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Posts posted by Munya

  1. http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=6707273

    [spoiler]Sorry Munya I'm going through a Phoenix Wright stage in my life.[/spoiler]


    This feature would be good for commentators on youtube. 
    Say I wanted to film something and I don't want people in my videos. Sure you can go to deserted channels but there is no guarantee that people will or will not be there.

    This option would be useful.  The offline mode would have its own setting where it would allow the user to toggle what they want in their offline mode such as dnd off/on, chat off/on, chat bubbles off/on, online status off/on, and invisible to the public on/off. There would be a whitelist for people that could bypass someone's offline mode so that if they want to do a recording with just them they can. 


    Having said that I think there's a lot more important things that could be implemented instead of this.

    My rating for implementing this feature
    General Usefulness: 2/5 - Useful for Youtubers and those who want social isolation. Other than that not that useful to anyone else.
    Priority: Low - We don't need this right away
    Wow Factor: 1/5 - There's nothing really exciting about implementing this.

    Overall: 3/10 - Fails something we need implemented right away because most of the features we already have make most of this possible.



    You know you can set dnd and make a custom chat that gets no messages in it right?  And invisible to the public should NOT happen.

    I would be fine with possibly turning other peoples sprites off though.

  2. Guild Wars 2, games run by platforms such as Steam, etc.


    The point is there: There are games that allow invisible mode (meaning players can see you on the screen if they are next to you BUT do not see you online in their friend's list/chat/whatever). There are times when you may REALLY want to be invisible just so you won't be pmed and obliged to respond because you may be busy.


    If the staff are keen on implementing this, I suggest that this can be done in the Social Tab (since that's generally where you do it in most MMOs). Reference from Steam Client, there are general options like : Online, Busy (you appear online with busy tag), Appear Offline (you appear offline to people in your friend's list /guild list)



    Put DND on and you won't have to respond.

  3. He wants a "invisible mode" where he can still be online, but will appear offline to his friends. It's something a lot of instant messaging clients employ as well. Basically you can turn on this setting and be online, but appear offline so you can have private chats with a specific friend without someone else disturbing you; or if you are interviewing for a job (yes some employers do interview via Skype and such).


    He wants a "invisible mode" where he can still be online, but will appear offline to his friends. It's something a lot of instant messaging clients employ as well. Basically you can turn on this setting and be online, but appear offline so you can have private chats with a specific friend without someone else disturbing you; or if you are interviewing for a job (yes some employers do interview via Skype and such).



    Just use DND if that is your reasoning. Skype is a chat engine, this is a game.  I have never seen a game that lets you appear offline.






    skazord pls, i also want to see you more in game. And don't worry I'm sure they'll be back faster than we expect, the only one who's gonna be gone for a while is prolly volpi and neslie. Update will save us all when it comes, pls come soon ;_;




    you are 2 slow, volpi already explained it.

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