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Damian last won the day on December 1 2023

Damian had the most liked content!

About Damian

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Damian's Achievements

About Me

Shiny Smeargle: ~10000 encounters, 1100 hours

Shiny Vulpix: 3418 horde encounters, 1150 hours

Shiny Drifblim: 1675 horde encounters, 2037 hours

Shiny Lunatone: 3873 horde encounters (but searching for Drifblim), 2434 hours

Shiny Persian: Exp farming, 2529 hours

Shiny Persian 2: Exp farming, 2535 hours

Shiny Lunatone 2: 6186 horde encounters (again searching for Drifblim), 2546 hours

Shiny Drifblim 2: 14304 horde encounters, 2717 hours

Shiny Whismur: 5,574 hours

Shiny Rapidash: 5,605 hours

Shiny Porygon ❤️ : 12,569 eggs, 6,300 hours, 25/02/2023, 7:05 PM

Shiny Litwick: 58,814 encs, 6356 hours

Shiny Haunter: 12,950 encs, 6390 hours
Shiny Snorunt: 19655 encs, 6,725 hours

Shiny Sandshrew: 28,871 encs (looking for Trapinch), 7,464 hours

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