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[OPEN][Pory] Team Porygon is recruiting!!

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On 10/2/2023 at 6:20 AM, areum9 said:

1. BBaiporMeWhole
2. 294hours
3. 3 (Hoenn,Sinnoh and Kanto)

Currently enjoy shunting and looking for friends that share the same interest ^ ^

Sending you a DM

1 hour ago, secretduck said:

1. secreduck

2. 594

3. All + Nat Dex

Hey! If you can send me a message on discord that'd be great! My discord is: vexious

6 hours ago, WolvenPanicc said:

IGN is Wolvenpanicc

i have about 600+ hours 

and i have 4 regions completed. 

also my discord is wolvenpanicyt#0 sometimes it’s easier to reach me there. 


14 minutes ago, ShadeCON said:

Can i join team Pory?

IGN : Intrust

Hours played -1060

4 regions ( Kanto, Sinnoh, Hoenn, Unova)

Please shoot me a Discord Request DM at daiki2609 🙂

52 minutes ago, Daiki2609 said:

Please shoot me a Discord Request DM at daiki2609 🙂

I'm new to Discord. I don't know how to use it; you can message me instead at Discord ShadeCON#2864 or message me in-game Ign: Intrust . I'm online right now.

19 minutes ago, ShadeCON said:

I'm new to Discord. I don't know how to use it; you can message me instead at Discord ShadeCON#2864 or message me in-game Ign: Intrust . I'm online right now.

Sent a friend request!

9 hours ago, Hikarum said:

Hey would like to join, I've had an account since 2016 but recently got back into it some more!

IGN: Hikarum
Hours: 344 hours
Regions: All of them completed

Sent you a DM 🙂

15 minutes ago, MitchiFromlixa said:


Hi guys,
 IGN: MitchiFromLixa

2. In-Game Hours: 500 hours 

3. 5 Regions completed + Dex

Thanks for applying! Check your forums mail


1. IGN: IDKhowtonamethis

2. In-Game Hours: 200 hours (have great understanding of PvE and most other mechanics)

3. All 5 regions

I'm already in the endgame (shiny hunting, gym reruns and money making, etc) currently working towards completing my full ot dex and would love to join an active and embracing team.

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