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Posts posted by Zakaveli

  1. Years of experience in programming languages such as JAVA and C++ (Not neccessary to know both, depends on which language you plan to use, obviously. For the love of God, don't go with C# for games). You'll need experience in OOP (Which is a must), complex (event-driven) software architectures, graphics programming in OpenGL and/or DirectX, high scalable asynchronous TCP/UDP networking, multi-threading, basic I/O (If using JAVA, you'll need experience in NIO aswell), functional programming and more.


    If you plan to use a ROM like this MMO, you'll have to invest a lot of time in reverse engineering the ROM, learning about ROM CPU instructions and such to properly emulate the game.


    Experience in scripting languages such as Ruby and Python is nice.

  2. Thanks for pointing that out.

    And it's not about being lazy, it's just convenient for us staff to use and also nice for almost everyone on the forums here since we've been using this layout (or a very similar one) for a very long time now. Why change it if still works perfectly? 


    not bashing on being lazy because i'd really do the same thing but make sure everything is still in, the clauses link been broken for few tournaments now and i thought you guys would have it fixed by now

  3. i know you staff members are lazy and just copy paste a standard template and change things around but when you do i think it'd be wise to check if your links still work like the clauses one, sigh

  4. Why does suicide need to be subjective? What if you're just curious about what happens after you die so badly that you kill yourself? Curiosity isn't an emotion. ;o

    You cray
  5. What the fuck is wrong with you, mister; "i never thought about suicide" it's not like we're contemplating it. Haha

    "I live by my strength alone, uninhibited by foolish emotions" - Vegeta

    The quote i live by, either way emotions gon leave a person killed
  6. I never understood this whole 'crossfit' hate, before crossfit it was already a thing,. Throwing some athletic exercises in your routine isn't gay or wrong at all. Utilizing your body's core strength and doing natural exercises like lifting sand bags or pushing tiers is a good thing. (which would also fall under the category 'crossfit').


    As far as i've noticed it's the retarded looking no time under tension having ass butterfly pullups and the way they swing those weights with a shitload of momentum to get it up that made the bodybuilding community start hating lol. Also because it's hella expensive, people are paying shitload of money to do variants of weighted calisthenic exercises in some garage looking gyms


    FUARK ramadan is near

  7. Had my first serious workout today, after my injury that is.


    For some reason I thought it would be fun to do Back + Chest, yep.. I'm dead. Also taking in pre-workout shakes now 30min before with water. How long can I max wait to drink my shake after workout? Should I just bring the bottle with me, I don't live that far from the gym. But does it really matter taking it in immediately after or like 20 min after? I drink my post-workout shake with milk btw.


    edit: this shake is fking God, don't need no more MC shakes


    im not really familiar with whey protein shakes because i dont use em unless i really need them like during ramadan but the last tub i had mentioned to drink it 30mins after your workout


    however i dont think it really matters if its 20 or 30mins after or right away, think its best to go with what your body tells you. for instance i feel really hungry most times at the end of my workout so i eat right away, been working for me lol

  8. When individuals start talking about certain people's beliefs and blame religion for the shape humanity and the world is in

    Learn to live together as humans and not as christians, muslims or athiests.
    You dont need to convince everyone that your stupid theory is correct. The creation of something larger than yourself goes beyond your comprehension so dont bother. Just stick to something or dont but dont bash other people for their decision of belief because thats what causes wars

  9. I barely workout during ramadan, i just do 3-4 sets of 2 compound exercises per muscle group 4 times a week. I do this right before i can eat

    The goal during ramadan is to maintain muscle mass at all cost, its impossible to go beastmode. I am now 87-88kg / 190ish lbs, last year i lost 7kg of weight which i plan on keeping this year


    If its real it means we're being watched, which means..

    shit they know what kind of porn i watch
  11. Someone taking issue with another person's choices that have zero affect on them. It's not a huge deal and I'm not gonna sass or rant about it but I think it's absurd.

    jesus christ you sound like 1 of those facebook positivity warriors. look, im not really making an issue on transexuality, read my previous post again.

    i dont completely care about what my fellow human beings are doing to themselves, the thing is that i still however would feel disgusted by their choice (in this case, change of gender).

    also the change of gender process itself has 0% affect on me indeed, but the possible events after could put me in a situation where id like to commit suicide

    id also just hate to explain this transexuality stuff to aliens because it just looks retarded lmao
  12. Haha fair enough. I can't really argue with that. I can understand why you'd have a difficult time accepting it, I had a difficult time accepting it too for the same exact reason. But then i learned to not give a fuck about what people do with their lives, being pro-choice and what not.~


    I will admit though, the fact he/she has a beard is kind of strange imo. Despite that, their hormone treatment apparently went swimmingly. 


    its not like i have something against people who do decide to change gender nor do i think it should be forbidden to change gender, believe me or not i still believe in human free rights/will. it's just i feel like we shouldnt promote it simply because it goes against the laws of nature. and what i mean with that is, you're born as a male/female, then you have the characteristics of the gender you were born as. i dont believe in males being females or vice versa, in my opinion that's bullshit


    about the beard, i dont remember it very clearly but all i know is that he kept it to promote transexuality, feel free to correct me if im wrong

  13. What country did you root for?

    And personally I was hyped for Armenia the most, the guy had a fucking rough voice.


    ofc the netherlands because thats where i live lol sweden was great too


    I'm having such a difficult time telling if you're being serious or not. :s 


    thats just me having a difficult time accepting transexuality simply because of my natural pride, i could care less if you come up with a shit ton of arguments telling me whether it's wrong or not i really dont give a shit

  14. human abomination



    im really dissapointed in us humans to vote for that abomination, promoting homosexuality, okay. but transexuality, i dont want to live on this planet anymore


    also belgium wtf, we could've really used those 12 points, instead you waste 12 on that predalien and give us only 8

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