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Everything posted by chuur

  1. Pls also apply this to in game double battles, lemme go back!
  2. I second this motion. Make da scientist stay still. unnecessary to select egg, or make option to unlock all flags
  3. Make it x3 and better then macho lol Then for sure everyone would buy it
  4. Suggestion regarding implementing in game shops for trade Kinda biting off maplestory/ perfect world, and other MMOs, the idea of having an in game market to sell uts/ items would be very useful. I think it'd trump the use of trade in forums and having to catch each other online to do transactions. Many don't even look at trade forums. You could set up (maybe pay for) a time limited shop displaying what you're selling with an exact yen price. This would help minimize spamming trade 295536x and getting lowballed and being able to sell while offline. The difficulties and issues I see with this is that there would need to be a giant space since the amount of shops, it'd probably require players to use other channels. In an old game "Hero Online", u could go afk and stand wherever you want. Then there would be a small title over ur avatar and customers could click you to check what your selling and buy from you without you actually needing to be there. Also I know Quests aren't originally part of pkmn games, but I think the community would enjoy having to complete certain quest to turn in for small monetary rewards. Just an idea
  5. I'm bored, , so wanted to comment.. Most of my team has started to become inactive, maybe it was oras, maybe it's the busy season, but for the most part everyone I seem to talk to is getting tired of the grind. is it jus me or is EVing training jus really grueling. Seems more like work and isn't considered fun. killing hundreds of tangelas for hours isn't my idea of a game, (all my EV guys quit too), we could use a EVing x4 item, instead of macho. I know gms and cms are doing a good job with official events, that helps. I'm surprised how much of the community don't even know about or use the fourms. I personally suck at setting an alarm to register the second a tourny even is open. Tournys seem to be so serious and competitive it kinda sucked the fun out of it for me. I noticed mmo sucks hours out of my day when I should be doing somethin more productive. Almost to 3000hrs. I guess that's on me to cut back on playing. Grinding jus isn't healthy for our IRL, nor is it fun. It's becoming more difficult to spam trade to make $, since no one has a lot to spend. The economy is somewhat stressful, I have friends that have under 50k with no breeders, uts, etc and it's very difficult for them to afford to make money. Paydaying jus doesn't do it. Needs to be a better way to farm $. (I personally like the idea of rewards for quest, or other form of mini games, variant Trainer Tower rewards) I bred over 1000 eggs over the past few months and filled up about 4 alt PC boxes. Breeds are good iv, not good enough to sell or godly enough to use, not bad enough to release. (Pls more box space). The only main reason people are still playing is for the community, although I've seen about 8-10 friends stop playing in the last 2 months. I'm pretty hopeful the release of honen will bring back many players. Although that does mean more breeding/grinding, which still needs to be addressed. lol sorry I'm at my gmas house and I'm bored out of my mind
  6. i like the idea of registering one hour before, Same day and close in time makes it easier then having to remember to register days in advance and setting a bunch of alarm reminders register> prepare> tourny> win green gummy bear XD
  7. christimas theme event ftw! gimmie shiny stan xD
  8. staff is doing a pretty good job with all these official events im horrible at registering, so i like ones where everyone can participate btw i like the poster, whoever did it did a good job
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