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Everything posted by boleame

  1. Who is or was bearminator? And why his ot should be considered valuable and rare?
  2. Antes que tumben el post, copia todo lo que escribiste en la publicación y pásalo por el traductor en ingles, luego pégalos debajo de lo que escribiste en español, asi quedara español arriba e ingles debajo, porque si lo dejas asi solo en español te lo pueden cerrar el post. ahora respecto a al concurso, me gustaria participar pero asumo que la publicacion a la que hay que dar like es a l de facebook y no sale el link, asi que creo deberias aceptar que le demos like a esta publicacion de este foro, y aprovecho a participar xd. Mi Pokémon favorito es totodile :3 desde que lo vi cuando jugué por 1ra vez me encanto el diseño, ademas que era una bestia en los gyms xd, espero puedan llevar a cabo el concurso 🙂
  3. what mod do you use to see the sprites looks like that (in this case the lapras), it looks different from hg and ss games.
  4. Why these events with good prizes always happen during our working hours :'v, they should have a second round in the evenings at least, or on weekends. (It's just a suggestion :3)"
  5. Can someone wisper me when the time comes? I will like to try and see if i have some luck on this event (normally i wont :’v) but who knows .
  6. Ign: boleame Location: Relic castle ~ Tesselia/ Unova. The Kaijus have gathered. Everyone Praise the great Mothra!! Follower: Godzilla (Tyranitar), partners: Ebirah(Crawdaunt), Ghidorah(Hydreigon).
  7. Reserved , ill be back with my drawing, see you soon :3 . . Im Back 😄 , heres my draw, hope you like it. Good Luck to all. I call it: "A good heart deserves a good gift" :3
  8. Nice giveaway Mega, hope i could participate, but i must say this, i understad the rules and the specifications but this modality is very vulnerable to bad people who use 2nd and 3rd acounts to participate and get advantage from others players that only uses 1 acount(you know what i mean), i know (as you said in the video) that you dont want to divide the prize in like "10 winners of 10m or 20 winners of 5m" and i respect that, its your decission, just want to let you know this point, ill try to participate, thanks for the giveaway :3
  9. Title: The Migthy Dogs Guardians!! Submission: IGN: boleame
  10. hi, someone can explainme exactly what was that "change"in the hordes who was maded? or maybe de link of the post.
  11. someone can explain what is TT? is like a kind of tournament?
  12. I really hope and would like it to be released on saturday :’)
  13. Hi everyone, Can we ask kyu to start Halloween event tomorrow saturday so we can make the most on this weekend? I really want to play this weekend because in the midle of the week i got job 😞
  14. Hi, I want to participate so i "reserved" this place , i will be back with my draw :3 .... Edit: I'm back again!! 😄 , here is my precious Totodile servant of the great and magnificent Pumpkin King announcing his arrival this year.... good luck to all :3 IGN: boleame
  15. Hello, i was wondering if this year it will be any kind of Halloween drawing contest like past years? (could be a suggestion ). Español: Hola, me preguntaba si este año habrá alguna especie de concurso de dibujo con temática de Halloween como han hecho en años anteriores?
  16. As every year they put out the event a few days closer to halloween (like 29-31 october) but hey, that is just my opinion, im still waiting too for the event (i want it now xD).
  17. hi , when i try to start the launcher of the game the windows open and the music start to sound but the screen keeps black and never shows anything. my java 8 is uploaded and the java 17 is installed too. i tried re installing java and nothing D:. sometimes when i start the launcher it wont open the windows and just create an error archive named like this: hs_err_pid1556
  18. Hi, i send you the amount for 3 tickets :) . boleame
  19. El evento que todos piden, evento de Halloween! The one that everyone are asking for, Halloween event 2018
  20. Excellent definition!! , we want halloween event,please, tomorrow or today
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