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Everything posted by axx

  1. Somewhat fixed, feel free to copypasterino~ (Make sure to turn off BBC code when you copy!) For future usage i highly recommend creating a pastebin and passing it on from CEO to CEO so you dont get messed up posts. edit: http://pastebin.com/vhXE4k2s [spoiler] Made by eggroll The PokeMMO Super League, Season 5 is almost upon us. This season, I’ll be following in the footsteps of Orangemaniac and ThinkNice before me, and hosting PSL. As usual, thanks to Thinky for the format – pretty much every thread will be a replica of the ones he used to use. So, what is PSL? It’s a 9 week competition between teams of competitors across a variety of tiers, from PokeMMO OU to ORAS OU and everything in between. This season, we’ll have 8 managers with roughly 10 players per team (depending on signups). In a couple weeks, I’ll put out a Manager Signups thread – anyone can apply, but Orange and I will be choosing managers who are dedicated and have shown that in the community. Next, I’ll put out the player signups thread, where you’ll post your IGN, your timezone, and what tiers you like to play. During the season, players will compete in one match per week, and they’ll have to communicate with their opponent to schedule when that match will take place. While it’s nice for those with a busy schedule, it is imperative that you schedule and play your matches – don’t let your team down by failing to contact your opponent or being lazy and missing your match! Playoffs: After the regular season, the top 4 teams in the standings will compete in the 2-week playoffs, with huge prizes for the winners. This season, in the championship matchup, all matches will be best of 3. Tentative Schedule: Here’s a loose look at how things will shake out over the next few weeks: Now: Donations Stage Early to Mid May: Manager Signups, Showcase Tournament Late May: Player signups, draft June: Weeks 1-4, midseason auction, salty suite July: Weeks 5-8 August: Playoffs Of course this is all subject to change depending on when things kick off A few more changes to Season 5: - VGC has been changed to ORAS OU in the showdown tiers - Before the draft, we will have a “showcase tournament” for anyone who hasn’t played in PSL before - At the beginning of the regular season, each manager will be given 5k credits to save for the midseason auction, or to trade if they wish. - Midseason – there will be a Salty Suite. Details to come later The format for season 5: 8 Teams, 8v8 (In the event of a tier reset, we’ll just wait to start the season until UU and NU are re-established) PokeMMO OU x 2 PokeMMO UU x 2 PokeMMO NU PokeMMO Doubles DPP OU ORAS OU Here's all the rules (subject to change, as I go through them in the next couple days with a fine tooth comb): Manager description [spoiler] The manager is the heart of the team, the boss, the ruler, the God. As he makes all the final decisions for the team (barring the host). A manager takes care of the finances of his team during the auction and the Mid Season auction, as he also manages trades. The manager controls who plays where and when. Managers are responsible for making sure all his players are up to date about all the rules and regulations of the PSL. The manager is also responsible for informing the host about all inactivities and why they were made. This should be done in time and clearly so the host can make the proper activity calls. Basically the manager has huge responsibilities. This is why a manager can be seen as the most important member of a team, don’t take this role lightly. Keep the following in mind:There will not always be eight new managers. The managers that finished in the top 3 last season will be invited to manage again, be it under the same team name or not. After that the position is up for grabs to the public. Managers cannot play in the PSL, it’s either manage or play. Managers are chosen on a largely subjective basis. For details read the ‘Manager Signups Information’ paragraph. Lastly the manager has these responsibilities.The manager shall send the host weekly rosters. The manager shall ensure to his/her best capabilities that every match will be completed in time. The manager shall inform the host as to why a match failed to be completed in the event that one fails. The managers shall inform the host of any substitutes that should be made. The manager shall inform the host of any attempts of grieving. The manager oversees all trades. [/spoiler] Substitutes [spoiler] A substitute is someone in the team roster that was not initially in the team’s weekly lineup, but due inactivity the managers makes him ‘substitute’ a player. At any point during the week the manager has the right to substitute a player. However, managers make sure your lineup for next week is going to be active. Reckless substituting will result in punishments. Needless to say in the event of a substitute, the substituted player will have to make extra effort in order to get the match played. [/spoiler] Trades [spoiler] Managers may trade players with each other at any point of the regular season. In order to complete a trade both managers must contact the host with the following information:The player(s) that they are trading away. The player(s) that they receive in return. Trades will be finalized at the end of every week. In addition, a player that is being put up for trade must be substituted out if they are in the week’s lineup. Of course, this means a player that is being traded can also not be substituted in that week. A player can immediately play for the other team in the next week. In addition, a manager is allowed to trade up to two players in one trade (meaning you can trade one player for two). I have added a rule to season 4 that a managers may not trade