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Everything posted by ThePrettyPetard

  1. don't worry to much about brace selling with BP has with the current rate for BP they would need to sell at around 400 BP to be worth considering and since they sell for nearly double that even selling a choice item for 150k (wich is ridiculusly cheap right now) would be a better allternative to buying brace with BP. for your argument about the money sink you're for sure right about it being the best money sink but the economy seems to be going on a deflation right now most likely becaus to much is getting into those sink so making brace more affordable with BP could potentially stabilize the economy a little more so it's worth considering in my opinion.
  2. i guess you mean pokemmo is different from handheld with that amulet coin example... honestly you could have just said "fuck you pokemmo is different" and that would have done pretty much the same. there is no real exploit no real real balance thing the money sink for pokedoll is honestly just bullshit your throwing out there becaus who even bother or has the money to waste to buy a stack of those item and waste the time to use them in every damn fight. repel do a way better job for potentially cheaper than the pokedoll would so why bother? on the ohter hand a held item that can allow to flee from fight is a pretty good item for any newbie wanting to use slow pokemon if they don't have to keep wasting all their money on it over and over. now i'll just get ahead of a potential argument about item sink (basically getting rid of those item so we don't have a massive load that never go and "kills the economy". if those item are used for move tutor then we allready get rid of a part of them (i did not check if it's true or not right now) the other part could be taken by those passing player that come and go wich would probably be close to the number of player that buy them and realise they loose them on the first pokemon and then never buy them again. to make it short it wouldn't change anything to the game beside making some player more happy or maybe less mad depending on how you see it. why not do it?
  3. Just saying, i am pretty sure kyu said the cleanse tag isn't working becaus it's something he/they forgot for a pretty damn long time
  4. even if it is true that once these item are being generated that they will always stay, most of them never go back on the market has many comp player hate to move around those item so many just buy one for each of their pokemon so these item do get sinked in a way since they will keep making new pokemon and need new item. in my opinion BP won't need any more sink until the value of those item become equal to the ratio 1 BP = 13.3 pokeyen wich is the ratio the brace have if you bought them with bp to sell them in pokeyen to be the same has the npc. at the curent time the choice item sell at a ratio of 1:25.5 wich is why you may think that the brace aren't a good sink if you have access to the number of people who buy them with BP has it isn't a good idea for them since they can buy more with pokeyen if they sell choice item insted. what the BP need isn't more sink but rather a better one. lowering the brace price to be closer to par with the other item ratio would get rid of much more bp in my opinion since much more people would buy them.
  5. even if BP doesn't have much exclusive the choice item and life orb are allready selling for pretty high price adding more consumable will just make the value of BP raise again when it's allready pretty high.
  6. isn't the brace used for breeding now buyable with BP tho? those alone are a massive sink for BP so much that item bought with BP only had a pretty big raise in price. do we really need another sink for this?
  7. true i can see the logic in what kyu want to do but the value of the egg is fairly stable (when kyu doesn't scare everyone) wich would mean that the influx of new player buy egg and keep them when they leave at a rate fairly close to the rate they are being made otherwise the value would have allready dropped much more (kyu scared everyone again so the price now isn't accurate).
  8. kyu said a while before that he had the idea to make lucky egg potentially a consumeable item that will give a boost in exp for a certain amount of time so he might be hinting that it's what he is planing on doing. in my opinion the nerf and the possible change to the lucky egg where not necesairy has the lucky eggs usually keep their value becaus people who buy one keep it the only thing that make the price change are pretty much only kyu's statement has it scare everyone.
  9. just saying i am pretty sure kyu said something about lucky egg change in the next update. it's also kinda the reason the price crashed once again. kyu can litterally control the lucky egg market by just talking.
  10. since i was going to post something anyway i wanted to say that your comment was just mean to him. but yeah i can see what you mean by that irony, just felt like you should be reminded that there was no need to be mean. if xatu didn't cared for the game he wouldn't be making suggestion to make it better. and for his tread to grab attention honestly mainly grab attention becaus of his reputation and nearly everyone have a biased opinion on him making it very hard for him to get anything recognized. i can't say that all xatu's tread aren't to grab attention has some are there to grab the attention of the devs toward his concern. for your argument that xatu doesn't take an ounce of criticism, yes he may have a hard time with taking criticism but most of it just seem to be becaus those are nearly saying your idea sucks becaus your xatu (something that seems a bit hard to deal with calmly for xatu). for your argument about explaning alternative view point i think i saw enough of xatu's tread to say that he isn't the best at explaining his point of view or idea so it take an extra effort for the one who read to fully understand what xatu want to say. everyone has their flaws and this seems to be one of xatu. and lastly for your argument about giving free HA pill, i don't think that even xatu wants that. but having HA pill obtainable in some way (potentially via slightly harder way than to get the ha mon itself) to make it more even for every player at all time. maybe even have an npc that has low chance to be in the dungeon to be the one awakening the ha for the pokemon with an extra cost in money. i think we are getting a bit off topic here so if you want to keep this argument going we maybe should take it somewhere else.
