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Everything posted by Beldore

  1. If we use 600k to make 1 comp and sell it for about 200k we wouldn't be making a profit, that would just be making us even more poor faster.
  2. PokeMMO the Worldwide Great Depression

  3. I made a suggestion in this thread here, I think it provides a good way to make money
  4. gives them money faster than grinding for days to buy a decent breeder. This was just an idea to make yen not breed comps. I do see your point tho, i think they just need to reduce the cost of braces, make everstones buyable (maybe only a few per day/week?) and reduce the cost of gender selection imo.
  5. I had an idea, why don't we use the battle frontier to make some yen. When we talk to the NPC we could get the option to battle for yen or BP. The higher the streak the more yen you receive. This could be tweaked too if it causes problems, but it's better than grinding islands for a measly 90k after 2 hours.
  6. Rip us people with no jobs, lets us go cri in the corner
  7. That's true, only top tier players would really benefit from tradeable shinies. The moneysinks in the game is way too high, we shouldn't have to be poor most of the time.
  8. In other MMOs they send you on "quests" and on completion of these quests they reward you with $$$ and other prizes. You could also kill some monsters or bosses and get rewards from slaying them. I think a system like this is what PokeMMO is lacking. We need a system that allows us to make money easily, grinding islands and selling some comps/dittos doesn't cut it. I think E4 should give us some money back as we win, we need the return of shinies being tradeable thats won in tourneys. I have no major solutions for money, but i think those two would at least give us some more ways to get $$$.
  9. iirc you were begging for money just last month :P
  10. No shinies, and no shinies in any of the handheld games either
  11. Fixed up my profile and changed the picture

  12. Text:Beldore Gif:[spoiler][/spoiler] Character Render:[spoiler] or [/spoiler] Background:Something cool that fits the gif and character render Anything else?:You da real mvp
  13. When yo girl tells you to meet her at the restaurant but she never shows up...

    1. xSparkie


      Aw, hang in there man. Stay positive o7

    2. Kiliminati


      Never happened to me, sorry bruh

  14. You just described like 75% of singles battles. There will always be coaching.
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