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Everything posted by FelinkaAnnie

  1. rival gameplay is kinda hard if you dont have full level cap team sometime it get annoying if you dont know what to do. Gym battle for first time is no difference than original game i find it easy if you have right team they all can be 1 shot it. Elite four is really hard due to level cap than original game, in original there is no level cap you can bring lv80-90 mons ( about 1-3 out of 6 team is doable or solo lv100 is also doable and cheese it. There's problem is with pokemmo were you need good decent team with full 252 ev and right nature can destroy it easily, iv shouldnt matter but imo i kinda care about iv and natured and EV if i wanna go in 1 go 1 shot em all.
  2. if this thing happen prepare for 30-0fps inc its gonna be laggy as hell, rip my potato pc :(
  3. well you have 3 choice: 1: you gotta deal with it, if you cant deal with it then there's nothing you can do, look at me i got 15 non OT shiny and idc if i had unknown OT, why? because its just a game where it takes your soul away. (i live in hell anyway the devil knows i cant find my own shiny because i am pos) 2: just dont buy it at all, just find your own shiny in next 300 years later, if FreckledArseCrack34 found it, you can find it too i believe in you. ( im not joking at all you just gotta keep trying and it takes time) 3: call 911 arrest FreckledArseCrack34 for having this shiny and he's biggest cheater ever and hacking af then blame on pokemmo devs for shiny rate is unfair and rigged.
  4. i disapprove about "OT reset" option, if you buy shinies you dont have outright to change OT to your name, since you're not the one who found this shiny, you did not put effort adding your name to it, and you're not owner of those shiny, you taking away from someone who found shiny and effort to put their time then they decide to sell it but you wanna claim that OT to be your name on it? here a solution (maybe its stupid idea) if you wanna put your name on it, just make visible so you can see it (to yourself) but for everyone else sees "unknown OT" ( if you buy from gtl something thats not yours own shiny) *imagine lying about this shiny then telling others "hey i made this comps and its actually my own shiny" sound like you're the liar trainer* unless im being misreading it
  5. 1 parts for 1 presents were just fine, why changing 3 parts for 1 presents? im not doing it but ez money and boring for an hours for 1 presents no thanks.
  6. if im being cringe, does that mean you supporting newest design looks way better than from previous events? cause im gonna disagree with that statement if thats a case.
  7. 2020 years was a worse years ever, i dont like any newest design its one of disappointment and you should feel shammed unlike 2015-2019 halloween design wasn't that bad i really like it, my point is its so disappointed ill not buy anything expect teddy bear tbh i never seen one before or ever add it before is all i care. in 2020 halloween there's this thing called redeye / greeneye i general do not like eyeball mask thing its look like corona eyeball and they stare at you and blinking at you... thats some freaky creep style but less details and texture and ugly design i give it 1/10 i dont wanna look at it, if i see someone wearing it or links partner is using eyeball mask i swear to god i dont wanna be group with corona eyeball trainer its creepy and you might spread some chemical virus and you might be criminal 100% im calling it.
  8. i would like to see undead samurai for halloween i wish i could cosplay as ryuma from one piece since there's ninja scarf but it doesnt even cover underneath your neck and your mouth reference: and ice spiritual robe is a thing but is it possible to have half ripped cloth robe? since he's undead and Katana vanity please? instead of katana sitting on your back but i want katana on side ways if its possible for back slots.
  9. shiny miltank? oooo interesting me want blue milk gurl mons
  10. i would like to see this kind outfit for colorable option choice like this one, but i would love to see this add to ingame from the above including this outfit
  11. you would have to talk to those thread for them graphic designer to see this but would i mind use this for that thread and hope devs sees this. edit actually i posted to *my bad if i took a picture
  12. :o i would wear those if they add it to ingame *devs please add this and ill throw my money for this outfit! please* *beg* the one at very bottom i would pay for those outfit and ill throw money for it
  13. like the one from suggestion thread? lich king outfit? groundon outfit? or rayquaza outfit? mimikyu outfit? and so on? new colour able vanities for new design would be cool sure
  14. i would love to see colorable ice spiritual robe plus reaper hood different colour rather than black/red and flaming skull mask too
  15. World of warcraft Warframe Pokemmo Tera online minecraft
  16. thats whole point, but only reason i made thread cause his argument is "why is it untradeable" and i thought same thing but i general i dont even care anymore, i already told my friend "if you getting hat its yours not mine stop worrying about money just enjoy content and if you like pvp you earn it not mine, you dont like hat just dont wear it, if it was tradeable sure have my stupid 200m pokedollar for cat hat" so between me and my friend had argument since yesterday but i don't care im just gonna move on, its not like i would wear it forever, i still have 150 shiny on list i need to catch and find one. can we just move on i already made up my mind, mod please close it.
  17. thats exactly what i told my friends, if you get hat by playing pvp you should be happy and you put all the effort for being better pvp person and you've been engaged pvp for so long, thing is he doesn't care about vanity but to him all he cares is money hoarder nothing since fashion aren't one of his thing, if he get sylveon hat he just wanna sell it and my arguement is why is it untradeable, but i agree i dont deserve being lazy and just get this kind of thing i want, but everything i hear their opinion i shouldn't turn this argument and people who want it i respect that and im not gonna be salty if they have it and i dont, thats fine for me.
  18. i know im not getting i already changed my mind and im moving on period.
  19. XelaKebert thank you for honest opinion explaining for this case i already made up my mind. @suigin im sure that person missing out for such a petty reason, but im not too sure about "good" and "healthy friendship" many of those people are just internet, i general dont trust person deep in my heart even if they dont lie to themself including myself who cant even understand for many reason. everyone else who says "get good" can you atleast explain better why is it good reason instead of being 0head "uhhh get good because you're just salty and dev add it uhhh yea get good is good reason and best explaining" im just ignore you if you cant explain any better than Xelakebert who can explain better. Xela get my likes so i already made up my mind. @paul yea im already crying because im not good enough but do i need advice coming from you? well since you dont even play this game... no thanks but ill steal that shiny magikarp :P @Sethsen i rarely check forums so i dont know if i can get tips from it.
  20. so sylveon hat remain as exclusive just like kyu hat/desu labcoat/e-storm hair/knight helmet? such a snowflake player... *time to delete one of my friends i dont like people who is snowflake person*
  21. is that kinda of snowflake stuff to make pvper player so special having a hat? i had someone on friendlist who willing to sell for sylveon hat from UU tier but its untradeable ( he's pvper player who doesnt even care about cats hat) like why? what if person wanna sell it? it feels like telling snowflake deserve to keep exclusive stuff for themself, expect some player who want it i wont mind paying amount of pokedollar just for cute sylveon hat unless you really forcing pve player to play uu comps ( sorry for my english but im kinda upset seeing a hat so exclusive is such a snowflake idea if they really want it just for themself to be special than anyone else)
  22. i think they removed leftover farms from berry forest, snorlax is now at cere caves thats where people farm leftover over there.
  23. i hate you too i hate you for talking about pokemmo i hate you becoming weebs i hate you for loving a furries i hate you for being cute i hate you UwU shall rise i hate you OwO has begun i hate you asking for subscribe
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