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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. What even... http://pokemonshowdown.com/replay/unratedrandombattle-47534936 Probably the longest and weirdest battle I've ever had, at least 8 turns were spent where my opponent was trying to sleep powder a sub or something poisoned
  2. Return If Possible, miss you >_

    1. Squall


      Aaaaand the Drama Queen returns once again!

  3. Sakura

    Manga/Anime Thread

    Am I the only one who likes shojo around here...? >_<
  4. After you read this, you'll start breathing and blinking manually

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ZombiWhale


      dammit.... you got me again. wow you have had this status for long

    3. Elkaroo


      For god shake change this, Im going to forgot how to breath.

    4. Bestfriendss


      ..... Can I put you to sleep Elkaroo?

  5. You missed a name near the bottom
  6. +1 Often, when switching between characters/accounts, it will lag horribly or crash, forcing me to open task manager to close it, it would be much simpler to just switch without having to close the client
  7. Will be away for a bit, going on a holiday

    1. justicewhale


      Have fun and smoke a lot of weed

    2. Bestfriendss


      Enjoy your time... And please no weed... Justice, you are seriously dumb... (weed is for stupid people)

  8. Mwahahahahahameowmeowmewmewpewpewpeepeedeedeeidkimhigh I am an evil princess hehhehehehahahhahshdjsknwhejd TorChar, I wish you luck in drawing this
  9. A Hoppip splashing in a pool of Glaceon's blood, while 2 other eeveelutions laugh, and the rest crashing Slowbro's funeral Totally not high right now :rolleyes:
  10. Then just don't catch them. No one is forcing you to fill your dex, but if you want to keep with the "Gotta Catch 'em All" thing, you'll need to actually catch them, otherwise it defeats the purpose of it and becomes too easy. And what about some NPC pokemon that we don't have (Such as Miltank), it just doesn't seem right that you can't obtain a poke but have its data in your dex
  11. Accidentally clicked my own name in global, decided to whisper to myself to see what would happen:
  12. -1 Non canon, and not useful. If you don't like a pokemon, but need to catch it for your dex, just release it after.
  13. These look amazing! Looking forward to seeing them finished i particularly like the Ivysaur one, it's looks fluffy and cuddly XD
  14. -1 It has no benefits, far more effort to train, and it's non canon
  15. You could just make it: Must provide proof in form of screenshot and/or showing in-game if requested by a member or moderator I support this idea. No idea why someone would just advertise fake stuff in Trade, but it is just clogging up stuff and it is annoying
  16. I'm pretty sure you can get these moves via breeding
  17. If correct spelling is a thing, correct grammar and punctuation should also be. You had no capital letters, except for the last line which every word started with one. As for the idea, you could start a game in Off Topic
  18. Really tempted to get up at 4am for this, it sounds awesome ( ^ω^ )
  19. Sakura

    Desktop Thread

    My background is one of those slide show ones, most pictures are to do with anime or minecraft [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  20. +1 It's annoying and suspicious if you keep opening and closing the trade window if you put the wrong pokemon in. I don't think it would encourage more scamming as you have to lock the list, and while the list is locked you can't put in or take out pokemon
  21. Sakura


    Hello and Welcome I use moemon too :3 The most recent one for pokeMMO that I could find was this one: https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/11707-ips-moemon-patch-moegar-feb-2013-version/?p=252642
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