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Everything posted by MajikMike

  1. MajikMike

    Laidback Zone

    This is one of my single biggest pet peeves Pluto is not a planet. I repeat, Pluto is not a planet. There have been recent discussions within the past couple months within the IAU to possibly reclassify it, but it is being met with extreme resistance. Pluto is currently not a planet because it just not meet the three criterion set in 2006 to be able to be classified as a planet. 1) Orbits a star. Check 2) Is round or nearly round. This eliminates Asteroids. Check. 3) Has "cleared the neighborhood" around its orbit, meaning it's orbit or near-orbit is not shared by objects of similar size and characteristics. This eliminates Asteroids, comets, highly elliptical objects that come in from the Oort Cloud, and Pluto, because it shares its orbit with a number of other dwarf planets, most notably Ceres. If Pluto were to be reclassified, we would be getting a lot more than just one new "planet" Junior Undergrad Astrophysics Major, OUT *tips fedora*
  2. Getting a keg with some bros, watching the fight, and celebrating the B+ I just got on that Linear Algebra final exam woot woot
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9NSPbnQTik&list=RDOeA_SGjzg0g&index=20
  4. Think I hurt myself squating today. Not anything serious, I just tweaked my left hip flexor which I pulled once in high school. I'm recovering from a season-ending (I'm on a collegiate rowing team) back injury, so I've been doing a lot of low weight high rep deadlifts and squats to help strengthen. Today was a bad day. Woke up really early and decided to get a lift in before I studied all day, and had noticeable regressions. I'm going to chalk it all up to being dehydrated and not eating breakfast yet. My lack of energy was so noticeable, and I think that's how I hurt myself squating. Definitely a lesson learned. Morning lifts used to be my bitch but I guess since I haven't done it in a while my body was not prepared.
  5. I wonder if this will change to Uguu Vultures https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbYdrij1d2M
  6. You died by too little water We died by too much water Weak fam
  7. We got outswam by an armless freak wtf
  8. Literally all you do is post my playlists and take credit for it
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83eZDZTHYfI
  10. 8 feet deep? Ok I'll be nice. Ford it.
  11. When I was a senior in high school, I was driving home in a snowstorm. It was one of those wet slushy snows that melt when it hits the pavement so you underestimate how bad the roads are. There's this corner on a street near my house, I've taken it literally hundreds of times throughout my lifetime. It's a 90 degree turn, but a gradual curve obviously. As I began to take the corner, I noticed a layer of snow taking up the entire right hand shoulder, so I took the inside of the turn to avoid hitting the snow and possibly losing control. This entire corner is in thick woods and you can't see around it, so when a car came around in the opposite direction and I was basically in the middle of the road, I jerked to the right to get back fully in my lane, hitting the snowdrift in the process. I immediately lost control and slid straight into the woods at around 45 mph. The first tree flipped me on my side where I proceeded to roll twice until the 3rd or 4th tree stopped me. I regained consciousness to the smell of fire (turned out just to be the airbag exploding), and realized the car was still on its side, drivers side down. So I positioned myself and kicked out the passengers side window and climbed vertically out of the car. I apparently broke a rib and had a bloody face (from my nose I think), but i didn't even notice that until a couple hours later. Adrenaline is a freaky thing. Yeah, very scary moment for me. The police officer on the scene later told me how lucky I was, about how he'd seen dead people pulled out of cars in a lot better shape than mine was. The car basically looked like it had just gone through a garbage compacter. He also told me the first tree I hit saved my life because it was completely rotted and significantly braced my impact.
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