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Everything posted by Argorok2017

  1. The playerbase for HotS has gotten a lot better since it's been out for a while and some LoL players play it as well
  2. Yeah people get way too salty over the game. /muteall comes in handy sometimes when playing solo
  3. better than the LoL playerbase, way less toxic
  4. Name : xVolvagiax Team Tag (If you want): RÑG Characters/Pokemons : Scizor Background (If you want any): Surprise me Additional things (if you want too): I wanna see if you can do better than this sig (If not I'll still enjoy it, just curious)
  5. Finally someone who likes Diana other than me. Edit: LoL Page King
  6. Tfw I'm toxic all the time and I've never even gotten a mute
  7. I think I was most happy about the first image tbh EDIT: Earliest Baron taken was 20:22 @Rendiz Their recommended champs for each lane for me was: Darius/Kha'zix/Brand/Ezreal/Bard
  8. Wait how did you guys get those stats to pop up like that?
  9. Nah, gotta go to NA, where all the trolls and feeders are
  10. Is it sad I read @Rendiz's post in Morgan Freeman's voice? Like March of the Penguins commentary.
  11. Actually the masters player I was playing with said his normals against diamonds were harder than the ones in ranked, so in fact you're right. Just not the way you thought though.
  12. I've played against diamonds cause I queue with my masters friend and his diamond friend sometimes
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