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Everything posted by BuurmanJuan

  1. Could you please post a link in the original post to the updated version? (if there is one) I can't find it.
  2. I am shiny hunting this, I see you are too Techno! Also I would join if the reward was shiny. I'd have to stay up late though and a regular ralts is not worth it for me. Good luck to everyone!
  3. Ok maybe that was not a very nuanced way of saying it, but I'm sure the economy would survive a few new items. Yes prices would fluctuate, but that's just a temporary sacrifice we should be willing to make if we want the game to be a bit more fresh and enjoyable in those 8 months.
  4. They don't have to add any items to the gift shop to host the events.. and who cares if the prices go up anyway. It's just a game and it's not real money, so get over it. The point is that all the current events are in the span of like 4 months, which means there is nothing for 8 months. I think they can at least add an Easter event and a summer event.
  5. I've never donated but I will donate €20 when Johto gets released! And seriously, the dude clearly states it's not an argument thread and y'all immediately start arguing.. This is why we can't have nice things.
  6. Thanks, but what do you mean with it already exists? Also could you click the ^ button on the post? ?
  7. My suggestion is to add sorting and filtering options to the game to make it more organised. My ideas: 1. Sorting pokémon by level, name, gender etc. in PC. 2. Adding a filter to show/hide untradeable items. 3. Adding a "last used item" button in battles. (see image, very useful for catching) If this post gets enough upvotes I can update the list with more similar ideas, feel free to leave yours below ?
  8. Upvoted. I think the event does matter though. Maybe some cool minigames on the beaches.
  9. Right now I can only play full screen battles on my pc if I use the android theme. Please add the option for full screen to the default theme as well, thank you.
  10. I don't see what being a high quality player has to do with signing up fast. Maybe just create a minimum treshold to sign up and pick random participants from those. That way you filter out the worst players while still giving everyone who didn't sign up within 10 seconds a chance.
  11. Winners of both tournaments battle for the shiny in case of 2 tournaments. 2nd place gets a 6x31 IV. I wrote this post after I got rejected for a community combat tournament after 10 seconds, so idk about that. Sure, some spots should be reserved for high ranked players, but why does it have to be time-based for everyone else? I think it would be more fair if it wasn't a contest of whoever can click the fastest (for those with low ELO aka me).
  12. I'm pretty sure 2 OU tournaments with 64 players at the same time would fill up easily. And what's the point of having 15 minutes signup time if you can only really sign up in the first 10 seconds?
  13. I literally set an alarm, hovered my cursor over the signup button and signed up under 5 seconds after signup opened. I was still too late. There's just too many players that want to join the tournaments and not enough seats. Please host 2 or 3 tournaments with the same setup at the same times, so more people can have a chance to participate. Another idea could be to randomly draw participants from the signup pool instead of entering whoever signed up quickest.
  14. The one in the youtube link works fine, very cool! Do you also know one like that for emerald?
  15. For those who don't know, Tauros can only be bred as a male which makes this a very rare pokémon.
  16. Why is haxorus in OU and not UU? Not arguing just curious, I'm pretty new to PvP. Haxorus seems completely useless in OU with like 30% win rate.
  17. Tbh I think most phones nowadays can run games over 1GB so I don't think 500mb is that big of a deal.
  18. Can't they just teleport all players that are in Kanto on the day of the update to Johto or another region after the update? I don't think it would be much of an issue to work around it.
  19. That would be second best option yeah. I have no idea how make mods though, so would be great if someone could make that
  20. Okay too bad, thanks for replying. Thing is I really do want to use the music mod cause the tracks fit really well with the locations. Would be great to have an option for continuing ambient music in stead of triggering battle music. But yeah I understand it's not possible, I'll just have to live with it I guess ?
  21. Dear modders, I don't know how to make mods and I won't pretend to, so I have a small request. Can someone please make a mod where the ambient music keeps playing instead of battle music triggering? I'm using the music overhaul mod which has really nice music, but it's really annoying when it gets interrupted by the stressful battle music, especially in wild encounters. Hopefully this is possible and I will be forever thankful if someone would make this ?
  22. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not complaining either. It's my favourite game by far, I'm just making suggestions because I think it can be even better ?
  23. I couldn't agree more, but I'd prefer kanto from HGSS over the old one. Updating to gen4 graphics would be really cool actually imo, and while they're at it they could also update Hoenn to Omega ruby and Alpha Saphire. I know that's probably not happening though.
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