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Hi friends I'm new to the game and would like to know how it works the taxes they charge you for selling your pokemons is there a limit? Or something? Because I was selling pokemons that I didn't need and I put them at the market price and the tax was 100pp for a 1,000pp AD but now any pokemon that I want to sell comes out at 1,000pp tax when I sell and I can no longer sell my pokemons that are honestly not worth much to raise the price if you can help me with these questions I would appreciate it

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1 hour ago, TazzmanianDevil said:

I want to sell pokemons in 1000pp and they charge me 1,000pp tax

This is intentional to prevent GTL from being flooded useless pokemon afaik. If they're just random pokemon you can either release them, try trading them to people via trade chat, or price them at 1,000$+the money you want to make (for example price them at 1,200$ if you wanted to gain $200.). Chances are, if they're not worth over 1k then they're random garbage pokemon that anyone can catch. I don't think the devs want us sorting through 25,000 listings of 5$ magikarps. It's prob a big consumption of server space since the listings remain up even when the player is offline.


1 hour ago, TazzmanianDevil said:

according to me it shouldn't be this way

There's a suggestion box portion of the forums if you want to suggest they lower the base tax price, but if they lower it to 500$ those same pokemon will just fall to the equivalent of the base tax again, and be worth $500 instead of $1,000. I think a good way to reduce the endless 1,000$ would be to have a "donation" listing with no tax, no money gained & no price, so anyone can claim them. Kinda like a lost and found or mystery trading in a sense

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