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TM Shop Locations and Catalog

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Posted (edited)

TM Shop Locations and Catalog


I hope you're having a good time here on PokeMMO. With recent updates, we have more of a selection of TMs these days. Some of them making our lives easier (no need to breed Dragon Dance onto Bagon as an Egg Move). You may ask about the location and prices of these TMs. These questions might come up due to budgeting for your next competitive project or for more leisurely play. Whatever the reason may be, this guide can act as if you are reading a TM Catalog. Without further ado, let's show the locations for each region:


oWthQC5.pngShopping Locations (These locations for all TMs):



Kanto - Celadon Dept Store (2nd Floor)



Honorable Mention goes to Cinnabar Island's PokeMart, but I wanted to put a location that has all the TMs available.

Hoenn - Lilycove Dept Store (4th Floor)


Sinnoh - Veilstone Dept Store (3rd Floor)


Unova - Shopping Mall Nine


Johto - Goldenrod Department Store



l0nrtkh.pngTM Catalog (some TMs won't be available until you obtain 8 badges in the region you are playing at):


You can use CTRL + F to look for the TM you are examining.


Acid Spray = $15,000

Acrobatics = $20,000

Aerial Ace = $5,000

Agility = $20,000

Air Cutter = $10,000

Air Slash = $15,000

Ally Switch = $20,000

Amnesia = $15,000

Assurance = $15,000

Attract = $5,000

Aura Sphere = $25,000

Avalanche = $20,000

Baton Pass = $20,000

Beat Up = $15,000

Bide = $5,000

Blaze Kick = $25,000

Blizzard = $25,000

Body Slam = $25,000

Brave Bird = $30,000

Brick Break = $15,000

Brine = $15,000

BubbleBeam = $5,000

Bug Bite = $10,000

Bug Buzz = $30,000

Bulk Up = $20,000

Bulldoze = $15,000

Bullet Seed = $15,000

Calm Mind = $20,000

Captivate = $5,000

Charge = $5,000

Charge Beam = $15,000

Charm = $5,000

Close Combat = $25,000

Confuse Ray = $5,000

Cosmic Power = $20,000

Counter = $20,000

Cross Poison = $15,000

Crunch = $25,000

Curse = $20,000

Dark Pulse = $25,000

Detect = $20,000

Dig = $10,000

Double Team = $15,000

Double-Edge = $30,000

Draco Meteor = $25,000

Dragon Claw = $25,000

Dragon Dance = $30,000

Dragon Pulse = $25,000

Dragon Rage = $10,000

Dragon Tail = $20,000

DragonBreath = $10,000

Drain Punch = $25,000

Dream Eater = $10,000

Drill Run = $25,000

DynamicPunch = $15,000

Earth Power = $30,000

Earthquake = $30,000

Echoed Voice = $5,000

Egg Bomb = $10,000

Electro Ball = $15,000

Electoweb = $20,000

Embargo = $5,000

Encore = $30,000

Endeavor = $15,000

Endure = $20,000

Energy Ball = $30,000

Explosion = $15,000

Facade = $20,000

Fake Tears = $5,000

False Swipe = $10,000

FeatherDance = $5,000

Fire Blast = $25,000

Fire Fang = $10,000

Fire Punch = $25,000

Fire Spin = $10,000

Fissure = $10,000

Flame Charge = $15,000

Flamethrower = $30,000

Flare Blitz = $30,000

Flash = $2,500

Flash Cannon = $25,000

Fling = $15,000

Focus Blast = $25,000

Focus Energy = $5,000

Focus Punch = $15,000

Foul Play = $30,000

Frost Breath = $20,000

Frustration = $5,000

Fury Cutter = $5,000

Future Sight = $15,000

Giga Drain = $25,000

Giga Impact = $15,000

Grass Knot = $20,000

Gravity = $5,000

Guard Swap = $10,000

Gunk Shot = $25,000

Gyro Ball = $15,000

Hail = $15,000

Haze = $25,000

Headbutt = $10,000

Heat Crash = $20,000

Heat Wave = $25,000

Heavy Slam = $20,000

Helping Hand = $20,000

Hex = $15,000

Hidden Power = $30,000

Hone Claws = $15,000

Horn Drill = $10,000

Hurricane = $25,000

Hydro Pump = $25,000

Hyper Beam = $15,000

Hyper Voice = $25,000

Ice Beam = $30,000

Ice Fang = $10,000

Ice Punch = $25,000

Icicle Spear = $15,000

Icy Wind = $20,000

Imprison = $20,000

Incinerate = $10,000

Iron Defense = $15,000

Iron Head = $25,00

Iron Tail = $10,000

Knock Off = $15,000

Leaf Blade = $30,000

Leaf Storm = $25,000

Leech Life = $25,000

Light Screen = $20,000

Low Kick = $20,000

Low Sweep = $15,000

Magical Leaf = $5,000

Mega Drain = $5,000

Mega Kick = $15,000

Mega Punch = $5,000

Megahorn = $25,000

Metal Claw = $5,000

Metal Sound = $5,000

Metronome = $10,000

Mimic = $5,000

Mud Shot = $5,000

Mud-Slap = $5,000

Muddy Water = $25,000

Nasty Plot = $30,000

Natural Gift = $15,000

Nature Power = $15,000

Night Shade = $15,000

Outrage = $20,000

Overheat = $25,000

