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Everything posted by Elizn

  1. I think the OP has all the ROMs on their PC, but not the ROM they need on mobile, and is asking if they dont have the ROM on mobile to play in their last saved region, to be teleported to a region they do have installed on their mobile
  2. I love this. It seems like the only real viable option to add Johto into the game at least. Someone already said it. But for Johto and BW2 Kanto and Unova should be beaten once before a time machine is usable Im 1000000000% behind this idea.
  3. I might be wrong on this, but Pokedex completion even on console games excluded legendaries and mythicals, As long as you had everything else, you was okay Aren't they the only things missing from PokeMMO anyway? It won't be a total 100% completion if we cannot access legendaries and mythicals, but it was good enough to be complete in the consoles.
  4. I love looking in here every few days to see what new shinies people have found ?
  5. Please make offers, I'll more than likely accept Ditto Lv. 44 (15/30/22/27/18/29) (141 IV Total) Ditto Lv. 42 (30/25/14/12/30/27) (139 IV Total) Ditto Lv. 40 (22/24/30/24/25/27) (152 IV Total) Magikarp β™‚ Lv. 1 (0/0/3/24/13/0) (3x0) Not sure on how much these sell for, so please offer what you think
  6. It would be a good idea to add an NPC to do this, like 1 per region somewhere like halfway through a story. Why should solo players be left out of getting Pokemon that are mandatory trades of they feel like they cant trust others? But on the flip side, Ch2 has a decent amount of chill people and whenever someone asks dor a trade evolve, helps always given
  7. 10 years? Wow, Ive only been around for 1. Love seeing older pictures of what this thing used to be like, really enjoy playing. Wonder what they will do for the 10 year anniversary?
  8. Shall I just leave my own Chatot here so we can believe its back? lol
  9. Found a 2nd in the space of an hour WHAT IS GOING ON??!
  10. Elizn

    wtb ditto

    I got one with a combined IV total of 139. That okay? Whats your price?
  11. Darn, to think we all have been Aerial Aceing wrong for all these years o:
  12. I caught 500+ OT Pokemon (Pokedex is done from Bulbasaur to Piplup, excluding Legendaries) before realising there is no reward to doing it, other than just going into Prof. Oak's good book. Something as a reward for completing it would be great, as it would incentivise completing it, and maybe turn heads to complete it? Having something that really does take a lot of your time up like that and not having a reward to complete it is a little disheartening.
  13. If it helps, i'll add it now. Thank you c :
  14. There is a guide for a team and a strategy, seems to work quite well
  15. I didn't like the Gen 5 sprites on the console games, but idk they're more fitting to this.
  16. I tried this a while back and couldn't get it to work. Tried it again today and its working a treat, I love it Now I can accurately check how many blue and white Pachirisu's I find and cry over before I find another pink one lol Only downside is, I now have to use the arrow keys to escape from battle instead of using my mouse, but its no killer.
  17. Welcome πŸ˜„ If you want something trained up and you dont want to do it yourself, for what ever reason, you have come to the right place! Shop is currently: [CLOSED] My Status: [x] Current Job(s): Meet Neon, my EV Trainer: Also, Now Blue: Butterfree handles the Bulk orders. Dragonite handles Quick and Amnesia orders. [NEW] New Player? Totally new player to the MMO? As a welcome gift, I will EV train one of your Pokemon for FREE. As long as you have less than 80 hours total playtime, you qualify! It wont be levelled high so you can still use it in the early game. I'd need to see your in game character list, and trainer card. You can Mail me IG with your Order But do NOT send anything until I say so I also take orders here in thread, by DM's or by Discord: [NDGO or LAVA] Servers ONLY. I ONLY play in Ch.2 if you would like to trade them. For Mailed Pokemon: Money will need to be paid upfront. This is only because once I am done I can mail it back straight away. Do NOT set me a time limit that your Pokemon must be completed by. I'm not training 24/7 and I complete orders by Earliest first. Next Promotion Milestone: 1000 Congratulations to urCute's fashion contest winners! LordQuostoninost x5 Tear x2 LaMikotoMikasa x1 TwiceF x5 Shookan x5 Deploic x5 Craneo x5 Knightee x5 Whenever you need anything trained. Message me here or in game and I will train for you! Current Completed Jobs: 553 Milestones Beat: 50 11/04/2022 100 20/04/2022 250 21/05/2022 500 05/08/2022 If you prefer your Pokemon not to be listed here, please let me know after I have completed your job. Amnesia Brace Jobs are shown here: [NEW] Shiny Showcase
  18. Heeeeey Dupeiter. Loving this, I think this way might make me more efficient in my gym battles (normally have about 15 minutes left on my 2nd coin after all gym battles, that includes swapping Ty's for Blastoises for Fire Gyms and Jynxes for Iris, I also do them in a different order than this xD) Ive been considering a Flygon in extra slots for a while now and it seems like a solid idea (the extra 2 I usually carry is Haunter and Volcarona) but is there another option instead of Garchomp? Sinse its pretty.. idk eww? (expecting incoming hate as per ch2 usual :rolleyes:) Also, whats the strategy when it comes to Juan? Because on the 2 occasions I choice Specced both Typhlosions, and both at 100% HP, His Kingdra survives. (Both EV trained in Sp. Atk so both have the stat at 348)
  19. Was experimenting a coin battle run that doesnt involve gym leaders. Which works out :D
  20. I found today that where Chatot would normally be, its disappeared but its shadow is still there. Im almost certain this wasn't intended lol
  21. Why not. This seems fun In game name: Elizn Join Date: 15-11-2020 Hours played: 800+ Screenshot of your character: (Coming soon!!) Picture of yourself [Optional]: Nada. Country where you live: United Kingdom The theme tune to a movie about your life would be: erm ill get back to you on that one (dont really watch movies) Your autobiography would be called: Even I wouldnt read it - The Elizn story Current occupation: Train yard worker Sweet or Salt Popcorn: SWEET Your super hero power would be: Morph into anything. Human ditto? Favourite and Least Favourite Pokemon: Fave: Typhlosion Least Fave: Toss up between Sableye and Garchomp Favourite Movie: Shrek Your favourite TV show as a kid was: Tom and Jerry or Ed Edd and Eddy Last meal you ate was: McDonalds ._. Anything I missed??
  22. Elizn


    Im new to the forums, but no stranger to the game Hi, I go by Elizn. I always hang around Ch.2 but only just came by the forums. See you all around (if I havent already lol)
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