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  1. It raises doubts in my mind regarding the incursions, according to Kyu's statement, the rest will be activated over time, my doubt is the following... What will happen once another raid is activated, I don't know... Zebstrika, will the lopunny raid be deactivated? What will happen to the people who did not manage to be on day 1 to complete the lopunny raid? Can't they get Shaymin anymore? Me genera dudas respecto a las incursiones, segun el comunicado de Kyu, se activara el resto con el tiempo, mi duda es la siguiente... Que pasara una vez se active otra incursión no se.. zebstrika, la incursión de lopunny se desactivara? Que sucederá con las personas que no lograron estar al dia 1 para completar la incursion de lopunny? ya no podran conseguir a Shaymin?
  2. Before it was difficult to find Smoochum in Kanto or Unova in the Swarm, but since the "patch" it is repeated over and over again in Sinnoh or Hoenn, I know what they will tell me, but skip the regions, but I think it is supposed to be fixed In the patches, that should not happen, not to mention the elfobot that ask you for the same repeated pokemon and precisely the one that the person has the least or appears in, I am surprised that this happens especially since Kanto is the most active region of the event and is ignored for the most important swarm.
  3. I already see the poor articuno who will be moderately abandoned due to his weaknesses, I have noticed that the legendaries always have their pressure ability by default, they do not have their hidden abilities and it would be great if the legendary birds had it, like Moltres with a llama body or in this case Articuno with snow cloack
  4. Claro, por alguna razón cada vez que coloco un link diferente de esa musica, dice eso, pero el nombre de la musica es de rocky 4, se llama Rocky war ivan drago theme, una pelea espectacular en mi opinion
  5. Genial, pues, cada musica es un mod independiente, estas son las musicas. Pd: no se si sea posible para ambos formatos, android o windows porfavor? te lo agradeceria mucho Ciudad porcelana : pvp1 teselia: pvp2 teselia: pvp3 teselia:
  6. En mi caso son solamente 4 para situaciones diferentes, en la region de teselia especificamente, no se si son muchas o podrias? lo agradeceria mucho, sobre todo como es la dinamica? disculpa por tantas preguntas
  7. The truth is that at this point, I am frustrated, I do not understand the reason for the error when making the music mod, every moment it tells me that there is already a mod with the same name, as well as on mobile it says a message An error occurred when importing it, there are only very few videos explaining how to make the music mod, it worked for me the first time after several attempts, now not even that, does anyone with experience know why this error occurs? My info file is fine with its name, description and author. The music format is ogg, it has its respective code for the music it will replace.
  8. I love the dynamic of rotating legendary pokemon in Johto, it would be great if in the future, a similar dynamic is added with the legendary birds in Kanto, but instead of searching for it throughout Kanto, search in their respective areas, as long as they are available "x" legendary bird of the month. An example: The power plant where we find Zapdos in the original games, if Zapdos is available in its respective rotating month, it will be found exclusively in that area.
  9. Hello, thank you very much for the music mod, wouldn't it be possible to upload it in other media? It is that mega is quite limited as far as large downloads are concerned.
  10. I'm really confused about Raikou, they say Suicune will not appear and Raikou will, is this true? Suicune will appear again? is it rotary?
  11. The other question that I have, if the alpha tyranitar, when defeating or capturing it, disappears forever or spawns from time to time as a Red, which spawns once a week
  12. I have a question which has me confused, since there is a group of people who say that alpha tyranitar of silver mount is limited in time.
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