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caioxlive13 last won the day on December 15 2022

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  1. What about togekiss tho? It's not Uber offensive/defensive but it is uncompetitive because Air Slash is luck and invalidation-based(Basically a roll(luck) to the opponent be unable to attack at all(invalidation) and you has to use very specific sets to bypass the flinch machine, such as base 80+ with scarf(anything below won't work)), and the speed for UU standards is considerable, even more with the Choice Scarf. Imo should be banned with those 2.
  2. Team Name + Tag: [CLGD] Celestial Gods Players: IanRr (Captain) , CaioXlive, iiStormy, Heppaistoss,Kacaio, Noahznsz, VoidYami
  3. Well, let's see: 3 matches on Group Stage + Up to 3 in knockout stage: 6 Matches total, if follow the proposed format. An regular TT have 5 matches. So it will definitively pass. But this format is 5 matches, being longer than a Regular TT because it's 5 matches per team instead of 3. Either way, will be longer than the usual TT. And the only possible scenario where an H2h can allow any team below 4th to pass is if ends 6 points to both first and second, and 3 for 3rd and 4th. The most probablly case is a 3-way-tie with 6 pts which makes h2h impossible unless the criterias i said apply, which can lead to someone pass on Won matches. Speaking of them, what about the Criteria i proposed?
  4. Could add an tiebreak before the 2 mentioned, leaving the follows 1. Points 2. Most battles won(5-0 > 4-1) 3. Head-2-Head Points 4. Criteria 2 reapplied to the h2h(if 3 teams on tiebreak) 5. Position on TT table. Also, only the leader pass is bad. Because basically means one loss for anyone below 4th on TT table, it's over. They can no longer pass. 1st-4th still can if gets a 3 way tie. I could also suggest to add "pokemon aggregate"(it's used on Brazilian League, basically counts the mons knocked out by each player.)but i believe that's too much.
  5. What if i haven't unlocked Mt. Silver? Also, there is a shop where i can pay to lvl up to 100 some mons, that charges per XP total to lvl 100?
  6. halloween swarms also will be popping a lot. So, my breeding Factory must be ready and has to breed as many Alpha Brelooms as possible. Someone knows cheap places to level up pokemons?
  7. I want to ask a question for an teammate. He borrowed a Moltres for someone, but the guy he borrowed it was banned. How can he recover his mon? I didn't find any article or official procedure clear, so i want to know to tell him what he should do.
  8. In Johto the level cap is slighty different from other regions. On other regions beating gyms is the only way to increase lvl cap. On Johto however, beating ho-oh also increases it. So, to pick the maximum level of Johto(prior to e4 of course) which is 55 if i recall correctly, you has to beat ho-oh.
  9. I think the best definition of centralization in pokémon is when a few mons concentrate most of the use in the meta. Overcentralized by this definition is when the mons centralizing the tier are so used that most teams are built like: pick this mon, 1 answer for it, then choose the rest.
  10. This is not a bug, but actually intended by developers. This is to prevent people from bringing multiple sweet scent mons and keep spamming, forcing them back into the Pokémon Center from time to time. That's why most of the top spots are close to Pokécenters like the 11th Route on Unova, Battle Frontier on Hoenn, or 6th/7th Island in Kanto. I'm not counting Mt. Silver though because it still requires full pokedex, but there is a Pokécenter nearby.
  11. At this point isn't even worth release the BL. It's better to flat out wipe NU from Existence, and restart the tier from scratch, because honestly there's no point on trying to do suspects one by one. Either go all in or nothing. And isn't only matchup that matters. RNG and Skills heavily weight on the outcome of a match. Or i need to remember that you lost to me because you missed 1 fire blast?
  12. This would work only while you're the only one doing this. If a second shop of this type is open, you're getting cooked. Because some people may do "Debt Rolls", taking loans in one shop to cover the other one, bouncing back and forth. That might get you losing money. And before you ask, yes, people do that. Multimillionares irl do that a lot.
  13. I'd have to disagree this time. Like when a new generation is released on Smogon, some threats are covered by "Umbrella Threats"(when an potentially OP mon is overlooked and flies under the radar because another threat is attracting the attention, covering it just like an Umbrella). So, for example, Haxorus could be potentially OP? Ofc. But no one is looking deeply onto it because there is Lucario, Togekiss and even Digglet attracting even more attention. Because of those threats being "Covered", UU is still on the risk of being turned upside down, and when UU became unstable, NU consequently turns unstable as well. So either we flat out reset Never Used, which could potentially open space for new RU and PU, or we does like some there suggested and freeze NU for some time. Allow the drops to happen only will create more chaos to be dealt.
  14. A questionn, the Halloween Update is coming by the end of the month, probablly(Usually comes by 31st october so we're expecting for around same date). We can expect it to be fixed on this patch or it was noticed too late to expect a fix?
  15. (I forgot about this thread) Untiered is far different, which mons would Misdreavus be setup fooder from? Bigger threat as setup sweepers are physical, in the likes of Sawk Bulk Up or Scyther Swords Dance. All of them fear Will o Wisp. Taunt is more to stop rocks and slow bulky mons. And like i sayed on spoiler, Sandslash is straight up the best lead in the format and Misdreavus walls it completly because it's a ghost type(Cannot spin) with Levitate(Quake cant hit) and with Will o wisp (broke it offensive capability) and taunt(Prevent rocks). There is no other decent ghost type that does that job too well.
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