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Everything posted by Carlosjxx

  1. You can find raikou in minutes, hours, days or even weeks. It all depends on your luck. Edit: Btw I have different characters with suicine and raikou. So GL!
  2. Internet's full of lies. Don't believe everything you read there. 90% of the people here know that they are actually dogs >:v
  3. Nope. They are dogs. Raikou is a dog with the body of a tiger. Entei is a dog with the body of a lion and the same with suicune. They may look feline but they are actually canine 🐕
  4. It's not a cat, it's a dog 🐕
  5. 😮 how lucky you are man jajajaja congratulations
  6. You can make a ban appel here https://support.pokemmo.com/ good luck but if you are guilty then don't waste your time playing the innocent.
  7. You must make a ban appel here https://support.pokemmo.com/ Good luck but if you are guilty then don't expect to be unban
  8. https://support.pokemmo.com/
  9. 2019 there was no event. 2022 will be the same? Life goes on! then no matter that there is no event xD
  10. Jajaja I'm full agree with that 😂😂😂 Breelom has many disadvantages, so is easy to beat
  11. Para invertir en crianza con dittos tienes que tener por lo menos una cantidad de 70m para invertir y aun asi nada es seguro porque es solo suerte. Pero sinceramente buscar shiny con dittos con menos de 70m es perder el tiempo. To invest in breeding with dittos you have to have at least an amount of 70m to invest and even so nothing is certain because it is just luck. But honestly looking for shiny with dittos with less than 70m is a waste of time
  12. I wouldn't change the current interface of the mmo for something more modern. Does it work perfect then why change it? It should be noted that the current interface looks better that your photos.
  13. The spooky candies have never been sold. Special candies do.
  14. How will a normal attack vs a ghost work? Your question answers itself.
  15. ??? Seguirán saliendo y los podrás capturar mas adelante. Si sabes que es permanente verdad? Así que deja de quejarte. También es bueno decirte que las horas son aleatorias. Nunca tendrás una hora exacta en la cual saldrá el alfa ??? They will continue to come out and you can capture them later. you know it's permanent right? So stop complaining. It is also good to tell you that the hours are random. You will never have an exact time at which the alpha will come out
  16. jigglypuff seen from above
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