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  1. Past hour
  2. We still have spots open! The team found 147 shinies in April as part of our shiny war! Credit to HarleZe for the recap!!
  3. This is literally just a fan project, be happy they are still working on it at all after 12 years and haven't shut it down yet.
  4. Today
  5. Doesn't lvl 38 also work? Every wild Muk is also lvl 38
  6. @Turqueso I strongly disagree with 7 battles being 10-15 minutes. Just watch LRXC taking an hour to make a move on his Battle Factory WR run. (Yes, it's vanilla Emerald, but still almost the same) Especially in higher rounds with many BP on the line one battle alone can easily take 15 minutes. What do you mean with "put the respective ribbons"? How would pausing make anything easier to obtain/achieve? If anything it will only stop you from losing your streak if you suddenly have to stop playing or have connection issues imo. Please elaborate!
  7. Details Automated Tournament | Single Battle | 64 Players | 6v6 NU Date Wednesday, 15th May 2024 Time 7 PM UTC | 4 PM BRT | 3 PM ET | Time Zone Converter Registration Registrations will open 15 minutes prior to the tournament. You can register by clicking on the PvP menu option (Masterball icon) and then select "Tournament Signup". You may only enter on one account. Clauses Evasion / Sleep / OHKO / Unique Species / Self-KO Tournament Clauses Explained NU Ban List Pokemon in the NeverUsed and Untiered tiers are valid. Pokemon in the Ubers, OverUsed, and UnderUsed tiers cannot be used. The in-game Pokedex contains filters for competitive tiers. You can view any additional bans by opening the PvP menu -> Matchmaking Signup -> Bans. 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Accelgor Lv.1 Your choice of nature, gender, 2 moves, with 3 selectable IVs & 3x28 IVs & 1,000 Reward Points 2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
  8. What is the use of the wishing stone?there is no news at all now.
  9. hoenn hunt in june??

  10. 这俩个遗传链接都失效了,图鉴Data那个代码我也看不太明白,没在里面找到精灵遗传,还有别的方法可以获取吗?微信小程序图鉴除外
  11. Good for you I'm sure many others are earning similar amounts or more, it's up to you how you want to spend your money. Anyway realistically speaking this game is and has been the most popular online MMO for years now so they're obviously doing something right. Yeah of course there are flaws such as lack of communication in certain aspects and a lot of features not implemented, but at the same time the game has come a long way since 2015-2017 (new regions, legends, raids, alphas/HAs) so within time we'll hopefully see more improvements.
  12. better odds on this than a secret shiny. much better!!
  13. That 7 battles are like 10-15 minutes, it is not much to need a break, plus if you allow pausing after each fight you could put the respective ribbons doing only 1 battle, which would make it less difficult to obtain them, after some tense combat a rest would be nice, but it would take the fun out of that difficulty
  14. Text-based captcha is not best when it comes to checking if someone is botting because of OCR technology, especially well-trained text recognition models. In 2 days I have built a cross-platform encounter counter that uses OCR (it's running on Windows, Mac, and Linux btw). I didn't even have to retrain the model I'm using, if I had fed enough pokemmo captcha examples, I think it would score 60%-80% accuracy. What AI models aren't good at is recognizing real-life objects/living beings, because it requires a huge number of datasets and power. Edit: You don't need to believe me, here is one example of scientific whitepaper https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8327894 Edit 2: here you have example what the tool can read
  15. They will spend part of their time ensuring the game's anti-cheating system. One of the reasons I play this game is that you don't have to pay to get enough game items, but one problem with games like this is anti-cheat, people can get game coins through automated scripts, and I have witnessed countless similar cases of games are beaten by scripts. I agree with you about the lack of communication. recover pp nerf is completely a product that does not consider balance and competitiveness.
  16. The Battle Frontier is implemented really well, but in my opinion there is one big flaw keeping many players from playing: There is no way to pause during a round (which is 7 battles long). The in-game "Rest" option is not implemented yet and if you exit the game mid round and log in again you spawn in the lobby and lose your streak. This is really frustrating because of the following reasons: - If you play on mobile and have any connection issues you just lose your streak and potential BP. - If there is an Alpha Swarm going on and you are in a round you can't pause and have to decide between losing your streak or not catching the Alpha.
  17. 公会名称 MagicFlut 日期 星期六, 2024年5月11日 时间 北京时间 晚上20:00—21:10 地点 关都3号道路 频道优先3p或者4p(其他频道无效) 时长 1小时抓捕(20:00—21:00) 另外10分钟提交成绩 评分 有效的参赛精灵宝可梦 小火龙 提交方式 在游戏里私聊发给 chaojipaidaixing 规则 1.排名奖励需提交个体值最高的精灵,非酋奖励需提交个体值最低的精灵,分数相同的情况下后捕抓的排名靠前,每人仅只有一次提交机会,闪光奖励可以和其他奖励另算。 2.只能在规定时间规定地点抓到的精灵才有效,且只能本公会成员有效; 3.精灵私聊发送主持人并且在10分钟内不得将私聊精灵移除队伍 主持人 chaojipaidaixing 第一名 怕寂寞2v闪光迷唇姐 第二名 好运金龙 第三名 6v对性头目地龙 第四名 5v爽朗班基拉斯加4v1u勇士雄鹰头目 第五名 5v对性头目鲤鱼王 第六名 5v对性大胆头目吉利蛋 第七名 头目索罗亚+魔镜 第八名 5v温和刻名企鹅 非酋奖 5v对性斗笠菇 闪光奖 12只迷唇姐5只怪力5只大奶罐5只袋兽 参与奖 迷唇姐 感谢:CSge FYHYR dkdkjsj momonike chaojipaidaixing Asonw pbpe xuechani 对活动的大力赞助 活动结束会安排集体合影 合影地点:关都尼比上 频道3 合影时间:21:00-21:10
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