players with more than 5.000 credit auction price differential. Trading 5.000 player and 3.000 player to a 12.000 player would be allowed, for example. The host still has the right to veto any trade. This would mostly happen if a trade would seem notably lobsided. After the player trades both players must fill the criteria for team size. [/spoiler] Sellbacks [spoiler] A manager has the right to sell back a player for 50% of the price they bought their player if following criteria are met:The player has a negative impact on the team, brings the whole team down (evidenced by logs/PMs and team members (witnesses), judged by the host). The player has quit. The player has disappeared. Inactivity (evidenced by logs/PMs and team members (witnesses), judged by the host). Defining inactivity: If a player is so inactive during PMs on the forums or TS that he/she is often unable to complete/schedule a match then it can be called inactivity. As of always the host has the last say. [/spoiler] Manager signup information [spoiler] If you are interested in being a manger I suggest you read up on the paragraph: ‘Manager Description’ before continuing on. After reading all that crap you still wish to be a manager huh? Well, like stated a manager has an enormous responsibility. Because this role is such a vital part of this competition I cannot allow the sign ups to be ‘first come first serve’. The host will always handpick the managers. You have the chance to present yourself as well as possible during the signups. The signup form looks like this: IGN: Motivation: Experience: In addition you can let players vouch for you, if you so wish or need. After the sign ups the host picks managers based on a couple of things.How well the host knows you. How well the host recognizes your activity (forums, TeamSpeak). Don’t worry the host will always be a very active forum and TeamSpeak member. How well you have written your signup form and how much effort you put into it. Lastly before you sign up consider all of the below:Can I stay active through the whole season? Can I communicate well with my players? Can I handle team finances? Can I keep an eye on my players and those of the opponent Do I have knowledge of the competitive scene and the players? Will I keep interest, even when I'm on the losing side? Do I understand and can I make my players understand the terms & conditions of the PSL? [/spoiler] Team Captain [spoiler] The manager has to select one player from his/her roster to become a team captain. A team captain is the second in command. If a manager is away or missing the team captain will take over the duties of the manager. The team captain can also function as a second opinion, for the manager. It is entirely up to the manager how he/she communicates with their team captain. They could be closely discussing potential trades or drafts, strategies, you name it. The team captain can also form a strong bridge of communication between the players of the team and the managers him or herself. [/spoiler] For players: Player Signups Information [spoiler] All players that wish to play in the PSL have to sign up during the player signup week on the forums. Note that this tournament is a nine week long tournament and requires high activity from every participant. Do not sign up if you do not intend to see the whole tournament through. Even if you know your team will not make the playoffs, playing your best is in your best interest. Players may only sign up themselves, so we do not end up in unpleasant situations like in last season. The form for signing up is as follows: IGN: Timezone: Tiers: This form will be used during the live auction to inform managers of who they are exactly bidding on. This is not a sign up thread, do not sign up in this thread. Note that by signing up you agree to the following terms:The player agrees that he can play for any team or manager. The player agrees to respect the decisions of his/her manager (including being traded, being substituted etc.). The player agrees to be respectful and will do his/her best to schedule matches. The player agrees that he/she can be punished or blacklisted for unsportsmanlike behavior or breaking any rules/terms of the PSL. [/spoiler] Pre-Week Battling [spoiler] Pre-Week battling will not be allowed under any circumstances. Yes there is a set schedule generated at the start of the season, in which most players can accurately guess who they will be playing. But you never know what a manager would like to do with their matchups. By asking for a preemptive battle you are basically limiting the options of a manager. This is why pre-week battling is not allowed, substitutes exist for a reason. [/spoiler] For battles: Revealing Teams & Sets [spoiler] Publically revealing teams before a battle by any means is not allowed and you will be punished. Do not publically announce teams. I don’t care what you do in your team PMs, but in threads or during matches do not do this. Speculating really obscure moves is not harmful, yet I'd encourage this wouldn't be done at all. [/spoiler] Ghosting & Coaching [spoiler] To all managers and players I would like to say: please refrain from coaching or ghosting for someone. Ghosting, playing on another person’s account, is an officially ban-able offense. Coaching is not but it does take away from competition like it is meant to be. As a manager or a team member you should have confidence in the ability of your teammate. As a player standing from the sidelines you should have respect for a player’s ability. Helping with practicing is absolutely fine and helping with teambuilding is also good, in fact I would encourage these activities. The grey area is telling what an opponent’s Pokémon set [font=calibri, sans-serif]could be or what a player should watch out for. Some battlers find this irritating as it can ruin the surprises but some are fine with it, so keep this in mind (read: ‘Revealing Teams & Sets). [/spoiler] Getting Your Battles Done [spoiler] This is largely in the player’s hands and there is not much to do about it. I can however try to award the player that is actively trying to get his match done as opposed to neglecting someone’s effort. Follow these guidelines to get your battle done in time or to at least secure a victory for your team in case of player inactivity. Every week will have a separate thread within it the week's match-ups and including a deadline for that week's matches. When you agree on a time you must post in the weekly thread the time and date you agreed on or ten minutes before your match starts. