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Everything posted by Sergkn

  1. My bloc list is zero xd, I have no problem talking to someone. Weird because when they start insulting they are the ones who block me still if I don`t insult, so I am not sure if it is mature blocking people. And when the conversation is already dumb, just ignoring 2 or 3 messages they stop talking.
  2. You had limited in halloween and new cosmetics in christmas... I just want something to have fun as I am sure they are making right now. We had one of best items, the flaming moto... ah sorry it was not limited so you cannot make game money with it then maybe it is trash for you.
  3. I only want that the wish stone can be used soon and that it does not be a new theme for complaining in the forum. I think they are working hard for thhe new feature on the next aniversari, then the events... they made something... But making a late use of the wish stone not... it was the main christmas thing needed long time to obtain it and it has to be cleared early its use. I would get annoyed serously this time if months run and people starts making their stupid theories month after month about this item... hell no
  4. 1500 hours in 10 years, some 150 hours every year, lucky you love the game if not it was nothing xd, jokes aside... happy aniversary yours
  5. It is delayed because they said in june (or Im not sure when exactly) they are planing to make an aniversary event, so it was suposed they are planing it for this year 2023. So if it is not in this year, then it will be 12th aniversary in 2024, so it is delayed. But well... they said they are planing aniversary event, it doesnt mean it was for 2023 but everyone understood this was for 2023 11th aniversary. We are always with our ship navigating on mist trying clear something xd.
  6. Pero la proxima vez lee, que estais todos cegatos but one apple and another apple are two apples
  7. The question is xd, why the boss got nerfed? I was winning good enought without the nerf and the pumpkin goodies were already too cheap. Now with the nerf and the 12 days of event I think the pumpkin goodies willl be 10k soon
  8. Vaya estrΓ©s de conversaciΓ³n, por eso yo no presto nada xd, para evitar eso. Y a jugadores nuevos que te ponen nervioso estando ocupados o este haciendose el tonto. English: delete the comment when you like
  9. Weezing strategy depends of the move of the hydreigon right? you need dark glasses? I tried it one time and I failed that move at first try so I never tried again, I dont need it
  10. but quiting that all is fine, I hope the boss make fevers xd
  11. of course if he drains all time he see he can kill xd, the plants on ground drain you too, so if you have not luck with the companions...
  12. no, He got crazy using that move, like I said it used fever 1 time only, it was in his first move, You know with that attack you can get asleep and little damage hits, I used one full heal on krookodile I was hurt from the first boss by some dumb mistakes but not much, so it should be used the drain in the first turn if what you say is truth, it is when I was worst, not after use the heal on krokodile 100% hp, and the other 2 with 90%, but when he drained me I had one turn in the third turn I could use a pumpkin cookie so I healed all, he wasnt using fever so I had not to use status heal, but he did soul drain again, then boss companions appear, this made the fight not posible to win, more thinking you have to go third boss almost at max of your hp. It was 1 fever attack and all other drainings, one after use a pumpkin cookie. I have no idea why in the other games he used 0 drainings being at same situation of hp.
  13. It feels like if he got stuck doing that attack all the time, I think the chance of win was 0 xd
  14. Doctor is right xd I don't know why the second boss did 1 fever attack and he did all the other attacks all time soul drain, I could only see how I was dying I could not do more than laughting xd, it was the first game after update, people were saying yay nerfed and he killed me like never. I don't know what happened that game, I played 3 more after and he never used soul drain and won easily.
  15. The moto is so good, making it limited is like disapearing when years run. They show the moto with this orange flaming skull, I will have never this skull... Do you want the same for the moto? new players coming and the moto being so expensive they can never have it but economically viable players making crazy trades with them. Old players do not enjoy the game anymore, like these saying ggrr the event is not rentable. I think you should go other game where you can make money inversions, this is the only you care. I know the economy is fun in this game but many do it like if this was the only thing. For me the event is always rentable because I am making money while I get fun playing it, not like always farming gims or berries. So, you only want the moto limited for your economy and maybe you are not playing this game constantly because it makes you bored xdd. I don't know if I am making some point with this xd, somebody understand me what I am trying to say. Stop thinking in this game as money money, rentable, economy etc and try enjoy it xd. I f you do this you will see that you want the moto in the shop every year, not limited. I think the developers know so they put the best item seasonal, and the others limited are always becoming less pretty in my opinion just because they are limited.
  16. Well in hard mode needs cookies as the key of the fight. You are playing in easy, I only played 4 games in easy and just need some ghost cookie at second boss. Maybe in easy it can get complicated sometimes Im not sure xd, in easy just attack more xd to the pumpking more damage
  17. This boss needs You be playing with the cookies. I did not need cookies on the third pumpking last year but this year the cookies are more important. Maybe you are assuming that you should win without cookies if your team is good. I think this year the cookies are the key.
  18. We had an event delayed (aniversari) months. You think It is a good idea, joking this year with this atmosphere of mist during all the year? I think atleast this year is time for no jokes xd, it should be on saturday or sunday as long. Johto springish... nah, end of summer, everything a weird year, I would like being able to trust words sometime πŸ˜‰
  19. I hope it and everyone gets their account back if you did nothing bad. It is only one thinking around my head xd I am not affirmating it. Maybe You yes but I never saw someone saying yes I cheated and I deserve the ban, here everyone always look innocent but they get ban, I don't think pokemmo be always banning innocents. This time it looks so, I'm only letting my brain thinking go here I hope there be nothing wrong with it
  20. I start thinking that many people were cheating in some way on mobile and Pokemmo was not detecting those, then with this update it detected all the rats and everybody afected is making group saying they did nothing. Thinking that if they are many people they will win or something.
  21. I dont want to look rude but ask these in game chat, You will find help there fast without coming here.
  22. I understood you haha, maybe because I am spanish and we have similar way to speak xd. Well I had to read slow to understand but ok, you are not alone xdddd.
  23. Hace tiempo ya pero entre porque hace poco alguien ha comentado, y ahora pienso que el brazal firme solo dobla los evs al pokemon activo. O sea solo por ese detallito antes te parecia cojonudo y ahora quieres que te devuelvan el dinero? Ese item esta bien sin brazal firme igualmente
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