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Shiny Breeding

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Hey, guys. Have a question, how exatcly would I do a 5x31 shiny mon? Considering I only got a 1x31 natured ot shiny


Was thinking about making that mon a 2x31 natured with a 2x31 non natured shiny. Then I breed that 2x31 natured with a 3x31 and get a 3x31 natured. Lastly, I breed the 3x31 with a 5x31. As 3 of the Ivs would be in common and 1 braced, making the last 2 max out and giving it a 5x31 natured status


Am I thinking wrong? I do regular breeding and know how it works, but zero experience with shiny breeding

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You are not guaranteed high rolls of IVs just because there is a 31-31 overlap between the two parents. The system can still pick the 31-31 overlaps as highrolls if the stat is not locked with a brace, meaning that breeding a natured 3x31 (+everstone) with a non-natured 5x31 (+brace) could potentially still result in a <4x31 natured mon. 


Let's say your 3x31 is hp/def/spdef and 5x31 is hp/atk/def/x/spdef/speed and you put everstone on 3x31 to get nature and put atk brace on 5x31, the resulting mon could very likely be 4x31 (hp/atk/def/x/spdef/x) as speed IV is not guaranteed - you need to get lucky that the system picks speed IV to highroll to 31 from the 5x31 parent. 


Good luck! 🙂 


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Added to Seth's comment, when you breed using one of the 2 breeders with an Everstone, you also have 10% odds of having a minimum role in one of the 5 remaining unensured IVs. This doesn't happen when you just breed 2 shinies, both with a brace.

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