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Eternal Mayor of PokeMMO
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Bestfriends last won the day on April 27 2023

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About Bestfriends

  • Birthday 08/04/2013

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    PokeMMO News Corporation
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    PokeMMO Mayor At Your Service!

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  1. Good evening Kang, I hope you are doing alright. From this post on forums, it looks like you are either expressing an interest for applying to the Staff Team or would like public recognition for your accomplishments. If you would like to apply to the Staff Team, then you can file an Application by going to the Support Request and click on Create a Ticket. Feel free to highlight your achievements there and why you want the role in your Application. If you would like public recognition for your accomplishments, then I appreciate the amount of compassion that you have for PokeMMO. Keep up the great work man! All the best and keep on contributing to PokeMMO Kang. - Bf
  2. Added this Vanity to the Index. Thank you to whoever took the screenshot and I wish all the Shiny Hunters well with their war.
  3. 1. You can add your base by using the Secret Power move when the prompt says "Create Secret Base here." Keep in mind, that you can only have one Secret Base, so if you already have a pre-existing Base, then your Base will be wiped in favor of your new Base. 2. As of the time of this post, Secret Base Decorations cannot be traded. 3. There is a way to get a Secret Base to your Team/Club, however that requires your Team Leader or Commander to convert his/her own Base into a Team Base. Also the Base can only be accessed when he/she is online.
  4. Good evening, I hope you are doing alright. Unfortunately the Glass Ornament cannot be obtained as of now, however that could change in the future.
  5. I only featured Banette because it is the best for the job in my opinion. As for the other Friskers, I made a brief video publication explaining each pokemon's benefits and drawbacks. Hopefully you find this enjoyable:
  6. I can, but there is a really excellent guide that goes into more detail about this item. Thus, I can link that guide as well.
  7. I know that a fair amount of people only have Kanto completed, so the Slaking location in this region is over in Viridian Forest. Thank you @Elizn for putting this thread together.
  8. Good question, a wonderful man by the name of @YIBU gave me the information on a notepad and I put it into Guide Form (information on said notepad is a bit dated since this was back in 2020). I do update the guide when there are Update Changelogs that highlight certain learnset changes or any other changes that @Kyu compiles very neatly. Nowadays you can dump all the information by going to "Settings" -> "Utilities" -> "Dump Moddable Resources" -> "PokeDex Data" I hope this helps.
  9. Pokemon Egg Group Index (PokeMMO Version) Good day everyone, I hope you are doing well. Since the removal of a central Egg Group List on Bulbapedia, I decided to replicate it to the best of my abilities. Thus the goal of this guide is to have one page contain all the Egg Group Listings as well as the Pokemon within that Egg Group. For easy locating, I made sure to make the Egg Groups colored and the Pokemon have their respective in game sprite beside their names. If you are looking for a Guide on Egg Moves, then feel free to check this Guide out. Also if you are looking for places to hunt certain Egg Groups, then feel free to check out this video that I made with @Kole and @Kellybug (and feel free to check out my Hoppip and Skiploom strategy). Hopefully, you find this guide helpful. Guide Color Key Monster Bug Flying Plant Field Fairy Humanoid Mineral Chaos Dragon Water A Water B Water C Genderless Ditto Cannot Breed
  10. Good evening graysocean, I hope you are doing alright. The issue with Teddiursa learning Pay Day is that Teddi cannot learn it in the base games. As a result, Teddi is not likely to have this added to its movepool (unless the base games decide to add Pay Day into Teddi's Learnset). As for Munchlax, Snorlax can learn Pay Day in the base games (Let's Go Pikachu). For now, feel free to carry both Teddiursa and Muchlax in your PvE Team (that is a tactic I do).
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