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Serious Question: What do you think of PvP at the moment? It is heavy to move forward. Easy or Complicated to battle against People who copy Top Team or don't know what to do other than use a defensive team whose purpose is to tire the opponent while using 1 finger or 1 click and have won the battle... Tell about your pvp Ranked experience 😎


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Regarding the PvP matchmaking system:


I believe it has never stopped improving over the years. Features like team preview, weather effects, statistics page to the latest additions of assault gear, hidden abilities and Gen 9 movesets. As well as the revamped ranking system.


Some features could still be added, for example a counter for weather / trick room / screens and other suggestions made by players.


Regarding the PvP experience:


For single format, It feels like a "work in progress" and we might need some time to properly assess the situation since new hidden abilities are to be added and maybe new mystical pokes?


For the average player one of the relevant improvements might be to make the lower tiers (UU/NU) and DB format more appealing.

Edited by Zuladra
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14 minutes ago, Zuladra said:

En cuanto al sistema de emparejamiento PvP:


Creo que nunca ha dejado de mejorar con los años. Funciones como vista previa del equipo, efectos meteorológicos, página de estadísticas para las últimas incorporaciones de equipo de asalto, habilidades ocultas y conjuntos de movimientos Gen 9. Así como el sistema de clasificación renovado.


Todavía se podrían agregar algunas características, por ejemplo, un contador para el clima / sala de trucos / pantallas y otras sugerencias hechas por los jugadores.


En cuanto a la experiencia PvP:


 Para el formato único, se siente como un "trabajo en progreso" y es posible que necesitemos algo de tiempo para evaluar adecuadamente la situación, ya que se agregarán nuevas habilidades ocultas y tal vez nuevos toques místicos.


Para el jugador promedio, una de las mejoras relevantes podría ser hacer que los niveles inferiores (UU/NU) y el formato doble sean más atractivos.

and what was your experience playing pvp? 🤔

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4 hours ago, Zuladra said:

Juego DB así que aparte de la larga espera para encontrar una coincidencia, ha sido genial. ¿Qué pasa contigo?

My current experience after a long time playing pvp. It is that no matter how many pokes you have. you need more pokes to counter the current meta. They are already insufficient when it comes to fighting. because copies the top 1 and 10 are made. and spending money is no longer fun xd

Edited by keirama
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pvp is fairly easy to get going, takes a while to get decent, since experience goes a long way. Losing is alright to build experience and shouldn't be seen as a bad thing, everyone loses. Our meta has a lot of problems and generally speaking it's not looking great but hey, nothing we can do about it if they don't care either and hopefully they'll start fixing things (which has been the hot topic for a while)

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Other than getting critical hits against me every match, PvP is actually pretty fun. There are some things that can be changed and added, but overall it's very good. If only they gave Gengar Levitate and Hydreigon Draco Meteor, right guys?

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