Pain Split = $15,000

Pay Day = $10,000

Payback = $20,000

Pin Missile = $15,000

Pluck = $10,000

Poison Jab = $25,000

Poison Tail = $5,000

Power Gem = $15,000

Power Swap = $10,000

Power Whip = $25,000

Protect = $20,000

Psych Up = $5,000

psybeam = $5,000

psychic = $30,000

Psycho Cut = $15,000

Psyshock = $25,000

Psywave = $10,000

Quash = $5,000

Rage = $2,500

Rain Dance = $15,000

Razor Shell = $15,000

Razor Wind = $5,000

Recycle = $10,000

Reflect = $20,000

Rest = $20,000

Retaliate = $15,000

Return = $20,000

Revenge = $20,000

Reversal = $20,000

Roar = $20,000

Rock Blast = $15,000

Rock Polish = $20,000

Rock Slide = $15,000

Rock Tomb = $15,000

Rollout = $5,000

Roost = $30,000

Round = $5,000

Safeguard = $20,000

Sand Tomb = $10,000

Sandstorm = $15,000

Scald = $25,000

Scary Face = $5,000

Screech = $5,000

Secret Power = $15,000

Seed Bomb = $25,000

Seismic Toss = $15,000

Selfdestruct = $25,000

Shadow Ball = $25,000

Shadow Claw = $15,000

Shock Wave = $5,000

Silver Wind = $10,000

Skill Swap = $20,000

Skull Bash = $10,000

Sky Drop = $20,000

Sleep Talk = $20,000

Sludge Bomb = $30,000

Sludge Wave = $30,000

Smack Down = $5,000

Snarl = $15,000

Snatch = $5,000

Softboiled = $30,000

SolarBeam = $15,000

Spikes = $30,000

Spite = $5,000

Stealth Rock = $30,000

Steel Wing = $10,000

Stone Edge = $25,000

Stored Power = $20,000

Struggle Bug = $15,000

Submission = $10,000

Substitute = $30,000

Sunny Day = $15,000

Super Fang = $20,000

Superpower = $10,000

Swagger = $20,000

Sweet Scent = $10,000

Swift = $10,000

Swords Dance = $30,000

Tail Slap = $15,000

Tailwind = $20,000

Take Down = $10,000

Taunt = $20,000

Telekinesis = $5,000

Teleport = $10,000

Thief = $10,000

Thunder = $25,000

Thunder Fang = $10,000

Thunder Wave = $25,000

Thunderbolt = $30,000

ThunderPunch = $25,000

Torment = $5,000

Toxic = $25,000

Toxic Spikes = $30,000

Tri Attack = $25,000

Trick = $20,000

Trick Room = $20,000

U-Turn = $30,000

Uproar = $5,000

Vacuum Wave = $20,000

Venoshock = $15,000

Volt Switch = $30,000

Water Gun = $2,500

Water Pulse = $10,000

Weather Ball = $20,000

Whirlpool = $2,500

Whirlwind = $20,000

Wild Charge = $25,000

Will-O-Wisp = $25,000

Work Up = $15,000

X-Scisssor = $25,000

Zap Cannon = $15,000

zen headbutt = $25,000


Edited by Bestfriends
Added some new TMs to the Price Listings! (2/17/2024)
Posted (edited)

Hey Mayor, how u doing??

I need to buy a Sludge Bomb TM, and according to your post, I could buy it in Celadon dpt store. But, I cant find all TMs there. Are the TMs splitted in all regions?? 


Sry if I missing something

Hope u can help :)


Edit: I found a lot of TMs in the Cinnabar Island Market, including Sludge Bomb

Edited by Hans
5 hours ago, Hans said:

I need to buy a Sludge Bomb TM, and according to your post, I could buy it in Celadon dpt store. But, I cant find all TMs there.

In short, you can buy all TMs from the department stores (but they're not all in one NPC). Here as you see, floor 2 in Celadon Store has Sludge Bomb



23 minutes ago, Dip said:

In short, you can buy all TMs from the department stores (but they're not all in one NPC). Here as you see, floor 2 in Celadon Store has Sludge Bomb

For some reason, in my game there is no such TMs. Maybe its outdated. I'll check


Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Hans said:

Hey Mayor, how u doing??

I need to buy a Sludge Bomb TM, and according to your post, I could buy it in Celadon dpt store. But, I cant find all TMs there. Are the TMs splitted in all regions?? 


Sry if I missing something

Hope u can help :)


Edit: I found a lot of TMs in the Cinnabar Island Market, including Sludge Bomb

he forgot to add add this info




Kanto/Hoenn Marts have been updated to include all TMs in Celadon/Lilycove respectively.

  • (Accessible after 8 badges).


Edited by MightyBoxer
Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, MightyBoxer said:

he forgot to add add this info



I put Cinnabar Island's PokeMart as an honorable mention since there is a wide selection, but it does not have all the TMs available for purchase. Thus, my main locations were dept stores.


As for the 8 Badge requirement, I added that in the location header. Thank you for your contribution.


Edited by Bestfriends
  • 3 months later...

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