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Everything posted by kiwi

  1. why are u crying if you do the same? scum
  2. Some people have rivers in his eyes, there is no other way they cry that much
  3. 50 euros I win, I pay via paypal abstenerse tercermundistas
  4. 10m I win also taking every bet against me just tag me and there is a deal
  5. Why Hippowdon dropped? D Tier for Zoroark is fair
  6. good work Im sure it will be useful for those who struggle at teambuilding.
  7. Pon una traducción o vendrá el típico a decírtelo, en este caso yo. Remember to provide an english translation.
  8. kiwikidd gmt +2 usum OU, OU I prefer to stay quiet than posting a screenshoot with 19 losses in low ladder.
  9. 0 Andrea died in Mexico last week of March
  10. Every player must play alone, without any help at any time of the duel (excepting calcs) . If player Y interferes in the development of the duel bringing information that player X may not know, player Y is interfering on the outcome of the duel so player X is no longer playing alone. We all know that 2 brains are better than one.
  11. It is a requeriment for hosting tours to make terrible decisions? Just asking
  12. GL in the finals Colombia, espero que no seais pechosfrios
  13. https://gyazo.com/d77d7ef61f140617baa4e1819e30c450 WP
  14. You are in the wrong game, this is supposed to be a MMO so you have to play if you want all the stuff this game have
  15. conk base speed stat is 45
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