Bonuses Included) You may submit 2 entries one for highest ivs and one for lowest ivs All Pokemon must have been caught within the event time. You will have one hour to catch your entry. Pokemon must be the player's OT. You must link your entry to a participating staff member via whisper to submit your entry. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined through the earliest catch time. Must be part of the team or Optic Discord to participate. 1st Place Prize 1.25m + Alpha Spiritomb 2nd Place Prize 1m 3rd Place Prize 750k 4th Place Prize (Lowest ivs) 500k Host: Aeziel
  9. Congratulations to UnDeaDicated for winning this month's Metronome! First time recruit luck on defeating Lung Cancer https://challonge.com/ft1lzl4z
  10. Thanks everyone for participating. And congrats to every winner!
  11. idk man, im just too good (thanks everyone for joining) and dindra for the good fight at the end
  12. great event man. looking forward for the next ❤️
  13. gotta combine staryus to create the ultimate starmie
  14. better odds on this than a secret shiny. much better!!
  15. Date Winner drawn every Sunday and raffle resets on Monday Location Optic Discord Each weeks winner will be posted in #optic-bank Duration Every Week This Weeks Prize! 1 Million Pokeyen Explanation The Weekly Waffles is a thrilling raffle event hosted by @Cwamowant where participants send in 39k for a chance to win a grand prize! At the end of each week, we spin the Wheel to determine the lucky winner. Join us for high stakes, excitement, and the possibility of winning the jackpot! (prize pool changes based on entries). Rules 39k Entry fee For an entry to be valid it must be mailed to IGN: OpticBank your mail must include the message "Waffles please" Must be a member of Team Optic Only 1 entry per person Winners e.e
  16. Congrats to Frauts for winning this month's Metronome! Lung Cancer was defeated today https://challonge.com/fkltg8pq
  17. Welcome everyone to the Optic Shiny Showdown!!!! Date: Thursday May 23rd - Sunday June 2nd Time: 9pm PST, 12am EST, 6am CET (24th may) Duration: 10 days Prize pool: 40M+ yen Hosted by: @Gurbb&@SwagMastaSlim For any confusion Thursday May 23th 11:59Pm EST > Friday May 24th 12:00 AM EST (war starts) Captain draft: DONE Team draft: May 20th 7PM EST , May 21st 1AM CET Participants will be drafted into teams by team captains, then compete for 10 days to earn points. The team with the most points wins the entire prize pool, split evenly among members. Get ready to strategize and compete! There is also a price for the 'Shiny wars MvP' The person with the most individual points wins: 1x Donatur Status Ticket - 30 Days 10x Shiny Charm (+10%) Teams Team Chikorita Team Cyndaquil Team Totodile Scoring system Points We wish every team the best of luck May the best team win!
  18. The tiers have been shattered. Charizard has been unleashed

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