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Everything posted by Rache

  1. Rache

    What's going STAFF?

    Signature request threads are not allowed. This was made quite clear when both of your topics were locked. I suggest finding a signature shop in Creative Media with a style that appeals to you.
  2. Keep the convesation focused on Snorlax. This isn't the place for personal disputes.
  3. This isn't guaranteed, but it's likely. The reduction is 0-5 from each stat, so you are likely to ruin your pretty much perfect Pokemon. It may be best to consider a moveset that doesn't include Hidden Power.
  4. Rache

    [showdown related]

    It should be quite obvious at this point, but if you use a similar or identical password to Showdown anywhere else (including PokeMMO, email, banking, etc), you should change the passwords of those other accounts as soon as possible to prevent any of them from potentially being compromised. If you are a user of Pokemon Showdown and feel that you may be at risk, you can change your PokeMMO passwords here. https://pokemmo.eu/account_change_password/ (Game) https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/settings/password/ (Forums)
  5. This should be here instead of in its own thread. IVs should all be 6 instead of 0 though.
  6. If you're having trouble with the new Sturdy mechanics, try thinking outside of the box and making something that can bypass this very slight nuisance. Having two Pokemon attack it during the same turn or giving both of your Pokemon Surf/Earthquake/etc will allow you to take it out before it can be healed, assuming you mean the Hoenn rematch double battles. If you're referring to the ability mechanics, Sturdy was updated to make the ability actually useful in PvP matches and PvE instances. It is also canon to later generations. If you're referring to the usage of multi-hit moves, try either not using Pay Day or breeding a Rapidash with Double Kick (egg move) and Pay Day (event move). Rapidash doesn't have the attack stat or typing to be able to take out all Pokemon with Sturdy however, so giving up Pay Daying against NPCs may be your best option. With that being said, we're not going to be preventing NPC Pokemon from having the ability nor are we going to revert the change. It encourages finding strategies to efficiently deal with it without breaking the difficulty of the game.
  7. Fixed palette, noticed a few pixels forgotten when swapping a colour for a slightly different shade. Backsprite doesn't have these issues.
  8. Assuming it's fine due to lack of feedback, so the shiny palette for Totodile is done. Left the red untouched, changing it would have some side effects.
  9. I had some time on my hands, so drafted a new Totodile as the current one is tiny. Backsprite is subpar, but can probably be edited into something usable.
  10. Altering the behaviour of certain NPCs is perhaps not out of the question, but there is no chance whatsoever that they will be removed entirely.
  11. There has never been a way to upload directly to these forums. Images need to be hosted on external websites.
  12. https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/announcement/16-rules-for-trade-corner-read-before-posting/
  13. This is correct. It's also worth noting that changing your Hidden Power type through this method instead of breeding will reduce all of your Pokemon's IVs by 0-5 (you have no control over which ones and by how much) so is not advisable if your Pokemon needs 31 speed.
  14. Rache

    [PSL 6] Sign ups

    Not related to the development of the game, closing.
  15. Not related to the development of the game, closing.
  16. Account sharing is against the rules. I very strongly suggest that you do not do this.
  17. Imgur compresses images over 1MB. Whenever I need to upload something larger, I use this.
  18. I'm sorry, but there's no way to reverse mail.
  19. This defeats the purpose of having a forum. We're not going to give users the power to ban each other from threads, nor will we be forcefully excluding people from them. If someone is causing trouble, it is best to report the post then wait for a moderator to act upon it if it's deemed necessary to do so. When using a public forum, one should expect other people to interact with them - if you wish for something to be kept private, it should be discussed using the private messaging system. Additionally and most importantly, our forum software does not allow for what is being suggested to be implemented.
  20. Rache

    Claydol NU?

    Yes, Claydol is NU.
  21. Lucario will only be added when other gen 4 Pokemon are. It will not be added on its own before then, so no discussion is required here.
  22. I'm sorry, but we cannot reverse mail.
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