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Everything posted by BerserkVagabond

  1. As you all surely know I am BerserkVagabond, further introduction isn't necessary. (autographs in the mail now cost 3M) My most fond memory in Pokemmo was when I realised how truly great I am, this came to me upon a cloudy day in the mean green streets of vermillion. As I was cruising around pondering over what I should accomplish and succeed in next I was stopped by a little malnourished horse, he said to me "my name is @Juanks I wish to become a true poke pimp like you Sir Berserk" I then responded "Get away from me you stupid little freak" I then ordered my Charizard to blast flames into this miserable cowards face permanently altering his life trajectory and showing him the levels between gangsters in this mmo we all know and love.
  2. @Juanks On my journey to being the most influential, amazing and humble player (King) in Pokemmo i didn't really need any help whatsoever since I am so great. However each time I set forth on my heroic quests to maintain my standing as the best player in the game I have seen this little and I mean tiny horse neighing at me with support, at first I wanted to sell him to a dodgy factory so he can be made into something useful but his persistence and unwilling bravery of standing in my godly presence has made me tolerate this mini horse we all know and sort of like. - BerserkVagabond (2023)
  3. Recently whilst fishing Wailmers I seem to not get any or very rarely one captcha, when I was hunting dratini via fishing I seemed to get a lot of captchas. Has the captcha system been changed or is it because im using expert lures?
  4. let it be known this man has slandered my good epic name, he has never defeated me not once! infact I have defeated him many a time. thank you for listening and BV Boss out

    1. Crosstoki


      allat talk and you still cant defeat this ratio

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