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Everything posted by Suneet

  1. i dun see it also why tf do i get a shoutout at the end as well
  2. I nominate @Lvkee, the hero we deserve not the hero we need And lmao watching bestfriends add all these nominations to his hitlist
  3. Hey, welcome to PokeMMO :) Enjoy your time on here!
  4. petition for this to be replaced with special fuck u
  5. not funny vince, didn't you read, he's traumatised
  6. not taking this, just wondering, you mentioned maat in both the top 6 and non-top 6
  7. IGN: Suneet Timezone: BST Tiers: LC > Dubs/OU > UU Something else to farm likes: I'm looking for redemption after last season which was a trainwreck. I didn't devote as much time to the event as I should have, which showed in my results. This season, I have a lot more time (after the end of May), and I promise to be a good buy for any team E: Only buy me if you wanna buy Butler too, I think we had a really good partnership last season and it could really work again
  8. omg havs-senpai this is amazing uwu ^-^ gimme one you know what my char looks like, and if not I'll pm ya on discord, ill throw a donation next time im on <3
  9. I personally think a balance is the way forward, like in PSL 8 iirc, where the first 2 rounds were draft with the rest being a regular auction, which ensures that every team got a minimum of 2 players they could rely on week in week out.
  10. My friend tried to make a tour for everyone except BR/PT people, but that was shut down pretty quick, yet one for only BR/PT is acceptable?
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