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Everything posted by ImFunk

  1. This also reminds me, not too long ago multiple people dropped the hard N word in global while Edniss was talking and neither of them were muted. We can add racism to things that they allow (unless you're me, then you get 12 hour mutes)
  2. I don't know, you seem to be bad at judging who's serious and who's not.
  3. You could have said anyone in staff and it would fit that description tbh but I think it was edniss or volt
  4. It was one of the irrelevant mods that pops up in global maybe once a week, nobody important.
  5. RMT in it's most basic form is trading anything inside of the game for anything outside of it, and I was offering 10m cash. Although the staff member I talked with did tell me 10m was a bit much so I lowered the price. 2 months later and I'm very broke, but we're very happy together.
  6. I once asked staff if it was okay for me to pay someone to be my girlfriend, which you'd think would be RMT, but in fact they were okay with it. You're welcome.
  7. I saw the random capitals and just thought they just typed like a moron. Very clever.
  8. Good idea. https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/forum/18-suggestion-box/
  9. They've been deleting everything lately. Looks like we're taking the whole "no fun" thing to a new level.
  10. https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/forum/37-ban-appeal/
  11. Bulbasaur - Berry Forest Squirtle - Cape Brink Charmander - Mt. Ember Totodile, Chikorita, Cyndaquil - Hoenn Safari Zone after beating E4 Mudkip - Route 120 Treecko - Route 119 Torchic - Route 112
  12. She just got caught RMT'ing, does she expect to play again?
  13. These are the best ways to farm yen currently. Comp players can't complain about not making enough if they aren't at least trying to use the best methods. Whether or not these should be the best methods is a different argument. Comp players should be able to make just as much yen as casual players without having to grind PvE all day, and unfortunately that isn't the case right now. Your BP idea is a good start to reducing the gap between casual & competitive players but I don't know if that would be enough. Considering how much we invest into our teams, we should be rewarded accordingly. I want to clarify that what I'm arguing against is making competitive Pokémon themselves easier to obtain. The argument that you can only make one competitive Pokémon per day is pretty flawed imo. This is not Showdown, competitive Pokémon are something that should be valuable, and if a new player could pump out a full team in 2 days it would hurt an already struggling market. One per day is more than fair.
  14. I forgot to comment on this but I really like the concept, don't think I've seen something like this before. 11/10.
  15. I understand that but this is something I disagree with. I have always felt an MMO should reward the people who work the hardest. A new player, or old player with little time, should not have everything they want handed to them. A common complaint I've seen is how difficult it is for newer players to get into the comp scene. Is this really a bad thing? Do we want new players being able to finish story and jump into competitive play in a week? They need to spend the time & effort transitioning into the post game like we all did.
  16. My breeds cost me around 300k depending on egg group but that number was with little effort. If I spent less time afking and more time playing the game, I could triple that amount.
  17. I make 600k per day by doing 1 gym run and farming berries on 1 account while afking for 10 hours, how much easier can they make it?
  18. I agree with what Zymo said and this is overall a good idea. The only issue with suggestions like this is where they would put this on their list of priorities compared to things like dungeons & hidden abilities. It seems like a pretty lengthy suggestion so not sure where it would fit in.
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