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Entralink as the Team Headquarters



(Im sorry if there are some errors, english is not my first language, but i tried my best).


One of the places that currently doesnt have use in Unova is the Entralink, and a function that i was thinking, is using the place as the headquarters of the team, but also as a place where you can contribute to the team itself. I've been thinking about functions that are not broken, and doesnt affect the economy of the game by a lot. This are the changes i propose to do a completely rework of how a team works:


  • Exclusive currency for the team: As you know, we have currently three types of currency: pokedollars, battle points and reward points, to create a new way to improve the teams, i suggest the creation of a new currency called Team Points (TP), I thought of the following ways to obtain this currency:
    • Defeating a certain numbers of NPC: Farming NPC is a very popular method of farming, so after defeating for example 10 NPC, you could get TP for your team, because you can farm NPC every 6 hours, the amount obtained will be minimal.
    • Using Thief on a pokemon with a held item/ Get an item from a pokemon with pick up: Because this method of farming doesnt have a cooldown, the amount obtained will be minimal and also varies depending of the item (Heart scale gives you less TP and more rare items like life orb gives you a bit more).
    • Defeating a gym leader: The exact same reason as before, but in this case, you get TP for every gym leader that you defeat, the amount of TP obtained is a bit higher that the one you get from NPC.
    • Defeating the elite four: This one because is much harder and the time for a rematch has a longer cooldown, so the amount of TP is even more higher.
    • Defeating a player in PVP:  In this case, the amount varies after several factors like, in what position of the leaderboard are you currently in, are you playing in a official tournament, etc.
    • Breeding: The amount of TP in this case will be minimal, but it will increase if the pokemon has 31 iv on any stat, the more 31 iv, the more TP you get.
    • Capturing a shiny: For this case, i dont know a specific amount of TP, this is mostly because even if a shiny pokemon is extremely rare, it doesnt have a cooldown, so i am a bit conflicted with this.


As you can see, the ways to get TP are the activities that people usually do, and the amount of TP obtained must be very low, the main reason for that is because a team can have 150 members, and even if rarely a team has his 150 members active at the same time, i dont want this feature to be absolutely broken.


Before detailing how the TPs can be use, I would like to explain one thing: Where can you spent the TPs?


That will be by using the tree at the center of the entralink. By interacting with it (This function can only be done by the leader of the team, or someone with the required permission), you can check the amount of TP collected by all the team, and a little shop, where you can buy certain benefits using the TP collected, that will affect every member from your team. This are the ones i have in mind:


  • Permanent purchases: I thought of the following permanent purchases, two NPCs:
    • TM NPC: this npc will sell you the same TMs like the NPC from the Celadon Department Store or the Shopping Mall Nine. and you can buy them by using the usual pokedollars.
    • Mart NPC: this npc will sell you things like potions, pokeballs, repels, mail, etc. Just like the other NPC, you can buy the items by using pokedollars.
  • Limited purchases: The ones you get from this section only last 7 days, which means that the team must be active to get this items everytime. This are the ones i thought:
    • Exp Benefits: This will give everyone of the team an extra 10% of exp from after battle. This benefit is something that any active team could get every week.
    • Money Benefits: This will give everyone of the team an extra 5% of money after battle. This benefit is something that any active team could get every week.
    • Item benefits: This will give everyone of the team an extra 5% of a pokemon holding an item. This benefit is something that any active team could get every week.
    • Breeding benefits: This will give everyone of the team an extra 10% faster hatching times. This benefit is a bit more expensive than the other ones, so only a dedicated team can buy this every week.
    • Shiny benefits: This will give everyonw of the team and extra 5% of finding a shiny. This benefit is extremely good, because of that, is nearly impossible to obtain every week, an incredible active team could get this every two weeks.


Those are the main functions that i though for the entralink. The next one is and optional one, mostly because is a bit ambicious, but i think it can be done because is by using the existing assets from black and white.


  • Terrain editor: The entralink itself is just a plain with a tree in the middle. so by using the TPs collected, you can change the layout of the place, not altering his size or form, but by adding things like paths, flowers, tall grass, water, etc. This gives every team a way to customize his own headquarters, and to avoid any problem, you cant edit the area around the tree, because  everyone that enters the entralink will appear in that place


Thats everything i have in mind, and you can access the entralink by going to community -> Team, and a new section called "Headquarters".


Sorry if the text is a bit weird in some places and thanks for reading this essay.


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