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Everything posted by CaptnBaklava

  1. IGN:CaptnBaklava Time Zone (UTC format): +1 Tiers: NU/UU/DUBS Fluff: Your next breakout player Motivation: I honestly just want to play some fucking pvp. Fuck randoms fuck 3hour long Q times in MM just let me play lol
  2. Paul has been banned before psl start? This is getting out of control lol
  3. Isnt like I cant get 100m in a day or two if I need em ?
  4. Is this an actual auction? If so I offer 100m
  5. I was about to say that 1m is way to low fee Imagine playing this game for years and not bering able to pay 10m to join a tournament if you want to lol
  6. Yep the attack pattern changed again, maybe they are randomized now idk
  7. i can clear the hard mode most of the time, there are jsut some rng rolls i cant win against, maybe its because i did it so often that i just had them all often idk important for phase 3 is to have over 80% life, atleast for the strat im using, he wont use phantomstrike than
  8. I face it every round. Allways Phase 3 turn 3 for me. more annoying is the double paralysis you can get in phase 1 at least for me
  9. Thats good to know, but wasnt obvious. Atleast not for me.
  10. nice coding, he just prefs to attack its add instead of a rockyhelmet user. Thanks for pointing that out in the patchnotes. Great job @devteam fun and interactive, nice transparent gamedesign
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