  11. just saying, by telling to xatu to shut up your basically saying that you don't care about the game becaus the only thing xatu does is care a lot for the game. okay i can give it to you he is not always the best with word and a little bit quick to jump on the pitchfork but still all he does is care for the game and wanting it to always be better. i don't think someone that rarely (if it ever happen) talk to say something else than mean stuff or pooped argument is qualified to talk about "highly cerebral player". basically what xatu is saying is about pokemon that will be way outclassed by their HA version and thus rendering them near useless in the new meta without having another option than rebreed those same pokemon. it's just my guess but i think he is hinting on the high possibility that there will not be any HA pill. your argument about having to make a garchomp from scratch doesn't exactly fit here becaus no one has any version of it and when it will be introduced everyone will be equal about making one unlike for the HA pokemon where older player will nearly be penalized for having those pokemon allready when the new player won't have any issue at all with old pokemon now useless. and for the argument about simply reusing the the old comp to make a new one isn't an option for the people who are attached to their old pokemon (mostly the case for those that are named). @Kyu i hope you're planing on having HA eeveelution in that first dungeon becaus that one pokemon would add the most possibility for HA pokemon (totally not saying that beacaus i am an eevee lover)
  12. Since this would earn them more money they might do something about it now i would like to have a fully ev trained team when the new region come (i know it's not comming that soon but still never to soon to start the team)
  13. it never worked when my pokemon where holding an item but i guess i could have just been unlucky but at the same time i heard many other claim that it doesn't work when your pokemon is allready holding an item
  14. you can kill it though just not with the first thief . basically for that move to work you need to not kill the pokemon with thief and have your pokemon not holding any item.
  15. just saying HM (the item) will also stay in the region you obtained them at
  16. not at all a subforum would be even more work and if only on staff was speaking that language and ended up quiting the staff team it would lead to a potential fuckfest in there. my idea was more like adding the language the staff speak under their name so the minority could know who to turn to for help if they don't speak english
  17. it's rather a patern that would show over time where you win much more often when that specific player is the target and the opposite but yeah it's probably just has hard to moderate has for those cheating tourney with their team member
  18. true a channel reserved to fishing contest all day everyday would get boring pretty damn quickly but the thing with this hide and seek is that you could be the one that has to hide wich never happen in those event becaus it's always the staff memeber who hides. also the cheating issue could potentially be moderated by staff if some people win way too often
  19. yeah but you can't use those event has a reliable source of income wich is something this game lack a lot. this game also lack in end game content wich this idea could also help with. also i see a few people wanting some more alternative to just matchmaking and tourney in the pvp so this is something they might like. i still don't see how the fact that a part of this allready exist has staff event make you not like it. is this supposed to mean you don't like that event either? if so there is still not much more reason than you don't like it becaus you don't like it. i would really love to hear the reasoning behind why you don't like it so we could have a proper argument.
  20. yeah but the easier it is to cheat the more people will do it but i would like if you could elaborate some more on why you don't like it
  21. i am prerfectly fine with the concept of competition but not when it's about thing that require no grind, have a set price and that take nearly no time to obtain leaving this in the hand of players will just be a fuckfest for them where no one is happy beside maybe the one that did end up being the only one left . so why not take this out and make the pokemart also sell on gtl for a price a price slightly higher than his usual so no one can beat it. this would get rid of this stupid competion while still making the lazzy one pay more for not moving.
  22. it is actually related has removing the ability to sell those item would inderectly hit them and it's not the same has many tm that are tradeable from the story sell for less than the pokemart price so it's a win win situation for everyone has they haven't paid to obtain it in the first place.
  23. the point is to get rid of those tradeable item that you know you will never use or to get rid of item you bought by mistake
  24. basically my idea is to reconvert one of the channel in a big hide and seek pvp game the whole idea would be to have 1 of the player in the channel to be randomly chosen to be the target to take out the objective of that target would be to either hide or defeat has much people has possible to win money let's say for example 100k per player beated and 100k per 15 min spent has the target outside of combat if there is let's say 100+ player at the time (just to avoid easy money grind if nearly no one is playing at that time). for those hunting the target they would get like 20k per pokemon they took out of the target and like a 30k bonus if they finish him off. once the target is beated the new one should be chosen randomly between those in the channel. now the set rule for the target 1. no use of teleporting ability such has fly, dig, teleport and escape rope 2. no use of bike (optional) 3. no use of whisper (so no one gets free info on the hiding spot) 4. no healing of pokemon 5. no use of team chat (should potetially aply to everyone) for the hunters 1. no use of whisper to the target this is basically a permanant event more attractive than the mewtwo/rayquza one that would also make a new way to earn money
  25. the thing is that i doubt it's the case for everyone has i am sure some people just forget about the pokemart when they see gtl and just imagine this is our only place to buy stuff if you want a summary it's basically just someone telling how much he got uguublocked when he tried to make easy money with a shitlot of salt. the title says the rest
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