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS the match will be forfeit on both sides. ShowDown players are required to always provide a replay of their match, or this match will too be forfeited. Within 48 hours after the Weekly Match-Ups are posted:PM your opponent with at least 3 different time ranges you will be available, at least 2 must be at least 24 hours apart. Post in the thread stating that you have contacted your opponent. If neither opponent does this: you risk a substitution (getting put out of a team due to inactivity) or a no-contest match. Don't risk yourself or your own team. Within 72 hours after the Weekly Match-Ups are posted:Respond to your opponent either agreeing to one of the proposed times or, if none of them work for you, respond with at least 3 time ranges that will work for you When a time is agreed on, post in the weekly thread with the time of the battle If you do not respond before the 72 hour limit: you must still respond 48 hours before the deadline. 48 Hours before the Weekly Deadline: If neither opponent has PM'd with a time: The match is considered no-contest and does not count for either team. If your opponent responds but doesn't do that within 72 hours of the Weekly Match-Ups are posted you are required to respond in 24 hours. You may accept the times given by your opponent or give 3+ new times that your opponent has to accept. If one opponent PM'd within the timeframe and did not receive a response from the other player: The player who did not respond forfeits the match. It is a Win for the player who sent a PM and a Loss for the player who failed to respond. Of course after the battle is done report in the weekly thread that you won or lost. Huge thanks to Imgur for summarizing it in a clearer way and to Aldaron from Smogon for the system. [/spoiler] Activity Decisions [spoiler] There will always be matches that fail to be completed. But as this system can be abused to give your team an unfair advantage (like when you are up 4-3 and don’t want to risk a tie) activity decision must be made. If both parties are deemed to be equally enthusiastic about completing their match but just could not make it: the match will result in a no contest. If one party makes significantly more effort in trying to get a battle done this player can be awarded a win. Things that will most likely lose your match in case of an activity decision:Failing to PM your opponent as quickly as possible. Scheduling a match but missing this match. Failing to provide concrete and reasonable times. Failing to respond to your opponent in PMs at all. PM evidence will always weigh heavier than in-game screenshots. So always, always make sure that you contact your opponent by PM, no matter how well you know him/her. [/spoiler] In general: Prize [spoiler] Prize pool will be split between the winning team, manager however will recieve 1.5x amount a player will. A player who has played less than 4 matches in a winning team is entitled to 0.75x prize of a player. [/spoiler] Sportsmanship [spoiler] You will respect your teammates and above all you will respect your manager. If you got drafted by a manager you don't like or want you will have to put these feelings aside. Signing up is like signing a contract, and these are conditions you have to accept. Disobeying your PSL duties will result in blacklisting. At any point of time the host can give you a warning or a restriction based on your behavior. Don’t act like a uguu and you should be fine. Trying to purposely evade matches, or not trying to get your match done for example can result in penalties. It’s fine to have a little bit of drama, in fact in can make the whole PSL experience more enjoyable. Don’t push it though and please refrain from flaming excessively. Try to keep interaction on a human level so we can all avoid large scale drama’s. Picking on players is fine as long as it doesn’t turn in to harassment. [/spoiler] Midseason Auction [spoiler] On week 4 of the PSL Midseason Auctions will be put up. On week 3 players get the chance to sign up if they missed the initial signups, or can sign up again if they hadn’t been auctioned. Note that if you were on the first free agent list but did not get drafted that you’ll have to sign up again in order to get on the Mid Season free auction list. Auctioning in the Mid Season will be on the forums instead of a live auction. The rules for the Mid Season Auctions are as follows:Starting bids on any player is 1.000 credits. Minimum raise is 250 credits. Only bids posted in the thread are 'legal'. Bids can't be retracted. If there has been no overbid on a bid for 24 hours, the player goes to the highest bidder. [/spoiler] Reversing Rulings [spoiler] Once a week ends rulings will be irreversible. Any appeal on a ruling (like an activity decision or a rule breaking) must be made during the week the ruling was made. After the week concludes any decisions will be final, no exceptions. [/spoiler] Currently: Donations Stage [/spoiler] edit: many captchas were solved to bring you this post
  2. axx

