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Everything posted by KiritoHakz

  1. 1-I would bet that 10% of them got falsely banned by RMT, 2-Devs take months to create simple changes, i can literally do their job of a year in one month. The problem its that they are just fans making a game, not game devs. 3-Poorly chosen random algorithm. Indeed they should use different algos like most modern MMO games do, for different things. 4-There is not enhance and destroy items system like in all other MMOS, thats the only way to not have the market full of items at some point. I mean like you can upgrade an item with X chance of getting it destroyed while upgrading for example. 5-There is no system to delete lvl 100 pokimons, at some point the market will be overflood of them. 6-Temporary legendaries should be random like Raikou, since the system its being abused to only share the leg pokimon with your friends when you catch it, and keep farming BP, making BP nonesenseless to farm, making PVP nonesense, and a lot of items that you can get with BP useless. 7-They focused in Alpha events instead of upgrading the game mechanics, that obviously overflood the market of alphas and EXP CANDYS making those loots useless too to farm. And they have not balanced the drops from alphas, making alpha farm useless since you get more money from doing repetitive farming. 8-They dont want other devs to join to the team. 9-Mediocrity and apathy.
  2. Indeed i have been banned without reason for RMT, im my proof, anyway i have seen a lot of kids and people that even dont know what is RMT asking in facebook what to do with his ac banned. Indeed its imposible i have been doing RMT since i have not played almost since months ago, im not playing the game anymore, how im suspicious of doing RMT? Anyway i dont care anymore, solve it or not, im happy. If you are curious i have already sended report and got none answer. People that negates the reality are ridiculous, as always.
  3. Im suggesting to add more data to automated messages when you get banned, being more specific when talking about RMT. I have seen in last months thousands of false positive bans, that are appealed and none get unbanned. Are we doing something about this big elephant in the room since like a year ago?
  4. And i will keep creating threads like this. Untill someday some of the features are launched, maybe 2035?
  5. if i dont talk like this, i feel they will not do nothing, those things are around from like more than 1year/6months. Im dev indeed, i will have my own mmo(not pokimon related), so im not being condescendant, i know about what im talking about.
  6. what? you want me to list the forum posts that have talked about the things i have mentioned? you can read the forum too, my time is precious.
  7. yes but that its not enought, you will never breed a lvl 100 pokimon, what about adding a dungeon and to enter you have to release a lvl100 pokimon?
  8. i have like 900 hours at least lol i even noticed which algo was used for shinys by just playing, and then get the info here.
  9. You want me to make a curated list of all good suggestions that people discussed a lot, and even devs talked about? Well we can start by: -Add box sell available in GTL. -Add item bundle sell available in GTL. -Add hordes with more than one species of pokimon, and they have some team strat, like one makes your precision lower, other your speed, and other just damage deal.(vague example) -Better Temporary Legendaries system. -Better MMR system, i have seen this week a youtuber that does pvp a lot that he got three times vs the same guy. And thats just what i can remember now.
  10. its not about making a survival game, its about making a mmo, all mmo have mechanics like crafting that have chances and destroy items....
  11. i have already discussed this a lot, thats a lie, leaving apart if rng its really random or not, its better to use SHA1PRNG instead of NativePRNG parameter option in SecureRandom lib.
  12. indeed i dont need to suggest things anyway, there is already a lot of suggestions that have been discussed in forum or even mentioned by devs. The suggestion is: Stop events for some time and do those things.
  13. Well for example, we need some mechacnic that burns exp candy, or burns lvl 100 pokimon since game population has a limit, in some point those things will not have any value.
  14. I have already said all in title, let me now what do you think. You should study mechanics from other mmos. EDIT: People complained that im being vague, So i add some of the ideas that have been already discussed and mentioned by devs Well we can start by: -Add box sell available in GTL. -Add item bundle sell available in GTL. -Add hordes with more than one species of pokimon, and they have some team strat, like one makes your precision lower, other your speed, and other just damage deal.(vague example) -Better Temporary Legendaries system. This would be corrected by just making the encounter random as Raikou, So you cant just pass the Legendary to your friends. -Better MMR system, i have seen this week a youtuber that does pvp a lot that he got three times vs the same guy: In this case the first thing you HAVE TO DO is adding the condition that you cant fight the same person in 20 matchs at least. And thats just what i can remember now. Are you serious? i have to do your work?
  15. Its funny how nobody cares about economy here but cares in their self bp farming method.
  16. Hummm i dont exactly know why you are reinventing the wheel. This feature its exactly like the feature from Lineage 2 that gives you temporary weapons after defeating some end game boss. Just look how they balanced that. For sure its needed to reduce the bp got from this. I would put the time like if server has high population then it can long for two hours untill it releases it self. If server population its low then one hour. If its moderated then 1.5 hours. Ty sleeping people.
  17. Devs should test everything automatically, its not ok to punish people that use some game mechanic.
  18. I left a tentacruel horde alive and quit the game yesterday. I have just login and now its a persian... gg... server got reset? because i was in cp when login but i dont remember going there
  19. From my tests: Its random, it depends the alpha instance. Some alphas are more easy to catch with timer ball, others with dream ball, it does not depend on which pokimon it is, but thats decided randomly so you should use both.
  20. Dont waste your time. Devs just mocked me because i said what its wrong with the randomness in game. They use pseudoRNG. Not RNG. I said how to solve it and they are not changing it. I disagree, rates are ok. What its wrong its the randomness algorithm which its trash.
  21. I know there are legends here. But this is a noob error. Anyway im not interested in working with you anymore. Im launching my own bussines. Ty to all.
  22. https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/security/StandardNames.html#SecureRandom It seems you can call SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG") to force using true randon algorithm. I didnt knew. But im not sure thats enough. I trust more in openssl.
  23. From oracle docs: Many SecureRandom implementations are in the form of a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG), which means they use a deterministic algorithm to produce a pseudo-random sequence from a true random seed. Other implementations may produce true random numbers, and yet others may use a combination of both techniques.
  24. As far as i see java its not very good with cryptography. The standard libs random generator its not so standarized. I knew it was thrash but i didnt knew why before. Its because of his method that its deterministic. Using non deterministic generator will help. In other words i suggest to use Openssl. But that will probably need to do some code in other language. That would be really nice but for example bouncycastle can be used also. I dont recommend this but its better than SecureRandom method.
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