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  1. according to the original game to enter the building north east from the pokecenter you need to have at least 10 different kind of ribbons in your party. should be same on pokemmo but i dont know as there is no story items there.my main character can access that place. the building east from the pokecenter you cant access in pokemmo as of now.
  2. sorry late reply i did not see it because you did not put @mightyboxer so i got no notification. there is no higher appearance rates.in pokemmo 2 pheno spawn somewere randomly in over 177 know tile locations.These 2 pheno are either active or in a cooldown to spawn somewhere again.At any time in the game there can be 2 active pheno / 1 active pheno + 1 pheno in a cooldown / or 2 pheno in a cooldown. yes if 2 pheno are active in route 5 no other locations will have a pheno because only 2 can be active at any time.
  3. yes works and berry farming is the most profitable passive way to make pokeyen aside from gtl snipe under priced stuff and sell higher. Making alt characters in unova and get to mistralton city to have more berry farming spots is a good tactic too.
  4. removed superpotion from the guide until they remove that event thing blocking the item. removed wepearberry in route 7 kanto.
  5. sorry late reply you did not @mightyboxer in post so i did not get notification. beating gym2 will allow you to use cut outside of battle in sinnoh.gym leader says you can now use cut after you get badge.is it possible you miss read that and believed you got the cut from leader? There was no update in pokemmo since 2023 october.I watched this youtube sinnoh pokemmo walk that is 1 day old.In it you get cut from cynthia and gym leader does say you can now use cut after you win battle.
  6. sorry for late reply you did not put @mightyboxer so i did not get a notification for this post 1.yes whole unova region.channel and server does not matter. 2.if you logged in or relogged the game in route 1 it will fix the bug that sometimes happen where you cant see pheno.177 known pheno with 10 minute being active and 5-15 minute in a cooldown.waiting could take lots of hours to get a specific tile to become a pheno even if your on a screen with like 3 close by.best thing you can do is have a 10 minute interval alarm on youtube or something and login to see if there is something then log out and repeat.thats how i did it to collect pictures after players told me where they found something new.took many hours login every 10 minute to find specific tiles. 3.when a pheno becomes active on a specific tile it will be there for 10 minutes no matter what you do. 4.you can but thats not efficient to get a specific tile to become active as it can take many hours.
  7. i dont know i would need to test when i have time.
  8. Seems they just added info based on original game and not test that data for pokemmo and just wrote as data is facts.Only the first trainer in that family can be battled once. No other family member can or ever was possible to battle on pokemmo.Prism scale was also always removed since they first added pokemon white on pokemmo. So that site is not realy reliable to know what is implemented or not.You can check my walk guide.The second post has a list of items that were removed.It only lists items that were supposed to be obtained but you get nothing at all.If pokemmo has a different item given than the original games it will not be in that list.
  9. changed text as well as castelia 1 out of 5 berry choice text changed and larvesta egg notification to stay on 5 pokemon if you want to collect it. Sorry the guide was initially written as pokeyen making speed run alt run with charcoal being the most expensive item.
  10. added text that you need cardkey to talk to her.I wanted to change the order in the past but right click with mouse did not give option to delete the spoiler. I found a way to delete by making it blue and backspace key.
  11. All of those are in the unova guide after you beat the story elite 4.Here is 1 example post story e4 in relic castle.
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