    Sigh and Tears

    but apparently is not, maybe there are 12 which seems alot but the system requires 16 or 20 or 32 or desu knows who many thats what i wonder, LF desu
  3. axx

    Sigh and Tears

    how? he never said how many are required in ranked and in un-ranked it could be "4 in the same elo level" to make it worse
  4. axx

    Sigh and Tears

    well, there are world broadcasts for legendaries and tournies even tho only a small amount of the player base is concerned with those, arguably less than those interested in ranked matchmaking a small pop-up a couple times a day can't be too annoying
  5. axx

    Sigh and Tears

    True, but lets keep in mind that the players will is to play and having this will broadcasted in the form of a "1 player in queue" can attract other interested players. At the moment is just as you say too, "Nobody sings up, why bother".
  6. Yeah blame DS, givin' out hints n' stuff So here is the suggestion, implement TMs from other generations whose moves are already available in pokeMMO Here the lists: [spoiler] GENERATION 1 Mega Punch Razor Wind Swords Dance Whirlwind Mega Kick Horn Drill Body Slam Take Down Double-Edge BubbleBeam Water Gun Pay Day Submission Counter Seismic Toss Rage Mega Drain Dragon Rage Fissure Teleport Mimic Bide Metronome Selfdestruct Egg Bomb Swift Skull Bash Softboiled Dream Eater Sky Attack Thunder Wave Psywave Explosion Rock Slide Tri Attack Substitute GENERATION 2 DynamicPunch Headbutt Curse Rollout ZapCannon Psych Up Sweet Scent Snore Icy Wind Endure DragonBreath Mud-Slap Ice Punch Swagger Sleep Talk Defense Curl ThunderPunch Detect Fire Punch Fury Cutter Nightmare GENERATION 4 False Swipe Will-O-Wisp Silver Wind GENERATION 5 - GENERATION 6 - I didn't add TMs that already exist, or TMs that are repeated through generations [/spoiler] In total 59 TMs but maybe I missed some or added Hone Claws so don't trust me! You can make them craft-able goods for the MMO feeling or dungeon drops to spice up their rarity~ Discuss. PS. If you plan to add 4th gen moves soon, then those are also included in the suggestion!
  7. axx

    Sigh and Tears

    maybe this could be improved if they show the number of players queued, if the matchmaking shows "2" or "3" there is a high chance somebody else will queue to play
  8. bruh thanks for confirming tho also, has this happened to somebody else? tfw "you broke the stacks gg"
  9. double post cuz notes on berries 101 how do i farm berries for seeds? (chesto, pecha, aspear, rawst and cheri) 1. plant berries 2. water to max 3. wait 8h 4. water to max 5. wait 8h 6. collect berries (yield 4-6 berries per plant, thats 50 berries per patch avg and 30V/60P seeds avg) how do i farm berries for comp? (salac, liechi, petaya) 1. plant berries 2. water to max 3. wait 12h 4. repeat step 2 until 72h have past 5. collect berries (yield 16-18 berries per plant, thats 170 berries per patch avg) soon to add other annoyances such leppa, sitrus and persim
  10. axx

    Trade Corner Purge?!?

    chill, its funnier to blame munya ;p
  11. axx

    Trade Corner Purge?!?

    the culprit always returns to the crime scene~
  12. axx

    Trade Corner Purge?!?

    they deleted the whole first page lmao
  13. axx

    Trade Corner Purge?!?

    "oops i missclicked"
  14. if you are like cheap or don't want to play catch with the black belts you can chain seismic toss mankey -> mawile -> chansey
  15. where do you think the percentages come from? Happiness goes from 0 to 255 and the pogeyman need 220 points to evolve. 220 out of 255 is 86.27% and when applied a ceil function 87%
  16. m roselia xx xx xx xx 31 xx aromatherapy @SpD brace f chansey xx xx 31 xx xx xx @Def brace f chansey xx xx 31 xx 31 xx aromatherapy f ?(fairy) xx xx 31 xx xx xx @Def brace m ? 31 xx xx xx xx xx @Hp brace m ?(fairy) 31 xx 31 xx xx xx @Hp brace f chansey xx xx 31 xx 31 xx aromatherapy @SpD brace f chansey 31 xx 31 xx 31 xx aromatherapy if this got an usable nature you can stop, else youll have to breed with a 2x31 natured go to pewter city and teach it seismic toss
  17. why don't they donate when they get the money? how? say, if i ask for this perk and promise to pay in a week, but i finish the game in two days an quit, what do i care that my account gets banned? did i miss the point or?
  18. tfw rite now they are fillin' with itachi's story which is better than the whole naruto thing
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