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Everything posted by Argorok2017

  1. Well I mean I'd listen to people who are Masters and Challenger, they seem to know what the hell is going on. (fuck watching anyone lower than Masters)
  2. Well to be fair every Diana ive ever seen has been complete trash, makes me cringe just watching. Too bad I didn't have an account in LAN, I'd 1v1 you. But if you speak to any streamer its Diana > Kat, Kat is just the easier to play of the 2.
  3. fixed I mean she's hot, but she's one of the easiest champions to play, and easy to shut down if you know wtf you're doing. You and I both know Diana counters the fuck out of Kat, sometimes I think Diana was made just to counter Kat
  4. so in other words free shiny comp Gya if ppl want to evolve it
  5. In all honestly when the game first came out Nova was broken af. Now, after her whole trait rework she can be good but you must make sure you can play her correctly. Also another thing with her is that she only works with certain team comps and that any high dmg hero with a dash will shit on her (Yes im talking about Zera and Illidan). Me being a Nova main myself, I would rather go with One in the Chamber since you can w-auto-q-auto and do tremendous amounts of dmg (and my fps is shit), also if you grab the 2 stacks of her w she does even more dmg. All about team comp though.
  6. Yo you forgot to bring out A New Dawn
  7. Kat too easy to keep down with cc, and idk if this is the same with LAN or EUW, cc is rampant everywhere in NA
  8. I second this *looks back over Diana games*
  9. Double post cause why not. @BlackJovi Diana too strong
  10. I think I'm just going to straight up play nothing but Diana from now on.
  11. Just played Kindred for the first time, 6/1/5 in norms. The new jungler item with Botrk makes her broken af
  12. Ayy, everyone hop on the GTL and buy your breeders! EDIT: buy them male breeders lmao, new OT thing sucks
  13. I have to agree with Plat on this one. CoD is just going way too deep into the futuristic theme and it's just bleh to me. Battlefield is stepping up though and not following the same path. Nice to see the historical war games still have hype
  14. I know how you feel, I can barely run it on my laptop lmao
  15. Gotta get on that Black Desert Online train though. Game looks too beautiful.
  16. Ren, look up Hikashikun on NA servers lel. He's a good friend of mine who mains teemo jg
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