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Everything posted by hannahtaylor

  1. Hi, just thought I'd give you some advice about putting it on a Smeargle. As when you use memento the pokmeon faints and you can't sketch from a fainted pokemon. What I did was: double npc battle 2 muks (or another pokemon) with memento Use memento on each other One will work (and faint) the other will fail Bring out Smeargle and sketch from the failed one
  2. If these could stop happening when I'm asleep that would be great xD <3
  3. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy it here :D
  4. Hello and welcome. I hope you enjoy it here :D
  5. Hi, I whispered you but you must've not seen it. I'm a breeder and I'm happy to breed what you need. Give me a whisper, or mail, and I'll be happy to discuss a price that's good for both of us ign: hannahtaylor
  6. If you hover over 'active' it'll tell you when your listing expires
  7. Whatever ends up happening, I'm still willing to help :)
  8. I always help when possible and I'm always down to help you :)
  9. You are missing something. You can release from the summary that pops up
  10. You can release them immediately (unless they're in your party)
  11. I don't have any pictures for ideas, but looking through the gift shop etc I have noticed there's no female hairstyles
  12. Oh poor you, I'm so terribly sorry you thought a MMO would work the same way as a handheld game. I do hope you're not suffering too much? Again, I offer my sincere condolences that you can't trade eggs and I do hope that someone will change this especially for you. Offering you warm hugs and a shoulder to cry on. (also pretty sure it's not an extra 50% exp, just a bit extra)
  13. Also, the IVs and nature of a pokemon are decided at the point the egg is made. So, even if you could trade eggs, I'd be fairly sure the OT would be who made the egg. The only thing are are correct about is the fact traded pokemon gain slightly more exp.
  14. The Beefy Bouffants (0) Vs Gardevoirs of the Galaxy (0) UU: Suneet vs Umbramol - taken by @Suneet NU: Zymogen vs Sebat - taken by @Sebat NU: Cali vs Forfiter- taken by @Laz The Raging Noctowls (0) Vs Munya's Kecleons (0) Doubles: Zigh vs DoctorJJ 100k each, void if sub etc etc
  15. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy it here. If you need any help, or a friend, feel free to whisper me in game. Ign hannahtaylor
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