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About BrokenTed

  • Birthday May 29

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  1. Nope, the chances are around 1/30k all the time, the chances can be increased with donator status and shiny charms, i believe it's 10% per item so its like 1/27k if u have one of those or around 1/24k if u have both. They are consumable so it's not a forever buff, shiny charms last 1h each and donator has 3 options: 7 days, 15 days and 30 days. Each encounter has that rate, so if u seach for shinys in hordes it has the same chance but ur saving time bc ur looking at 5 possible shinies at once if the horde has 5 pokemon.
  2. yeah for sure, thanks ^^ yeah no problem im brokented on discord if you need to contact
  3. you don't need to look for a custom language, if u use the english language it should apply, it's not like slepea, but i highly recommend u only have one custom string language at a time for each region, otherwise it might cause conflicts i tried to make battle text shorter but it normally makes no difference
  4. you're not supposed to change anything if you're using the english strings just use the english language on the client and they should work
  5. I never worked with mac but it should be pretty much the same, on your pokemmo instalation folder try to find a folder called strings
  6. yes it can, you have the explanation under a spoiler under string folder location
  7. It should work no problem with GEC since the horde encounter text it's not modified, sadly GEC is not updated anymore so you might have a lot of problems with it, I personally recommend the archetype encounter counter, it works better, it's updated and highly customizable, it even counts eggs and fossils so you might wanna check that one out ^^.
  8. Ted's guide on How to trade Ditto Boxes I've had a lot of people ask me how to trade Ditto boxes so I decided to make this guide on how to trade them. I'll cover some basic info on them, how to trade them and some tips and tricks on how to trade them fast. I won't cover anything regarding ditto farming but feel free to check this guide for that: Okay so with that said, what are these famous ditto boxes? Why buy/sell these boxes? I'll link the egg shiny hunting guide here later(Work in progress) Okay so now to the actual trade, how to trade them? That's the trade, now for the tips and tricks that make this trade really fast. Here you have a vid in case you want to see a more visual guide by Patrouski: That's all I have for you for now, hope you enjoyed it or learnt something new, if you still got any questions feel free to post your doubts and I'll be glad to help. Happy farming, Ted is out for now ^^.
  9. Ted's guide on how to farm EV berries Welcome to this berry guide, this time I'm gonna be explaining how to grow EV berries and even more important, how to sell them. This guide is for one character, if you wanna plant on more characters just take the numbers I will give you and multiply them. First of all, I will assume you got some kind of basic berry knowledge, I'll try and cover as much as possible with this guide but if you feel you don't know enough about berries yet imma leave you a link to basic berry guide: With that out of the way, what are EVs, EV berries, what they are used for and how to get them. Now that we now the basis let's talk about the basis of these berries, the seed combination for these berries to grow: Quick note, you can check my custom strings for a faster interaction, but these strings are not beginner friendly so use at you own risk: Berry planting and watering: That's the hard work covered and now for one of the most important topics, how to sell them(It's not a joke): So now to the last but not least important topic, the profit ^^. With all that said, hope it helped, you learnt something new or you enjoyed it, if you still got any questions feel free to post your doubts and I'll be glad to help. Happy farming, Ted is out for now ^^.
  10. gracias eres un fiera, yo tengo hechos unos strings para español e ingles para regar mas rápido y demás pero no se pueden poner los dos a la vez así que los he fusionado dándote todos los créditos por las traducciones y los IDs por supuesto ^^.
  11. go on your main screen and go on settings, client management and import string files, u need to import the 5 files 1 by one
  12. if you remove the placeholder should work fine and since the xlm is built to load in a specific order it should be no problem
  13. Yeah, but since its not like a massive feature I didn't mention it really
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