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Posts posted by ItsGray

  1. if you wanna get banned you can just ask staff to ban you like malorne did, but i'll miss you and your smack talk

    Meh, I prefer to take things as they come, if I get banned I'll just go on with life, but until the day I'm banned, I will always just pop back in to make Lyle over react and get angry over something small like always ;)
  2. o/ lel i dont think lyle realizes you are shit talkng just for fun. and you playing again? did you hear about jay? did you hear about ismash? hugh?

    Their heads are shoved so far up their own ass I don't think they realize that I'm doing this for shits and giggles hehe, I didn't know about jay or smash, I heard about Hugh though ;-; Its retarded that they're gone now too, it makes me wonder whos next D:

    [Spoiler] Inb4 it's me [/Spoiler]
  3. Just a fun activity to kill time in my life. Already got my own place to live, nice job,car, money saved up if I like to go back to school. When I was in school nice 3.3 gpa, good amount of scholarships. Pretty much everyone in lyle is educated or in school. Nik, bloo, plat all in college. Doublej in medical school, jstud working on his phd. Tell me about your life?

    I didn't ask for your life story buddy and I really don't care about the uguus in your team bro

    heya gray long time no see o/ this threads hilarious

    Fred! What's up man long time no speak, haha I know right, bunch of uguus getting so mad it's so funny hahahahahaha :')
  4. What is talking shit on PokeMMO forums going to accomplish, other than you looking like a 10 year old child?

    Passes the time doesn't it?

    Just to be clear, all I did was post a picture and you fuckers got butthurt ;)
  5. Woah woah mr.shitiestgravatarpicsincedayone, not a few tournaments, 15 officials wins.

    Oh wow, what are those tourney wins going to do for you? Pay your bills? Pay for school?

    Let me know when that happens bro
  6. Please explain how you're going to talk shit over a pokemon game, then tell us to get a life
    here's probably the best idea for you.

    Inactive for oh some months now, I always remember to come back and make all you sad fuckers angry by posting that picture tehehehehehe
  7. lol cant believe a uguu like eserkutas is compared to the likes of bowser smh, foggi will never know what its like to be a champion. just coz u beat some of us once or twice doesnt mean jackshit

    Can't believe you guys think you matter just because you win a few tourneys in a terrible game, gg.

    [Spoiler] Get a life guys ;) [/Spoiler]
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