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  1. I have a few ideas. [spoiler]"Blasting off again!" -Defeated team rocket "Frontier Genius" -Defeated the Frontier brains at the battle frontier "The sky, the sea, and the land!" -Complete Hoenn storyline "He was there, now he's not!" -Have Mewtwo "It was a great time!" -Have Mewtwo for 5 minutes (excluding battle) "A myth to legend?" -Have Mewtwo for 10 minutes "A legendary story!" -Have Mewtwo for 15 minutes "His name is Mewtwo!" -Have Mewtwo for 20 minutes+ "Is it real?" -Capture an OT shiny[/spoiler] +1 I like the idea <3
  2. Honestly I'm laughing at this. You really made my suggestion sound like I was being an arrogant/ignorant asshole. I don't expect the staff to drop what they're doing and do this suggestion and I even made a comment about that if you'd like to read. "Naturally, this would be a while to implement and other things should go first." I never even HINTED that I wanted this to be first priority. Saying that I'm judgemental because I just think that in my opinion that players should play the actual Pokemon games before an MMO? I didn't even insult them, I was just saying that 75% of players here probably played the actual games before the MMO and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Throughout your entire rant, I really don't think you made a sentence that was even decently kind or supportive idea.
  3. When you say suggestions do you mean ones that involve the PokeNav? I did a search so I hope not. Also, links to egg groups and forums aren't really FAQ. I never said to remove FAQ, so it's not like players HAVE to use PokeNav. It's referred to as an "essential" for a trainers journey, it really should live up to the "essential" part of the trainers journey... The FAQ really isn't used much to be completely honest. The Hoenn trainers would probably enjoy the PokeNav having more than 2 uses lel.
  4. I never said it would replace the FAQ, I just said it'd have some default links along with your custom ones ^.^ The FAQ is still helpful and so is the PokeNav, I do see your points though. As for the egg groups in the pokedex, why not make a suggestion on it? :)
  5. I think I'll do the one with treasure map. [spoiler]Applying right away .-.[/spoiler]
  6. Hosts: Eggplant, Noad * Anyway, I'm most likely gonna spec.
  7. I see. Also, you said you've seen the question about a map a couple of times, implying not much. I don't think that it needs to be in the FAQ considering even if it's a noob, nobody should play with MMO before the actual game. Anyway, I was wrong about the FAQ being an inconvenience but I meant for Hoenn, it is. I mean, with a PokeNav to check your information on, putting links in FAQ and egg groups in the dex would be inconvenient and wouldn't be needed because you could just go to the PokeNav and say "Okay, I have these links and my custom links!" which would be more convenient. Also, having custom links would still be good and fun to have in a PokeNav, and I bet you wouldn't have your personal links in the FAQ now would you? Even if you can just open your browser and type away, it's still easier to just play the game without having a browser just full of links. Instead, you can play the game and when you need something, open your PokeNav and click the link. As for players not looking for a PokeNav, if they pay attention to the story, they get a PokeNav which they'll probably look for. Now for my final point! I said in the suggestion that the main features can be added first, know what that means? It means that people will use Match Call. With the addition of match call, WAY more people will use the PokeNav and as a result, people will ask about how to get to the PokeNav and they'll be told. The people using the PokeNav for match call would also notice the other options and see what they do. Not to mention there's an update log just so that people can see what's been added to the game lol. Hope I explained things.
  8. You do know that it's still more convenient, right?
  9. Updated profile \o/

  10. Doesn't really make sense. The majority know what the PokeNav is, what you're saying is the same as if someone said "What's comp?" then comp shouldn't be allowed. Yeah, some links can be added to the FAQ and to the Pokedex, but I'm trying to use the PokeNav to the best of it's ability. Besides, it'd be inconvenient to have some links in FAQ, some in Pokedex so why not just have the important links in PokeNav? Besides, I did say you can have custom ones so some of your own links can go in there too.
  11. Why're you so suprised that it's a good idea? Btw, tell me if something's wrong or if something should be added/removed.
  12. Milhouse we're going on an adventure!
  13. Can you make him have ultra-balls in his hand?
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